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I’m not sure what to make of Melody to be honest. A lot of people don’t like her and I think this has been more of a recent thing since she came back. I don’t really have a problem with her and don’t mind that the writers are trying to explore another side to her but I agree that the writing has been inconsistent. It seems as though she’s going through a series of personalities. My only gripe was that they effectively took out two characters to bring her back. They killed off Axel and whether you liked him or not I felt he certainly had a lot more storylines in him. Better ones than Melody. And I actually really liked the Jai/Axel friendship and at least Jai had purpose. Now all he seems to be doing is holding hands with Annie and at times they don’t even seem like boyfriend and girlfriend.

I always thought killing Axel was more about getting rid of Larry and getting Aden to a place where he'd try and kill him;it felt as though they needed Larry to kill someone and Axel was deemed the most dispensable.I'm not sure if they'd worked out what they were going to do with Melody at the time, otherwise we might have seen her reaction to what happened instead of her being in a mental clinic for weeks without anyone noticing.It might have been better if Axel was still around when she came back because it feels like nothing was really resolved for either of them.He still gets mentioned occasionally and I kind of hope Melody and Jai do have a discussion about him because it would be interesting to hear their different perspectives but I doubt it'll happen.I like Mel but it does seem at times as though the writers don't really know what to do with her.

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Yes, I think Roman and Martha were a good couple. She needs someone more mature than Jack.

Melody is just going down the old route [in soaps anyway] of being completely repressed, then completely going the other way. Annie went that way a bit for a while too [as Mel pointed out], its just a well used storyline.

What is Bridget up to? Does she plan to hit Leah over the head and get the money from her? :lol: Otherwise, how is she going to get it off her? I expect she will pretend to become a confidante of Leah's and listen to all her problems, then ask for money :o But I want to know what her overall plan is: just to get loads of money for herself or is there another reason?

I thought Irene was very stupid to go announcing in public that she had received such a large amount of money, and it would go to Leah. Anyone could have been listening, never mind Bridget. Talking about money like that is just asking for trouble.

I noticed the dollar signs in Bridget's eyes when Irene mentioned the $100,000. I dare say she has a cunning plan. It's probably going to be with a scheme to do with the memorial Leah has in mind for Dan. Irene didn't exactly announce it in public it was just to Alf (and Bridget).

I didn't understand why Meoldy said all boys were the same when talking to Annie saying Jai may be content with just holding hands and kissing for now, but he would want to take things further. She implied Geoff would be the same, but we all know he wouldn't do anything like that. Yes, I know he and Nicole had sex on the island, but under normal circumstances no way!

Hopefully Melody will get back to if not to her old self, but calmer and a normal teenager. Kirsty was right out it being a teenager girl thing, but then she did have a normal upbringing. Mind you, that didn't stop her becoming involved with Kane.

Not sure if Kirsty was in the right the way she had a rant at Leah, it certainly would have looked like things were back on track to a casual onlooker. To Leah's eyes it only confirmed what Coleen said when she saw them together. Wonder what Miles will do as he overheard everything, believe that will be resolved tonight, hopefully. :wub:

Good for her, BTW for having a go at Leah and Irene, they were acting like a couple of kids having everyone round them walking on eggshells.

Slade, how do you manage to get the three different quotes on your reply, sorry if I am being thick, thank you.

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Slade, how do you manage to get the three different quotes on your reply, sorry if I am being thick, thank you.

I can answer that one.(Sorry, Slade.)You click on that "quote" tab at the bottom of all the posts you want to quote, then when you click on "Add Reply" they should all be there.

As for Melody, I can kind of see why she'd think that.She doesn't know the full story of what went on between Geoff and Nicole so as far as she's concerned the one boy that she thought was different has turned out to be the same as everyone else.You can see her thinking that if she'd slept with him they'd still be together.

Not sure about Leah and Kirsty.For once, Leah didn't seem to be motivated by malice or self-interest but she probably should have got her facts straight before she started gossiping.After everything she's said to her recently, I can understand Kirsty thinking the worst.Thinking about it, when Kirsty was Melody's age she was sneaking out to nightclubs and ending up in hospital with a drug overdose.Mel probably hasn't quite reached that stage yet...

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I am confused too. Exactly when yesterday did Leah tell Jai that Kirsty and Miles were back together? Maybe I went out of the room/ dozed off for a second or something :unsure::lol:

I think Irene did talk about the money in public. She was outside, where voices carry quite a long way and there were people around. Definitely silly, it would be better either not to mention it or say it privately indoors. It does annoy me the way the characters always discuss the most private of things in the Diner/ outside/ in the school corridor, then are surprised when people overhear :rolleyes:

A nice fluffy episode today [apart from Bridget's shenanigans]. Rachel pregnant :D, Kirsty and Miles back together. I have decided that they do have a proper relationship, it looks like its not just a convenience one after all. She is far too young for him, but I suppose they are both family types, so maybe it'll work out.

I thought when the boys went out on the Blaxland, they were bound to get into trouble but for once they didn't :o

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Being a Jack and Martha fan, I would hate it if they split up but Roman does love Martha, he acts different around her so I am sure he loves and treasures Martha, he might not act on his feeling but he does genuinely harbor feelings for Martha, and to be completely honest Roman and Martha might not even be that bad but I dont want it to happen yet or for a while at least..

Thinking about it, it's quite likely that

if Jack is actually dead, Roman and Martha will eventually end up getting back together

. Roman and Martha are actually quite a popular couple, even amongst JM fans (although obviously they see the RM pairing as second best, a bit like us KK fans who want Kirsty and Kane to end up together, but don't mind Kirsty being with Miles in the meantime).

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Yep. I know, I hope it doesnt happen yet though as it may be a bit insensitive {the writers} I hope Martha has a chance to shine through this time and show the anti Martha fans that she is a fantastic character.

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A good episode with no kids and a more positive vibe than some of the ones we’ve had recently. It’s been a while since one of the younger characters wasn’t in it. The thing I liked about today is that the two sets of males and females were actually socialising with each other. Something I felt was much needed as some characters have very few friends and I’m not sure how plausible this is for a small town. And Jack and Roman actually got on. I wasn’t sure about that either.

I loved the scene when Alf came to the Blaxland and sussed out that they’d bought the fish. Cheaters never prosper.

I was actually quite impressed with Leah. She did seem to be acting more like a friend to Kirsty and she was prepared to move on or at least accept that Miles is not interested in having a relationship with her. It’s just too bad Bridget’s got something planned.

Rachel being pregnant is good news for the Rachel/Tachel fans. So I guess she’s got what she always wanted. I assume that the writers won’t kill her baby off like they did last time although I do expect there to be problems with the pregnancy. I can just see them doing that, purely for the sake of storylines and testing her and Tony's relationship.

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Wow, I actually agree with everything that's just been said.Once more an episode featuring no teens aside from in the recap and once more, Bridget aside, it was one of the best ones lately.(She's a con artist, she's stealing money to do whatever con artists do with money they steal, buy shoes probably... Hardly gripping stuff.)It was nice to see them actually having some downtime for once and I'm glad that Leah finally seems to have realised how self-destructive her recent behaviour has been.I just hope she sticks with it this time and doesn't have a relapse next time she thinks Miles is available.

And that last scene was just so sweet.I loved it when she made that big speech about how she knew he could never forgive her and he just said "I forgive you."

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