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I think this with Belle and her poor little me act has gone on enough for all her moaning and crying she could have saved her self hardship if she had been honnest in the first place, get on with you life belle people are fed up.

Melody I would say is going to go off the rails again with her going to the Formal and being given drugs, but hasnt this story line been done before with Matilda going to a party and been given drugs, boring

Miles I have to say is one of the better cast members with a good sence of humor, Roman I,m sorry he has no personality.

janice514.I am sorry if this sounds like me getting heavy but, please, this thread is for discussing episodes that have been broadcast on Five.If you want to discuss episodes that have only been shown on Fiver, the thread for that is here.Or else just wait a day before posting.I don't want to sound unwelcoming, I enjoy reading your opinions but please, you're just spoiling it for people who haven't seen the episode yet.Sorry if that sounded pompous.

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Bridget is just so devious & nasty - having had cancer in my family it really does grate on you that she is lying through her teeth about having it. :angry: And no Alf, chemo doesn't always work (but it helps!).

It is so obvious that Roman still has feelings for Martha and I'm pleased to see that Charlie see it too! Wonder how long it will be until Martha and Jack find out this fact?!

Melody needs to sort herself out as I was really pleased when she came back but don't like her at the moment! :angry: Felt a bit sorry for Nicole as she was looking forward to going to the Prom with Geoff. Hopefully Mel won't be able to go now anyway!

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Yeah, Melody obviously has issues.She manipulated pretty much everyone she met in that episode from Miles to Matthew to Geoff, yet her tears when Miles confronted her in the classroom actually seemed real.She really needs to talk to someone.Miles' assessment of her is probably correct and he seems to be handling it as best he can.Geoff...should probably just stay away.Agreeing to take Melody to the formal is giving her false hope at best and a recipe for disaster at worst.Did he really think that Nicole, his actual girlfriend, wouldn't mind?Actually, yes, he probably did.

Since when were Martha and Charlie best buddies?Seeing them hugging each other and saying they wished they'd had each other to talk to was just weird.Martha's matchmaking was woefully misguided but led to a surprising moment of insight from Charlie.

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It struck me [well, my husband as he notices these things] how alike Martha and Charlie are! When they sat opposite each other in the diner, they looked like twins. So all poor Roman was doing was finding a Martha substitute. I felt so sorry for him at that awful meal with Charlie, Martha and Jack. He looked so trapped :( I think Martha was barmy, trying to matchmake. It was like: look at me and Jack, we're so happy, whereas you two are sad losers. I'm sure she didn't mean it like that, but that's what it looked like :rolleyes:

I agree about Aden being hypocritical about Angelo. I suppose its like people who give up smoking then become obsessive about others not smoking: Aden is a reformed criminal so he is evangelical about Angelo's 'crimes'.

I laughed so much at Nicole seeing through Mel's manipulation of Geoff. Nic is so good for Geoff, they complement each other.

I hope Angelo and Charlie get together. I can just imagine them marching through Summer Bay like two terminators, arresting people :lol:

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I just can't understand Melody, she is blatanly trying to be someone she isnt, I know she has had a tough year so I can be slightly sympathetic but she doesnt seem t be very civil to people and I cant understand why.

I agree completely with Miranda's comment about Roman finding a Martha subsitute and to be completely honest that isnt very fair on Charlie or to some point on Roman because I think he is trying to find some middle ground but his love for Martha is clouding his judgement.

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Wow I was actually surprised myself how calculating Melody was especially with Matthew. First she back stabbed him then when he called her out about it she completely threw him of the scent.

At times Geoff can be ridiculously naïve.

It was good to see Roman and Nicole spend some quality time together. I hadn’t really seen that in a little while as they’ve both been far to caught up in their love life or not as far as Roman is concerned.

Regarding Charlie I don’t think it was a moment of insight. Granted she is a cop so she’s paid to think in a particular way but aside from Bridget letting the cat out the bag about him forking out for Martha’s stay at the retreat, we didn’t get to see the whole of that dinner. I suspect that perhaps he was acting or looking at Martha in a particular way that made Charlie think “Hang on, wait a minute”.

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Since when were Martha and Charlie best buddies?Seeing them hugging each other and saying they wished they'd had each other to talk to was just weird.

That's exactly what I was thinking - have they even really spoken before?

Geoff really needs to leave Melody alone - he is totally messing with her head and it's the last thing she needs. I'm really enjoying Melody's typical teenage behaviour at the moment - after everything she's been through it's totally understandable. In fact it's surprising that everyone is so surprised and shocked by it! The only reason she was such a goody goody before was because she was under the control of her mother - she needs to rebel and find out who she really is.

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I just feel so annoyed after watching that episode. What right does Aden have walking into the cop shop like that? At the time Angelo was on bail, the same laws which got him on bail after he tried to kill his father and held two women hostage. Didn't hear him complaining then. Infact I don't recall him being annoyed that the cops weren't doing more to lock up a violent person after he beat up Axel to the point where he was unconcious.

I was also annoyed at Belle when she was complaining that Angelo hadn't been locked up after he was cleared. I'm not sure if it was meant to come across as her complaining about it but that's how it came across when she was ranting to Irene 'Angelo's been let off, the devolopment case is closed, it was all for nothing.'

Also no one apart from the cops said sorry to Angelo or even acknowledged that they were wrong about him. Alf acted as if nothing had happened when a couple of episodes ago he was having a go at him. I'd be pretty annoyed so I was pretty suprised to see Angelo act so normal with him. It really annoys me that the SB residents are so quick to be judge and jury yet don't have the guts to admit they were wrong when they are proven wrong.

