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Kind of in two minds about Irene's attitude.She's often slow to trust people, making them earn it, but Angelo seemed to be in her plus column:She seemed to have given him free access to her home, she was having meals with him after hours at the Diner and she told Belle she'd got herself a good one.So it's a bit disappointing that she just accepted he was a woman-beater(initially)on Aden's say-so, despite no-one seeing him do anything and without hearing his side of the story.She goes to court to support Kane when he puts someone in hospital, she lets Aden back to work at the Diner without a word after he takes Belle hostage, yet she can't even let Angelo reassure Geoff while his sister's missing without a barbed comment.

And yes, Roman's "Get out of town" act did make me want to flatten him.At least Ruby didn't push him away when he was comforting her at the beach.

So I guess her being so welcoming initially of Angelo in the first place was out of character. Perhaps because he was a police officer she felt he could be trusted. Although considering what happened with Corey you would have thought there could have been an element of doubt in her mind. Regarding Kane she didn’t trust him at all initially. I remember an episode where he was trying to talk to Tasha and she came home from work, found them and threatened to call the police. When he kept quiet about the damage she caused to the school (letting everyone think he did it), Irene then started to warm to him and eventually they became very close. So I’m not surprised she went to court for him. What has surprised me is the sudden change of heart towards Aden. I don’t think he’s sufficiently proved himself to be honest, although admittedly he loves Belle and I keep telling myself he will come good but at the moment I actually don’t find him to be a very pleasant or likeable but to be fair this can be attributed to the fact that he is still in recovery. And one thing that annoyed me the other day was when Irene saw him in the Den and said “It’s good to have you back love” and then I think in the same episode when Geoff mentioned that Nicole and Nat had a bust up in the city she immediately blamed Nicole and I just couldn’t understand why she was prepared to give Aden the benefit of the doubt but not Nicole even though her actions haven’t been anywhere near as bad as his. So perhaps she felt sorry for him because of the abuse although I still don’t have a clue who in Summer Bay actually knows about that (Roman, Rachel, Morag, Nicole and Angelo I’m certain of).

I’m actually disappointed with the writers with Irene’s character this year aside from not having a major storyline (which is covered on another thread) there’s certain things about her that have been inconsistent, such as her attitude during the whole Melody/Geoff and Jai/Annie fiascos where in both cases I thought she would have been more supportive of them being together, where initially I don’t think she was.

I was also glad when Ruby didn’t push Angelo away. I actually wasn’t sure about that because when Ruby asked Roman how Belle was I just presumed that she thought he was guilty like everybody else but I guess if Charlie’s given him the benefit of the doubt she has enough faith in her sister that she knows what she is doing.

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I'm shcoked they gave Rachel the day off and had another Doctor treating Charlie and Annie. :lol:

This episode was pretty dramatic but i enjoyed it. Annie though, annoyed me acting like a helpless little girl when all she had to do was pull the gate up and she's be out....or turn and go back before the water started gushing out.

I feel sorry for VJ. It can't be much fun for him having to be with Colleen all the time. It's nice he's actually getting some little storylines now!

And Miles :lol: I love him. He's so funny.

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Annie must have a really bad sense of direction to get lost in that storm drain is all I can say...

Jai did mention it was like a maze in there so understandable she got disoriented.

Okay, nitpick revoked.I'm guessing it was meant to be darker than it looked.Miles said it was pitch black in there, Annie thought they should have brought a torch yet it seemed to be practically daylight!

does anyone know what deal Angelo made with Tim the toxic waste guy to keep him out of jail the other day

Technically, we don't even know if Angelo accepted Tim's offer yet, even though that was the implication, so no, we don't know the details.

I'm guessing the phone call Angelo received the morning after his night with Charlie may have been something to do with Tim. It certainly didn't look good news.

Great start to the week - thought it was the series final already (only joking!) with all the action packed stuff but was really good. Thought Charlie was a gonna for a while there but glad she's OK - she did seem to be very OK really quickly as well! OMG at Charlie and Angelo as well :o

Felt very sad for VJ but pleased that Miles will be hanging out with him.

