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Aden did what he thought was right. I am not looking for a fight, just wanted to say that.

Also not looking for a fight, I agree, Aden did do what he thought was right.Which is kind of worrying, that he thinks the best way to help Belle is to threaten people with violence.(Especially given that only two weeks ago he decided to go after Angelo instead of making sure she was all right and it turned out she was being beaten up at the time.)But at least he's trying.

I don't think Ruby's behaviour was particularly out of character, she's always been quite forward, not necessarily with boys in particular but in general.And she has been known to let her hormones rules her head(eg Matthew).She probably thought that Xavier was only going to be around for a few weeks and so she'd better get in fast.Of course, we know he's a bit dodgy to put it mildly and probably not the best choice she could have made.

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The way Ruby kissed his shoulder was just weird like she'd known him for ages, I'm fine with a bit of flirting and given what she's been through you can't blame her looking for a bit of fun but throwing herself at him like that was beyond desperate and didn't seem to tally with the way the chara ters been of late. Last week she was lecturing Melody about Mathew now she's doing worse and telling her sister that she deserves someone who'll treat her right and then trowing herself at a boy who doesn't seem particularly interested in her.

Glad Belles getting help too and have really enjoyed the J+M and the R+T scenes lately.

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Almost not looking for a fight, I agree, Aden did do what he thought was right.Which is kind of worrying, that he thinks the best way to help Belle is to threaten people with violence.(Especially given that only two weeks ago he decided to go after Angelo instead of making sure she was all right and it turned out she was being beaten up at the time.)But at least he's trying.

I don't think Ruby's behaviour was particularly out of character, she's always been quite forward, not necessarily with boys in particular but in general.And she has been known to let her hormones rules her head(eg Matthew).She probably thought that Xavier was only going to be around for a few weeks and so she'd better get in fast.Of course, we know he's a bit dodgy to put it mildly and probably not the best choice she could have made.

Well regarding Matthew she originally thought he was female when she was talking to him over the internet and she didn’t agree to meet him straight away. I even remember her and Annie having a conversation about it (when she thought “Sky” was a girl) because Annie had reservations. It was only after they shared mutual ground in regards to both of their relatives being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s that she felt she trusted that person enough to meet them. I don’t think she was particularly forward throughout the whole thing anyway. Even after Matthew put out the fire at Leah’s she still didn’t try it on with him right away, where with Xavier it was a case of a combination of an instant attraction and her hormones going into overdrive.

I actually thought it was a shame regarding Lyons because it would have been interesting to see those two together and support one another, especially regarding their sick relatives.

Regarding Aden I really want to stop this “Aden bashing” but every time I would like to see him do something that makes me think, "You know what I was wrong he’s trying to turn his life around and better himself", he goes and acts like an idiot. So frustrating.

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The way Ruby kissed his shoulder was just weird like she'd known him for ages, I'm fine with a bit of flirting and given what she's been through you can't blame her looking for a bit of fun but throwing herself at him like that was beyond desperate

I agree, it was weird, and it wouldn't surprise me if it freaks out Xavier too and Ruby ends up getting her heart broken. Mind you the whole drug-dealing issue may be more of a problem - especially when Charlie finds out!

I'm kind of hoping the whole thing it might lead to a bigger storyline for Ruby - she's been in the show for a while now and I don't feel that we've had the chance to really find out about her or warm to her character. She's been slotted into the teen-group, even though she doesn't seem to have a lot in common with any of the others, and when it comes to the rest of the Bay I still feel like she's a bit of an outsider. Maybe the relationship with Xavier will give her more chance to interact with other characters like Tony/Rachel etc.

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I know I worry about some strange things at times but I was really confused by the time scale of that episode.Most of the indications were that the episode covered a day but the Aden/Belle plotline seemed to be way off.Irene gives Belle the rest of the day off but she's back at work by the end of the episode, then Belle tells Aden her first counselling session is "this afternoon", yet Brian was supposed to be going to the bar at three o'clock and that had already happened, which doesn't seem to leave a lot of afternoon.At least Irene acknowledged her complete backflip with regards to Aden.Aside from the fact he still interprets "protective" as "threaten to punch anyone that upsets Belle", he wasn't too bad in that episode.Other oddity:Just as I was wondering what happened to Belle's physio, Rachel mentions she's still having it.Which doesn't change the fact that she's seemed completely mobile in this and other episodes since coming out of hospital.

Bit confused by the logic of the Bridget plotline too.She told Alf that she stole from him to pay for her treatment so(a)why wasn't he suspicious about the fact that she wasn't having any treatment and(b)how does he think she's going to pay for her chemo now she's apparently returned the money?Bridget and Brian's act was so unconvincing I'm surprised it isn't just Rachel that's suspicious.(Incidentally, loved Rachel's silent reaction when Martha gave her the baby clothes.)

Also loved the way Annie was just completely bored with Ruby's flirtatious behaviour, especially in the scene where she was refusing to sit with them on the beach.

And with regard to the above posts, yes, I also like the fact that Roman seems to realise that having feelings for someone doesn't automatically mean you have to act on them.

Glad it wasn't just me that thought that about the time scale Red Ranger :huh: Good that Belle is going to get help, after all the urging Aden to do the same thing a few months back. What was in that envelope I wonder?

What planet was Ruby on today? Talk about being forward. It just seemed a bit unlike her. She’s usually pretty sensible. Are her hormones really running that wild?