I thought the same thing about Alf, no apology or anything, I was amazed Angelo didn't make any sort of comment about it.

When Belle moaned about Angelo ignoring her, it was in his bail conditions that he didn't approach her. Bet if he had she would have compalined about that!

I’m actually disappointed with the writers with Irene’s character this year aside from not having a major storyline (which is covered on another thread) there’s certain things about her that have been inconsistent, such as her attitude during the whole Melody/Geoff and Jai/Annie fiascos where in both cases I thought she would have been more supportive of them being together, where initially I don’t think she was.

Yes, it's really not been Irene's best year.She behaved appallingly towards both Melody and Jai, not seeming to care about either of them.On three separate occasions she's refused to help Melody, on two of them claiming Christine was a good mother and knew what was best for her, and basically told Geoff and Annie to stay away from her.And despite knowing Jai had lost his family and his only friend, she banned him from seeing the only person in the Bay who seemed to care about him, having decided on even less evidence than with Angelo that he beat up girls.Someone mentioned on another thread that she seems more like a landlady than a carer to her brood:Half the time when they've been through a trauma she's either nowhere to be seen or has two lines about being worried about them then disappears.

I take it we're meant to assume Angelo fixed the soil samples for Tim.(Again I'm forced to ask:What about the samples Annie and the others collected that showed high arsenic in the area?)Bit confused about the whole set-up:Was the guy that the police caught the guy that actually did it or some guy Tim paid to take the fall?And what were they up to?I assumed they'd gone to retrieve the memory card and Belle just got in the way but then Tim said they always intended it to look like a robbery gone wrong.Was that a plan they came up with after Belle wandered in on them but before Angelo was accused?Or did they always intend to bash Belle, in which case what's the point of warning someone if you don't tell them you're doing it?Did we see Murray take the files from Belle's car or not?I don't think I was paying attention.Bit surprised to see Belle doing rehab or being immobile, she seemed to be walking fine when she left the hospital.Anyway, I can see why Angelo did what he did, when you're in that deep a hole you'll take any lifeline, but I think it'll come back to haunt him:Now he's in their pocket, they're not gonna let him go.

Not quite sure how Angelo would have managed to 'fix' the soil samples, he hasn't got the expertise, unless he persuaded someone at the lab. The guy they arrested for the attack did seem to have all the details right and he may agreed to confess for the right amount of money. No we didn't actually see Murray take the files so it could have been anybody.

Aden...The previous post accurately summed up his hypocrisy so I won't go on about it.I actually thought he behaved a bit better than usual, I was expecting him to go after Angelo and make threats instead of getting the police to deal with it and I suppose you can excuse it by him being concerned for Belle.And at least Irene had the sense to pull him up about it.Although what was he going on about when he complained about Angelo ignoring them?What did he want him to do?Doubt either of them's going to apologise given Belle's comment about Angelo being off the hook.Is she still trying to pursue a charge of "wrongly accusing someone of throwing a sponge at you"?(Presumably considered worse than "wrongly accusing someone of battering you.")It's tempting to call Alf a hypocrite but he's actually one of the better ones:He might have been short with Angelo and given him a few glares but at least he didn't refuse to serve him or try to run him out of town so I'll buy his "Congratulations, mate" behaviour.

Looks like Mel's gonna be in trouble.(Although didn't Belle do an assignment for Aden not so long ago and get away with it?)I have to say her words to Geoff were spot on:Her friends have basically deserted her because she wouldn't do what they said.

Belle hadn't just been named Citzenship of The Year and it probably would have gone undiscovered if Miles hadn't find the papers in her bag.

Yeah, Melody obviously has issues.She manipulated pretty much everyone she met in that episode from Miles to Matthew to Geoff, yet her tears when Miles confronted her in the classroom actually seemed real.She really needs to talk to someone.Miles' assessment of her is probably correct and he seems to be handling it as best he can.Geoff...should probably just stay away.Agreeing to take Melody to the formal is giving her false hope at best and a recipe for disaster at worst.Did he really think that Nicole, his actual girlfriend, wouldn't mind?Actually, yes, he probably did.

Since when were Martha and Charlie best buddies?Seeing them hugging each other and saying they wished they'd had each other to talk to was just weird.Martha's matchmaking was woefully misguided but led to a surprising moment of insight from Charlie.

Melody certainly seems to have got pretty good at lying, her mother didn't teach her that. Geoff painted himself into a corner when he said he would do anything for her, always a bad mistake! He could hardly turn round and say 'Ah, anything but that'. Another porkie was when she said Geoff had asked her to the Formal. What's the betting she will do a bit of sneaking out of the house and arranging to meet Geoff there?

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Regarding Charlie I don’t think it was a moment of insight. Granted she is a cop so she’s paid to think in a particular way but aside from Bridget letting the cat out the bag about him forking out for Martha’s stay at the retreat, we didn’t get to see the whole of that dinner. I suspect that perhaps he was acting or looking at Martha in a particular way that made Charlie think “Hang on, wait a minute”.

True enough but it's interesting that Charlie picked up on it and Jack and Martha apparently didn't.

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I quite enjoyed today, well more than any episode this week!!

I think I like Xavier - he's a bit of trouble at the moment but looks like he will be fun - I'm enjoying all these half naked bodies as well! <_<

So Roman admitted his feeling for Martha - what a shock! :lol:

Bridget looked very worried when Rachel was quizing her but I was surprised she gave such a quick answer to the consultants name in the city!! She must have thought of that one in advance. Looks like she's got away with that again as well :angry:

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