Oh and nice to see Roman & Angelo topless - yummy!! :wub:

They certainly are miracle workers in that hospital, I thought they would have kept Charlie in overnight, but they can't force her to stay

It was good that VJ was able to tell Leah how he was missing Dan and his dad and if she scared to let him see Miles in case he died. She obviously didn't think about that when she decided VJ shouldn't hang about with Miles.

Kind of in two minds about Irene's attitude.She's often slow to trust people, making them earn it, but Angelo seemed to be in her plus column:She seemed to have given him free access to her home, she was having meals with him after hours at the Diner and she told Belle she'd got herself a good one.So it's a bit disappointing that she just accepted he was a woman-beater(initially)on Aden's say-so, despite no-one seeing him do anything and without hearing his side of the story.She goes to court to support Kane when he puts someone in hospital, she lets Aden back to work at the Diner without a word after he takes Belle hostage, yet she can't even let Angelo reassure Geoff while his sister's missing without a barbed comment.

And yes, Roman's "Get out of town" act did make me want to flatten him.At least Ruby didn't push him away when he was comforting her at the beach.

Yeah, who made him sheriff? Nothing has been proven yet.

I'm shcoked they gave Rachel the day off and had another Doctor treating Charlie and Annie. :lol:

This episode was pretty dramatic but i enjoyed it. Annie though, annoyed me acting like a helpless little girl when all she had to do was pull the gate up and she's be out....or turn and go back before the water started gushing out.

I feel sorry for VJ. It can't be much fun for him having to be with Colleen all the time. It's nice he's actually getting some little storylines now!

And Miles :lol: I love him. He's so funny.

Annie obviously didn't know about being able to pull the gate up and once she had got her arm caught she couldn't also wouldn't have been very dramatic if it had been that easy. Did you notice all of a sudden there were lights in the drain, were they activated when the water level started rising? I suppose it was Roman having being in the SAS he knew to tether himself with a rope so he didn't get swept away.

I noticed that, normally Rachel (and before her Flynn) would have been there like a shot.

Charlie is really beginning to annoy me, it's all me, me, me. :angry: Fair enough she has been dumped, but Roman did the right thing when he could have gone on letting her think he loved her when he didn't. Also she was so cruel to Ruby, when she said 'who needs me' Of course Ruby does, she lost her mum and now her dad is also ill.

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I just feel so annoyed after watching that episode. What right does Aden have walking into the cop shop like that? At the time Angelo was on bail, the same laws which got him on bail after he tried to kill his father and held two women hostage. Didn't hear him complaining then. Infact I don't recall him being annoyed that the cops weren't doing more to lock up a violent person after he beat up Axel to the point where he was unconcious.

I was also annoyed at Belle when she was complaining that Angelo hadn't been locked up after he was cleared. I'm not sure if it was meant to come across as her complaining about it but that's how it came across when she was ranting to Irene 'Angelo's been let off, the devolopment case is closed, it was all for nothing.'

Also no one apart from the cops said sorry to Angelo or even acknowledged that they were wrong about him. Alf acted as if nothing had happened when a couple of episodes ago he was having a go at him. I'd be pretty annoyed so I was pretty suprised to see Angelo act so normal with him. It really annoys me that the SB residents are so quick to be judge and jury yet don't have the guts to admit they were wrong when they are proven wrong.

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I’m actually disappointed with the writers with Irene’s character this year aside from not having a major storyline (which is covered on another thread) there’s certain things about her that have been inconsistent, such as her attitude during the whole Melody/Geoff and Jai/Annie fiascos where in both cases I thought she would have been more supportive of them being together, where initially I don’t think she was.

Yes, it's really not been Irene's best year.She behaved appallingly towards both Melody and Jai, not seeming to care about either of them.On three separate occasions she's refused to help Melody, on two of them claiming Christine was a good mother and knew what was best for her, and basically told Geoff and Annie to stay away from her.And despite knowing Jai had lost his family and his only friend, she banned him from seeing the only person in the Bay who seemed to care about him, having decided on even less evidence than with Angelo that he beat up girls.Someone mentioned on another thread that she seems more like a landlady than a carer to her brood:Half the time when they've been through a trauma she's either nowhere to be seen or has two lines about being worried about them then disappears.

