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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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^Nope we’re still leading up to the series finale. Which should be next Friday (I think).

What does the "series finale" mean, please? When will it be? What happens after it on England TV?

Series finale just means the last episode shown for that year,untill it returns the next year,so they try to make it memorable for the viewers.We won't know what happens after it til Monday when it comes back on it Aus,but we UKers only have wait about 2 days to see that epi :P and the season finale should air on Jan 30th on channel 5 in the UK and the epi of the new season (4771) should air on Feb 2nd on channel 5 :).

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By the way, when Nicole was babbling to Miles and trying to convince him she'd been at the library with Melody, did anyone else hear her say "Geoff and Belle are looking after Aden"?I'm guessing she got a couple of names muddled up there...

I wondered about that. I'm still not sure who was looking after who. I presume it was supposed to be Geoff and Aden looking after Belle, which also sounds odd.

I thought that incident with VJ going down the storm drain and Annie getting lost was SO stupid. Its one of those sudden manufactured incidents that HAA shove in every so often when they want to give a less seen character something to do :rolleyes:

Probably it's because Geoff lives at the Beach house and of course Aden would be there looking after Belle.

There is likely to be more to it than that, we'll have to wait and see. Though having said that how come it's never been mentioned or seen before? Liked Annie's answer to Jai when he said about her not being happy about the site he had picked that it was 'chick thing'. :)

Yeah, the season finale is on 30th January on Channel 5 and from the following week we'll only be two weeks behind Australia.

Annie must have a really bad sense of direction to get lost in that storm drain is all I can say...

Jai did mention it was like a maze in there so understandable she got disoriented.

Yep, I was right, Alf and Bridget had a doctors appointment in the city :rolleyes:

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Annie must have a really bad sense of direction to get lost in that storm drain is all I can say...

Jai did mention it was like a maze in there so understandable she got disoriented.

Okay, nitpick revoked.I'm guessing it was meant to be darker than it looked.Miles said it was pitch black in there, Annie thought they should have brought a torch yet it seemed to be practically daylight!

does anyone know what deal Angelo made with Tim the toxic waste guy to keep him out of jail the other day

Technically, we don't even know if Angelo accepted Tim's offer yet, even though that was the implication, so no, we don't know the details.

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Great start to the week - thought it was the series final already (only joking!) with all the action packed stuff but was really good. Thought Charlie was a gonna for a while there but glad she's OK - she did seem to be very OK really quickly as well! OMG at Charlie and Angelo as well :o

Felt very sad for VJ but pleased that Miles will be hanging out with him.

Oh and nice to see Roman & Angelo topless - yummy!! :wub:

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Wow, Angelo does have a home!Loved Ruby telling Charlie a few home truths and not only did we see Leah's house but her and Ruby had a scene together.Is that the second time Charlie's slept with a guy who's hiding something?Presumably we'll find out what that phone call was about tomorrow.

Summer Bay really needs to learn the meaning of "benefit of the doubt".It's less than a year since the town in general and Irene in particular assumed Aden was responsible for Annie being in hospital on the grounds he was in the area at the time and started treating him as even more of a pariah than usual.No-one ever learns from their mistakes...

Loved Miles and Geoff leaving Jai and Annie alone at the hospital.Kirsty moving back in with Miles...I'm getting a faint trace of alarm bells here.She seemed pretty keen to take things slowly last episode and there did seem to be a brief look of concern on her face when he first suggested it.Liked his casual "Break it" about her lease though.

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As much as I like Roman I have to say that I was a bit disappointed with his attitude towards Angelo today. He’s usually pretty laid back but he seemed like the aggressor. I wasn’t surprised with Irene though. Objectively speaking you would expect her to believe Belle but she always seems to adopt the attitude guilty until proven innocent.

Leah’s decided to be humble and put VJs interests ahead of her pride, which makes me like her even more.

Charlie, was she brave or stupid? I don’t know. Roman dumping her turned out to be a good thing after all because if she wasn’t so down in the dumps and felt she had nothing to loose she might not have gone down the storm drain to rescue Annie. And Geoff didn’t blame anyone too, so I guess I was wrong. Her and Angelo eh. No doubt the night they spent together was an obligation out of sympathy for each other.

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Kind of in two minds about Irene's attitude.She's often slow to trust people, making them earn it, but Angelo seemed to be in her plus column:She seemed to have given him free access to her home, she was having meals with him after hours at the Diner and she told Belle she'd got herself a good one.So it's a bit disappointing that she just accepted he was a woman-beater(initially)on Aden's say-so, despite no-one seeing him do anything and without hearing his side of the story.She goes to court to support Kane when he puts someone in hospital, she lets Aden back to work at the Diner without a word after he takes Belle hostage, yet she can't even let Angelo reassure Geoff while his sister's missing without a barbed comment.

And yes, Roman's "Get out of town" act did make me want to flatten him.At least Ruby didn't push him away when he was comforting her at the beach.

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