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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Poor Angelo, the whole of Summer Bay really does seem to have it in for him at the moment:Part two. Seriously, what is everyone on?I can understand Aden jumping to the conclusion that Belle was responsible, he's a jerk and he's never liked Angelo.But what exactly has Angelo ever done to make Irene assume he's guilty on the basis of some less than conclusive evidence from Aden?She always seemed quite fond of him.Same with Jack, who'd always been friendly with Angelo up till now.And Leah's telling tales as well.Bet she didn't mention that Belle provoked him.Why doesn't anyone take Angelo's theory about the developers(or Aden)being responsible seriously?They don't even seem to investigate, they just charge him.Has Belle forgotten she heard someone in her room?And if that was Murray on the phone at the hospital, why doesn't he talk to Irene yet does get in contact with Angelo, who doesn't like him?

And I see Aden's good behaviour bond really had an effect on him.He's behaving exactly the same as he always has, playing judge, jury and executioner.And this time with someone who's actually innocent. At least Roman actually told him he was out of line this time instead of turning a blind eye as usual, even if he does seem to be in the line for the lynch mob.Although I have to say, Angelo turning up at the hospital was incredibly dumb.

Not sure why, as some people seem to imply, Angelo smashing up furniture makes him likely to smash up people or try to kill his father.I'd actually call that controlled anger, taking it out on an inanimate object instead of hurting anyone.I seem to recall Belle once sneaked into Amanda's house(a pre-meditated act)and committed some criminal damage.Does that make her a potential psycho?Angelo's behaving no worse than Lucas did when Belle cheated on him.(Except for smashing up furniture read thumping Drew.)And Belle's hardly Miss Cool, Calm and Collected whenever she gets dumped.Even when Aden broke up with her after they tried to sleep together, she felt the need to go and abuse him and the girl he was playing pool with.

Actually quite liked Ruby having a go at Roman.Nice to see her being all protective of her sister.

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*presses the keys with caution* because I am on Aden and Belle's side and everyone that posted seem to be on Angelo's side. lol

Sure, Aden has a temper and what he and Belle did was not right. If they knew that they wanted to be together, they should of waited until Belle had told Angelo that it was over. But looking back, really, what was Angelo expecting?

Long before they broke up because of what Aden did to Larry, they were having problems and from what I remember, Belle and Angelo went on a date (so did Angelo and Charlie, so nothing was serious), but Belle went back to Aden. Even after they broke up and Aden was arrested, surely Angelo couldnt think Belle had a clean break from Aden. Angelo 'comforted' her after what had happened and they got together so fast, no break for Belle to get over Aden. Then during the trial Angelo saw that Belle still had feelings for Aden, the relationship wasnt at all Belle and Angelo, Belle always had some thought or feeling for Aden and Angelo knew that. While it was not nice, surely Angelo should of said or done something long before Belle ended it with him. Why put himself through all that when he saw that Belle and Aden still had something between them.

Using his police powers to get her phone record, demanding to know why Belle was at the police station (when she was there for, shockingly police business) and completely embarrassing her infront of everyone, was not right. He should be angry and upset, but as mentioned above, what did he expect. But it was not right at all to do that to Belle. I think Angelo went way over the top with his reaction to Belle and Aden. Angelo and Belle hadnt been dating long, it was no where near a solid or serious relationship, yet he keeps attacking them both and making sure they suffer. He should get over it, sure be angry and be upset, but control the way he reacts and treat them, because it is making him look crazy and not doing his job any good.

Then throwing furniture around and punching the wall because Belle had made a complaint against him (which wasnt formal) for harassing Aden, which was clear he was. There was no need for him to be there watching Aden.

Aden has anger issues, but so does Angelo. It is not surprising that the town thought it was Angelo that beat up Belle.

And as for people saying, 'innocent until proven guilty' doesnt exist with the people of Summer Bay. I think in this situation it shouldnt. Belle was attacked, left unconscious with serious injuries and she could of died. You cant expect people like Aden and Irene (who are the closest to Belle) to be thinking that it may not be him after everything he has said and done. And being in the house, destroying the wall and furniture minutes before Belle was bashed. How can you not think it was Angelo. He admitted to going to the house to have it out with Belle and smashing the furniture.

As for the other people of Summer Bay, like Alf. Again you cant expect Alf, who has known Belle along time over Angelo for all of 5 minutes, to take a innocent until proven guilty stance because of the seriousness of the crime. You cant be all buddy buddy with someone who may have beaten up his ex until the courts find him guilty, then change your mind against him. The evidence points to what it does, it maybe unfortunate it points that way, because he didnt do it, but it points that way and people have to show their support to Belle.

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The other thing that made me want to throttle Belle was when she said "I tried to talk to him."Yes, Belle, and what you said was "I wish I'd never set eyes on you."That's your idea of calming him down?

