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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Oh god, Alf.Weren't you just screaming "Let her leave!Don't go after her!And whatever you do, don't listen to Colleen!" at him when he was going all soft on Bridget?She's almost certainly lying about the cancer, given that she was almost certainly lying about having it in the first place, and it sounded from that phone call as though she's basically planning to steal Leah's identity now she knows about the money.

I've said it before and I'll say it again:I really like Miles and Kirsty!!I think they've got a great chemistry and they're just so sweet together.

Really not sure what's going on with Melody.I don't actually think she is a bad girl or at least not entirely.She blatantly manipulated Martin into letting her off on the detention but many of her actions seemed more like her trying to be a bad girl rather than actually being one.She did actually seem to be getting on with Nicole and the others until they basically started treating her like an idiot and got her back up.(Would it really have hurt them to make an effort with Matthew?He did genuinely like her and he did pull Ruby away from that guy not that long ago.)Not sure what to make of Matthew either.He can be a complete tool at times but that's the second time that he's actually shown genuine affection towards a girl.

Very good reason why Bridget 'confided' in Coleen, she knew she would go straight to Alf and plead her case. Of couses she lying about her cancer, she couldn't remember where she had a few weeks ago and I hardly think that is somehing you would forget. Thing is now she is staying, where will she be having her 'treatment'? She will probably tell Alf she needs to have it in the city as she doesn't want anyone else in the bay to know. How is she (or more likely) Alf going to explain the little problem of the signwriters not being paid? I was pondering on how Bridget was going to get her hands on Leah's money, then I had a lightbulb moment - she'll ask Leah what bank she uses as her's is usless.

Although I like Miles and Kirsty togehter they can be a bit gushing at times, let's hope they can cool it down a bit. Loved it when Coleen burst in on them, it made her night, especially when Miles told her she could spread the good news. Glad he actually told Leah himself though.

As for Melody, hopefully she has got the bad girl thing out of her system now. Not saying she has to go back to the way shewas, just strike a happy medium. Was very impressed with Nicole and the way she handled things. I thought the way Ruby, Nicole and Jai treated Matthew was unfair, he did actually like Nicole for who she was in the end, shame Mel couldn't return his feelings, hopefully they can be friends.

Yeah lol, I noticed that aswell when Nicole said that, in the episode yesterday. Tessa must of slipped up, and got muddled up with her lines.

So did I, thought it may have been my hearing.

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Well the whole town has turned aginst Angelo, thanks to Belle and her vicious lies as I say like mother like Daughter What planet dose she think shes on she has every one running after her and shes the one who is being the Bike, just like her mother once again. its about time they gave Belle the heaVE HO.

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By the way, when Nicole was babbling to Miles and trying to convince him she'd been at the library with Melody, did anyone else hear her say "Geoff and Belle are looking after Aden"?I'm guessing she got a couple of names muddled up there...

I wondered about that. I'm still not sure who was looking after who. I presume it was supposed to be Geoff and Aden looking after Belle, which also sounds odd.

I thought that incident with VJ going down the storm drain and Annie getting lost was SO stupid. Its one of those sudden manufactured incidents that HAA shove in every so often when they want to give a less seen character something to do :rolleyes:

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Poor Charlie, she’s really handling the break up very badly isn’t she? Felt really sorry for her again when she was crying and about to open up to Jack. I thought she was a bit unfair to Rachel considering that she was only trying to help. I actually wouldn’t have minded seeing her have a night out on the town with the girls but she probably would have been moping around anyway and we all know how proud Charlie can be at times. Speaking of pride this whole business with Annie happened because Leah was too proud to let Miles and Kirsty look after VJ, although I have quite liked Leah lately and she does appear to be acting more civilised and mature towards Kirsty and Miles unlike before. I did also quite enjoy the scenes with her and VJ especially when she was being stern and trying to draw him into line. It will be interesting to see how Geoff reacts to this and more to the point who he decides to blame this time. :rolleyes:

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What Melody said to Miles today about friends like Jai and Annie wanting her to stay the same as she was before rang a lot of bells for me as it's something I've had happen to me over the years. I think when you are like Melody was, and so introverted and the meek well behaved one there's a certain expectation from everyone around you, including friends to always be like that and when you try and change it they don't like it and have a hard time dealing with it. The thing with Melody though, is she's taken this whole changing thing to the extreme and I feel that is what Annie and Jai are really concerned about and not so much the fact that she has changed. I'd see people like Nicole, Geoff and Ruby having a hard time dealing with Melody being more assertive though, especially Nicole and Ruby as they are very strong influences and I just don't think they'd like Melody suddenly asserting herself when she's always been more of a follower than a leader. Also this change in Melody can never end well because the way I see it she hasn't made the changes for herself, she's done them for Geoff and the idea that if she's more outgoing and assertive like Nicole then he'll be attracted to her again. :(

Wasn't it nice and clean down that drain, not to mention nice and light? :lol: I wonder if VJ will get into trouble for going down there in the first place and putting the others in danger because they went down after him? Not to mention the fact he was meant to be with Colleen (who only gave permission for him to ride his bike in the caravan park and not to go following Annie and Jai.) Leah is really going to have her hands full with that one.

Poor Charlie, still bruised from her split with Roman. I cheered when she had a go at Rachel because it did come across her only asking because she felt sorry for her, rather than because they are friends. In fact I don't even remember them having any sort of friendship in the past? Charlie is a proud woman, so of course she'd not want an invitation offered through sympathy.

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