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As for his behaviour at Belle's house, I can sympathize with him for his verbal outburst but the throwing around of furniture and the punching of walls in someone else's house is not acceptable - if this is his reaction to finding out his girlfriend cheated on him, I wonder how he would have reacted to finding out that his father had always knowingly left him in the company of a child abuser...

Exactly. I've wondered about that too.

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Aden wasn't out of line asking for his community service to be postponed but Angelo wasn't out of line refusing him either.I'm actually a bit confused about the whole thing:Aden had been given permission to delay his community service but then they scheduled it anyway?What was that, an administrative ****-up?I doubt another constable would have let Aden off his sentence, although they might not have taken such pleasure as Angelo did.And I don't think Angelo was trying to get Aden into trouble by turning up in a public place to watch him cleaning a wall.He was probably just enjoying the sight.

I've no problem with Angelo telling Belle what he thinks of her, she apparently thinks it's all right to have a go at him in the Diner and get him thrown out and to turn up at his place of work making petty complaints.(One or two incidents hardly constitutes harrassment.If he'd been hanging around watching Aden for days, maybe.)As for his violent outburst...If I was going to turn into a real Angelo apologist, I could say that he was angry and it was better for him to take it out on the soft furnishings than on Belle.(Something tells me that if he'd cheated on Belle and she'd gone round to his place and smashed something, there'd be fewer complaints.)

So Murray returned Belle's memory card.(Could have saved everyone a lot of hassle by taking it to the police or even returning it to her in person but anyway...)That probably rules out him working for the developers, they'd hardly have him put it there then presumably send someone to get it back and bash Belle.So we're left with him being a good guy or him playing both sides.

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Angelo has every right to verbalise Belle, I did that to someone who cheated on me, but to go as far as throwing furniture? Nope, that just breaks all laws of relationship post breakup, you never do that, she deserves to feel humiliated because she did something wrong and she has accepted but to go as far as pain and inflicting some sort of trauma on her was too far IMO. I dont think though that he beat Belle up, he has too much pride to hurt her like that but after the furniture thing I am not so sure anymore TBH.

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He clearly didn't beat Belle up, I can't see how there could possibly be any doubt.She went off into her room when he started smashing things(bit of an odd reaction but still...), after which he punched a wall and stormed out without going anywhere near her, bumping into Aden who then followed him.He just didn't have the opportunity to physically hurt Belle and she did hear someone else in her room just beforehand.

Another question about the whole development thing:Did Tim know the card he gave the police was a fake or not?

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I just don't buy that angelo would act lke that if they wanted him to have anger problems we shold have seen evidence of it in earlier eps. Aden goaded him several times and Belles treated him badly since they met but only in the last week has he been behaving like this.

In the past I would've thought poor Belle I hope she'll be ok now I think oh great another Belle heavy storyline with her crying again and in hospital again and a victim again. wish she'd gone away to a retreat to sort her head out instead of Martha.

On the plus side though I'm happy that Rachel's pregnant I hope they let her be happy and have a normal pregnancy-what am I saying this is summer bay but you never know!

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A good episode with no kids and a more positive vibe than some of the ones we’ve had recently. It’s been a while since one of the younger characters wasn’t in it. The thing I liked about today is that the two sets of males and females were actually socialising with each other. Something I felt was much needed as some characters have very few friends and I’m not sure how plausible this is for a small town. And Jack and Roman actually got on. I wasn’t sure about that either.

I loved the scene when Alf came to the Blaxland and sussed out that they’d bought the fish. Cheaters never prosper.

I was actually quite impressed with Leah. She did seem to be acting more like a friend to Kirsty and she was prepared to move on or at least accept that Miles is not interested in having a relationship with her. It’s just too bad Bridget’s got something planned.

Glad that Leah and Kirsty have made it up now that all has been explained. Methinks Bridget is going in for a spot of identity theft, was it Leah's driving licence she stole?

Rachel being pregnant is good news for the Rachel/Tachel fans. So I guess she’s got what she always wanted. I assume that the writers won’t kill her baby off like they did last time although I do expect there to be problems with the pregnancy. I can just see them doing that, purely for the sake of storylines and testing her and Tony's relationship.

I do hope they won't make her have another miscarriage, but they will probably moniter her in the early days just to be sure.

I really didn’t like the way Belle had a go at Angelo and Leah then chucked him out even though he was defending himself and Belle was the one who started it. I was also a bit surprised with Alf. I think he would have been more likely to say that to Angelo and assume that Aden was the one causing the trouble.

I actually found that quite funny when Belle told Charlie about the wet sponge and I thought Charlie did well to keep a straight face. Even though she was the one who had a go at Belle twice last week at least she appears to be showing a degree of professionalism.

It is debatable as to whether Angelo would have made allowances for someone else. And he’s actually starting to turn a bit psycho too. He had no reason to invite trouble at Aden’s community service like that. He should just let it go. What purpose does it serve trying to make life difficult for Aden and Belle? Nothing justifies the way he was acting towards Belle near the end. That was Irene’s house not Belles so he had no right to do that. And it’s interesting how this hasn’t been mentioned yet.

I guess since Murray left the chip there we can assume that someone connected to the main guy involved in the development site/toxic waste disposal cover up (I can’t remember what his name is) did that to Belle.

So it was Murray who left the chip, couldn't quite see his face, but where has he left it? Certainly didn't look like Belle's room to me.

Aden should not have left it to the last minute to ask for a postponement but he did nothing wrong by trying to ask and I'm sure if he had bumped into a different constable at the station he would have probably got a different answer. Angelo going to check on him was only done to stir things up and I don't think he did it because he sees it as his job to check up on people like Aden: it was clearly done because now it's gotten personal.