I find it impossible to sympathise with Aden and Belle here.They carried on an affair behind Angelo's back, lied to him, Belle had a go at him when he was just trying to get a coffee and got him thrown out of the Diner, then went and made trouble for him at work.No wonder he was angry.Belle was quite happy about him using his position to get information for her, bit different when the boot's on the other foot.And now they're dragging his name through the mud on purely circumstantial evidence.With regards to Belle and Angelo not being together very long, I'd quite like to compare how long they were together and how long she and Aden were together and see which was the longest.Belle went out with him for weeks and he always treated her right yet now she's willing to dismiss him as some psycho who beats her up?And I'm sorry, Irene's attitude was all wrong.Angelo has done absolutely nothing to make her distrust him.She didn't even know about him trashing the house when Aden told her he was responsible yet she just accepted it, even though he didn't see it happen.

And I can't understand what the police are doing.They don't even seem to be trying to look for alternative explanations.Belle's been going on and on about how dangerous the developers are yet now she's forgotten all about that and decided to paint Angelo as the villain.And everyone's letting her.

And H&A Lover, I was actually responding to the previous post, not to Aden's superiority complex.

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It was actually Angelo who said to Belle “I’ll make you wish you never set eyes on me” which is a kind of threat and Belle replied “I already do” to that.

Angelo obviously did not attack Belle but we know it because we are watching as outsiders and we know it was not him – to everyone else circumstances point to Angelo (Aden sees him leave Irene’s house in a fury, the house has signs of a struggle and Belle is found unconscious 5 minutes later – what would I have thought if I had witnessed that? I would have probably come to the same conclusion as Aden).

Having said that, I totally agree people should give Angelo the benefit of the doubt and apply the “innocent until proven guilty” rule and I felt sorry for him that no one except for Charlie was willing to do so. My sympathy started fading though when in the end he showed he was prepared to strike a deal with the developers. Not a very smart choice if you consider he’s actually done nothing wrong.

As for Murray, I think he’s a good guy that ended up being stuck in the middle of something way bigger than him. If only he had agreed to go to the police and explain things…I wonder what happened to him as Tim showed up in his place

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The other thing that made me want to throttle Belle was when she said "I tried to talk to him."Yes, Belle, and what you said was "I wish I'd never set eyes on you."That's your idea of calming him down?

If you are being verbally abused that all sense of calming someone down goes out of the window. You cannot expect her to stand there and try and calm him down when it was obvious he was beyond that point.

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I think Angelo, even more than Murray, comes across as a good guy forced into an impossible situation.He didn't handle the break-up as well as he could have done and somehow got a reputation for being aggressive because of a couple of incidents.And now the whole town's decided he beats women and he's been landed with trumped up assault charges.The police don't even seem to be looking for other suspects, even Charlie just stands there going "He didn't do it" instead of trying to prove it.Maybe because with Angelo suspended and Lara disappeared there seems to be no-one left with any brains.It's odd that no-one seems to have questioned the fact that Angelo supposedly just wandered into a police station after beating up his ex-girlfriend.Hardly the action of a guilty man.When he suggested Aden as a suspect, Jack and Charlie practically laughed at him when from an objective point of view he'd seem to be just as likely as Angelo:He's got a history of violence, he kidnapped Belle not that long ago, Angelo leaves Belle alone unhurt and five minutes later Aden's phoning an ambulance for her.I quite liked that scene with him on the beach near the start where he seemed to regret his outburst.I don't condone him making a deal with the developers but I can see why he'd be tempted:He's facing an appearance in court, months of the whole town thinking he's a monster, a possible jail term and his name being forever tainted even if he's acquited.I think most people would be tempted to do whatever was necessary to get themselves out of a mess like that.(It's not like Jack hasn't got up to that sort of thing in the past.)

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I read one of the posts saying that basically it was no big deal that Angelo broke a piece of furniture, atleast he didn't hit her. It astounds me that people can feel like that. Whether he hit her or not, that is a terrifying expierance for someone to go through. Having someone twice your size barge into your house full of rage threatening you. He didn't just pick up a vase or something and in a moment of anger threw it against a wall. Considering his first words in that scene, he was trying to purposely scare her. He wanted her to feel threatened. Since the reason he went there was to let her know 'if she or her boyfriend caused trouble for him they'd be sorry'. He went there with the purpose of threatening her. We know that because he states why he is there clearly in that scene. And even if he didn't make that clear as day with his words, his demeanor throughout the scene, especially when he started talking about how Belle prefers her boyfriends gave that away.

Anyways I should better stop. It just shocks me when I read how people find his behaviour in that scene acceptable. Or even shrug it off like it isn't a big deal. Because it's basically saying if you hurt someones feelings you deserve this kind of treatment. Alot of Angelo's other actions could explained away as him being hurt, but i feel here he crossed the line. I used to love Angelo, even when he started dating Belle, i start not liking after he started acting like a possesive jerk, but this scene made me lose any sympathy, or liking for him i had left.

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