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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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So Belle goes up to Angelo and starts shouting at him and Leah throws him out for 'disturbing the customers', right but it's ok for staff to verbally attack attack customers? Then Angelo gets a wet sponge thrown at him and Aden's the one Alf's concerned about (ie. the same Aden who slept with Angelo's girlfriend). Then Jack wants Angelo taken off the investigation because he's too involved, ie. Jack who set his wife's boyfriend up, and then hid evidence when Martha was charged and was also involved in the Martha/Corey thing and helped cover up for a crooked cop. Common sense doesn't really seem to ring a bell with Summerbay residents :angry: .

And did anyone else think Angelo was right in not allowing Aden to postpone his community service, I mean it was pretty much his own fault leaving it a couple of hours before he was due to start to decide he couldn't do it, it just seems a little arrogant for him to expect it to be postponed at such short notice.

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I suppose the Summer Bay residents think of Aden as 'one of their own' and Angelo as some newcomer, perhaps?

Nice about Rachel's ultrasound. I do hope she doesn't lose this baby, why can't Colleen have some common sense and keep her mouth shut til the magic 12 week mark, at least? :angry: It would be nice if it was a girl: as far as I know Tony hasn't got any daughters [but that doesn't stop an unknown one coming out of the woodwork sometime in the future :rolleyes:]

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I wonder if we will hear anything of Lucas' reaction to Rachel's pregnancy. I know they can't all go about mentioning past characters every episode, but seeing as he only went to university and didn't die/emigrate/cut all ties with the bay, it would be nice if he was referred to at least once in a blue moon.

Oh and I definitely think it will be a baby girl. A very cute one at that. :wub:

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I really didn’t like the way Belle had a go at Angelo and Leah then chucked him out even though he was defending himself and Belle was the one who started it. I was also a bit surprised with Alf. I think he would have been more likely to say that to Angelo and assume that Aden was the one causing the trouble.

I actually found that quite funny when Belle told Charlie about the wet sponge and I thought Charlie did well to keep a straight face. Even though she was the one who had a go at Belle twice last week at least she appears to be showing a degree of professionalism.

It is debatable as to whether Angelo would have made allowances for someone else. And he’s actually starting to turn a bit psycho too. He had no reason to invite trouble at Aden’s community service like that. He should just let it go. What purpose does it serve trying to make life difficult for Aden and Belle? Nothing justifies the way he was acting towards Belle near the end. That was Irene’s house not Belles so he had no right to do that. And it’s interesting how this hasn’t been mentioned yet.

I guess since Murray left the chip there we can assume that someone connected to the main guy involved in the development site/toxic waste disposal cover up (I can’t remember what his name is) did that to Belle.

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Poor Angelo.It does seem as though the whole of Summer Bay has got it in for him at the moment. Belle was the one who started an argument yet Leah threw Angelo out.And then she goes to the police and complains about Angelo accusing Aden of throwing a sponge at him.How the hell does that constitute harrassment?How does Angelo forcing Aden to go through with his court ordered punishment constitute harrassment?(Nice to see Aden's community service playing a part in the plot by the way, I was expecting it just to be forgotten about and us left to assume he did it when we weren't looking.)As he says, keeping an eye on known criminals like Aden is part of his job. Maybe he should let it go and maybe having a go at Belle was a bit silly but every single word he said to her was true.She wishes she never set eyes on him?Yeah, I bet he's feeling the same way.And now he's probably going to get the blame for her being attacked.(Ironically, if Aden hadn't decided to go after Angelo and indulge in some macho postering, he might have arrived in time to intervene.)

Fortunately, for once Aden and Belle didn't manage to dominate the episode and we managed to see Tony and Rachel and Miles and Kirsty, two couples who are actually likeable and who actually belong together.Sometimes Kirsty still looks very young to me.I hope they all get a bit of happiness because they deserve it.(Unlike that other annoying, self-righteous, self-pitying, self-centered couple that I should probably not mention anymore.)

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Aden should not have left it to the last minute to ask for a postponement but he did nothing wrong by trying to ask and I'm sure if he had bumped into a different constable at the station he would have probably got a different answer. Angelo going to check on him was only done to stir things up and I don't think he did it because he sees it as his job to check up on people like Aden: it was clearly done because now it's gotten personal.

The scene at the diner was weird. I also think the way Leah treated Angelo was unfair (why does Angelo keep going there anyway, I'm sure there must be another place in Summer Bay where you can get a coffee - if I were him that would be the last place where I'd want to spend time).

As for his behaviour at Belle's house, I can sympathize with him for his verbal outburst but the throwing around of furniture and the punching of walls in someone else's house is not acceptable - if this is his reaction to finding out his girlfriend cheated on him, I wonder how he would have reacted to finding out that his father had always knowingly left him in the company of a child abuser...

On a lighter, happier note, it was really nice to see Rachel and Tony celebrating and other people's reaction to their news.

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