I take it we're meant to assume Angelo fixed the soil samples for Tim.(Again I'm forced to ask:What about the samples Annie and the others collected that showed high arsenic in the area?)Bit confused about the whole set-up:Was the guy that the police caught the guy that actually did it or some guy Tim paid to take the fall?And what were they up to?I assumed they'd gone to retrieve the memory card and Belle just got in the way but then Tim said they always intended it to look like a robbery gone wrong.Was that a plan they came up with after Belle wandered in on them but before Angelo was accused?Or did they always intend to bash Belle, in which case what's the point of warning someone if you don't tell them you're doing it?Did we see Murray take the files from Belle's car or not?I don't think I was paying attention.Bit surprised to see Belle doing rehab or being immobile, she seemed to be walking fine when she left the hospital.Anyway, I can see why Angelo did what he did, when you're in that deep a hole you'll take any lifeline, but I think it'll come back to haunt him:Now he's in their pocket, they're not gonna let him go.

Aden...The previous post accurately summed up his hypocrisy so I won't go on about it.I actually thought he behaved a bit better than usual, I was expecting him to go after Angelo and make threats instead of getting the police to deal with it and I suppose you can excuse it by him being concerned for Belle.And at least Irene had the sense to pull him up about it.Although what was he going on about when he complained about Angelo ignoring them?What did he want him to do?Doubt either of them's going to apologise given Belle's comment about Angelo being off the hook.Is she still trying to pursue a charge of "wrongly accusing someone of throwing a sponge at you"?(Presumably considered worse than "wrongly accusing someone of battering you.")It's tempting to call Alf a hypocrite but he's actually one of the better ones:He might have been short with Angelo and given him a few glares but at least he didn't refuse to serve him or try to run him out of town so I'll buy his "Congratulations, mate" behaviour.

Looks like Mel's gonna be in trouble.(Although didn't Belle do an assignment for Aden not so long ago and get away with it?)I have to say her words to Geoff were spot on:Her friends have basically deserted her because she wouldn't do what they said.

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I think this with Belle and her poor little me act has gone on enough for all her moaning and crying she could have saved her self hardship if she had been honnest in the first place, get on with you life belle people are fed up.

Melody I would say is going to go off the rails again with her going to the Formal and being given drugs, but hasnt this story line been done before with Matilda going to a party and been given drugs, boring

Miles I have to say is one of the better cast members with a good sence of humor, Roman I,m sorry he has no personality.

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I really think Geoff should give up on trying to help Melody (at least for the time being) and just concentrate on his relationship with Nicole. It’s like she said last week sometimes it’s better to let people make their own mistakes and learn from them. I don’t think it’s really doing any good the way he still appears to be playing the knight in shining armour. It’s too ambiguous. He should just take a step back and make sure if she does get hurt that he’s there for her.

Did Charlie think that fling was really a mistake? She seemed to be having flashbacks all day so it couldn’t have been that bad. One of the things I like about her as I’ve said is her professionalism. I thought she handled Aden very well considering the way he was acting.

He was even more civilised to Geoff than he was at school the other day. I would even go as far as saying he was joking pleasant. I really hope the writers don’t decide to make them best buddies within a week. If they are going to become pals at least drag it out and make it plausible, i.e. still feeling awkward around each other for a little while.

Good for Angelo that he got off. I couldn’t care less whether he made a deal with Tim. Jack did the something similar and people forgave him and let’s face it, it pales in comparison to you know who. Regarding Alf I agree his reaction didn’t ring true. It was almost as if the way he acted towards him previously didn’t happen. I actually thought that was bad script writing not keeping in with continuity like that.

I have now come to the conclusion that if some people can blatantly support Aden after everything he’s done then why can’t others stick up for Angelo who’s misdemeanours don’t even come close. And although I didn’t agree with the way he acted at Irene’s place at least it has taught Belle a valuable lesson. I don’t think she’ll be using anyone again anytime soon…

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Oh dear Melody - don't think she will be Citizen of the Year 2008 for long! Who else got nominated? :blink:

Aden was really annoying today - has he forgotton what he did a few month ago? Let's hope he says a big sorry to Angelo!

Oh and talking of Angelo - those scenes with him and Charlie were a bit steamy LOL!! :lol:

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