The scene at the diner was weird. I also think the way Leah treated Angelo was unfair (why does Angelo keep going there anyway, I'm sure there must be another place in Summer Bay where you can get a coffee - if I were him that would be the last place where I'd want to spend time).

As for his behaviour at Belle's house, I can sympathize with him for his verbal outburst but the throwing around of furniture and the punching of walls in someone else's house is not acceptable - if this is his reaction to finding out his girlfriend cheated on him, I wonder how he would have reacted to finding out that his father had always knowingly left him in the company of a child abuser...

On a lighter, happier note, it was really nice to see Rachel and Tony celebrating and other people's reaction to their news.

The only other place to get a coffee or whatever is the Surf Club, but then why should he avoid the place, I would just not go there if I found Belle working there.

He clearly didn't beat Belle up, I can't see how there could possibly be any doubt.She went off into her room when he started smashing things(bit of an odd reaction but still...), after which he punched a wall and stormed out without going anywhere near her, bumping into Aden who then followed him.He just didn't have the opportunity to physically hurt Belle and she did hear someone else in her room just beforehand.

We all know that, but Aden doesn't know how long Angelo was at Belle's before he stormed out.

Another question about the whole development thing:Did Tim know the card he gave the police was a fake or not?

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So Belle goes up to Angelo and starts shouting at him and Leah throws him out for 'disturbing the customers', right but it's ok for staff to verbally attack attack customers? Then Angelo gets a wet sponge thrown at him and Aden's the one Alf's concerned about (ie. the same Aden who slept with Angelo's girlfriend). Then Jack wants Angelo taken off the investigation because he's too involved, ie. Jack who set his wife's boyfriend up, and then hid evidence when Martha was charged and was also involved in the Martha/Corey thing and helped cover up for a crooked cop. Common sense doesn't really seem to ring a bell with Summerbay residents :angry: .

And did anyone else think Angelo was right in not allowing Aden to postpone his community service, I mean it was pretty much his own fault leaving it a couple of hours before he was due to start to decide he couldn't do it, it just seems a little arrogant for him to expect it to be postponed at such short notice.

I agree with everything you said. Shocking hypocrisy from all the Summer Bay residents. I'm extremely disappointed in the characterisation at the minute. Charlie is the only one who even attempts to see it from Angelo's side.

That doesn't justify Angelo's violent outburst, I admit, but I don't believe that was a 'normal' reaction for him. More likely one that was provoked from a constant build up of stress, anger and victimisation by the Bay, that will no doubt continue now that everything assumes he's some sort of woman abuser. His little speech to Alf in today's episode about how 'this town works' was entirely true.

Oh, and if they do actually make Angelo some sort of psycho in a bid to make Aden and Belle appear 'good', I'll weep with despair..................

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I haven’t really liked Belle very much as of late but I actually felt quite sorry for her today. Under normal circumstances you would expect Amanda to turn up but as Holly Brisley has left I doubt it. Hopefully they will catch the people that did this and put them behind bars.

In regards to Aden it was both ironic and hypocritical that he way he acted. Perhaps he now has an inkling of how Axel’s family might have felt after he bashed him. And when he referred to Angelo as a coward I just had to shake my head.

Again feeling really sorry for Charlie as she is still depressed and hung up on Roman although I don’t understand why she is being so defensive of Angelo. Perhaps she feels that everyone is against him so by default she has to come to his aid.

I didn’t really like the way Ruby spoke to Roman but you can’t really blame her as she is only looking out for her sister.

And Alf, assuming that Angelo is guilty until proven innocent as per usual. Yes he was blatantly in the wrong yesterday but that doesn’t necessarily mean he did it, although the circumstantial evidence strongly suggests otherwise (and you can’t really blame Belle for pointing the finger at him). And I’m guessing Jack thinks he assaulted her because he’s got form. Either that or he wants him of the case.

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That doesn't justify Angelo's violent outburst, I admit, but I don't believe that was a 'normal' reaction for him. More likely one that was provoked from a constant build up of stress, anger and victimisation by the Bay, that will no doubt continue now that everything assumes he's some sort of woman abuser. His little speech to Alf in today's episode about how 'this town works' was entirely true.

Oh, and if they do actually make Angelo some sort of psycho in a bid to make Aden and Belle appear 'good', I'll weep with despair..................

I think I'll have to join you on that, maybe go punch a couple of walls aswell :angry: . I just really hate the way they're help up as this super couple, everything they say to each other/about each other just seems so contrived, like it's what they're supposed to say because they're so in love :rolleyes: . Don't get me wrong I think they're both really great actors (an especially good performance by Jess as traumatised Belle today) I just don't believe in them as a totally loved up couple.

Yep I agree with you about Angelo's speech to Alf, it's pretty much everything I think too and wanted Jazz to say way back when she was treated like scum.

What makes me laugh about Alf is that he was found guilty of went to prison for a crime he did not commit, how can he possibly condem Angelo for a crime he hasn't even been proven guilty for?

And Roman stood by a guy who beat his supposed friend to the point where he was unconcious, and tried to kill his father, even if he was having a mental breakdown. And Roman was the one encouraging Belle - one of the people Aden held against their will while he tried to kill his dad - to go and see him. Yet he has a problem with Charlie talking to Angelo? He doesn't even have any right telling her what to do.

Oh and while we're on the subject Summer bay seems to have forgotten that Aden did pretty much the same thing that Angelo is being castigated for, he's the one who beat Axel up in the same way Belle was. Yet if I remember correctly no one seemed to be that bothered for more than five minutes (if that).

On a positive note, I love Charlie :D , I love that she's giving Angelo a fair go and that she stood up for his right to be at the surf club.

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