Aden annoyed me yet again. This time he put on the bravado act over something that was a complete accident and almost trivial. Oh I’m sorry he’s just being over protective of Belle so that’s ok. And it seems as though Irene’s completely warmed to him now. I suppose that’s reasonable considering that it has taken several months so I’m glad they kind of kept in with continuity in that respect.

And Bridget. Given the circumstances she’s played a blinder so far. Very calculating and guessing correctly that Rachel would search her bag and find medication that would indicate she was on some sort of treatment for her cancer.

After her nearly dating Matthew she has been at a loose end (and yes I did make a mistake on a previous post when I said she had been out with Elliott of course that was Nicole). Does she get to find out he is drug dealer and if so will she dump him?

The way Bridget smirked to herself when she saw Rachel rifling through her bag was so her. BTW wasn't that a bit of a risk Rachel doing that in front of everyone? Where did they come from, certainly not something just anyone could hold of.

I enjoyed today's episode. I loved the little scene with Rachel and Martha. It says a lot that she didn't mention her pregnancy to her despite her obvious joy and just waited for Martha to bring it up. (i do have to say the little outfit she gave her was so ugly! but nevermind the thought was there! :lol: )

I'm glad Belle is getting help, it's about time she talked to someone. Loved Rachel calling her 'sweetie.' :lol:

Nice they gave Lucas a mention too :)

That was very moving when Martha gave Rachel that outfit, her being pregnant certainly suits her, explains why she has been so happy.

BTW without giving anything away - wouldn't dare - something happens next week which will have you all going Oh No not again!!! :o

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Yes, I wondered why they keep reminding us about Lucas. What happened with that boat he was restoring with Tony? Didn't he sink it, or Geoff sink it, or something? :unsure:

Anyone else think that little Ollie looks like he could be Miles' son in real life? I think they look really alike.

That Tim is a nasty piece of work! :o

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As pleased as I am to see Kane back I have to be objective and say that his reappearance is unbelievable, implausible and totally unrealistic. Even if his original conviction was overturned and you take away the cumulative total of all the other petty crimes he committed (as these were dropped when he actually went to court) he would still had to have served a significant amount time for the robbery he pulled at the jewellers shop and putting Larry in hospital, and six months just simply isn’t enough (I’m assuming that’s how long he’s been inside for). I would even go as far as saying this is even more ridiculous than Aden getting 100 hours community service for two counts of kidnapping and attempted murder but anyway who’s arguing. :P

Irene’s attitude towards him highlights the inconsistencies in her character as of late that I mentioned last week. Today she seemed more like the Irene that a lot of people grew to know and love. Sympathetic, not passing judgment and prepared to give someone another chance. I can’t imagine that Kane is just going to sit back and wait for Kirsty to contact him though, not after everything they’ve been through together.

I liked Jack’s comment about wanting to be a fly on the wall when he saw Angelo talking to Belle at the bar. I don’t think he’s under any obligation to help Belle whatsoever. He could do the honourable thing I guess but from his perspective she’s been nothing but trouble, though it was good to see them actually being civilised to each other. I think he will help her simply because he doesn’t have much choice in the matter.

I don’t believe that Tim killed the guy that was arrested for Belle’s assault and disposed of the body. I think it would have been easier to have simply paid him off like he did with Murray previously.

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Kane turning up like that was possibly the biggest cop-out in the show's history."He won his appeal." What appeal?And, you know, how?How exactly did he fund his appeal without Kirsty's help?What evidence was there to clear him of the original conviction?Would any judge really go "You went on the run for years instead of following the legal process, then committed two counts of robbery with violence so we think you've suffered enough"?Maybe he did have the same judge as Aden.Oh hang on, it was the same judge the first time.(Maybe he liked him better without the beard.)I think Irene should have given Kirsty the letter straightaway.It might have killed the mood but it's better than hiding it.

Nice that Angelo's still trying to do the right thing and his earlier questionable decision was just the result of circumstances rather than the way he is now.I'm glad that he and Belle managed to have a couple of semi-civilised conversations and I can sort of understand her being suspicious of him when she saw him with Nobby, although it's kind of reminiscent of everyone assuming Ash was corrupt when they saw him talking with Johnny.Liked it when he said "Trusting you hasn't worked for me so far."Is Charlie keen on him?She certainly seemed a bit coy when she phoned him up.

And after months of not caring about it, I'm actually starting to get interested in the development storyline, mainly because the evil developers actually seem to be evil now rather than "They're building on land that someone else made toxic after cleaning it up first and so they must be stopped!!!" I think it almost certain that Tim's disposed of Nobby(and possibly Murray too?), otherwise why would he have his wallet and why would he get rid of it.They might actually manage to rescue this storyline.

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Kane turning up like that was possibly the biggest cop-out in the show's history."He won his appeal." What appeal?And, you know, how?How exactly did he fund his appeal without Kirsty's help?What evidence was there to clear him of the original conviction?Would any judge really go "You went on the run for years instead of following the legal process, then committed two counts of robbery with violence so we think you've suffered enough"?

I know pretty hilarious I try and suspend my disbelief but sometimes they make it so hard!

How adorable was Ollie today? I love the scenes with him and Miles they're so sweet!

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And after months of not caring about it, I'm actually starting to get interested in the development storyline, mainly because the evil developers actually seem to be evil now rather than "They're building on land that someone else made toxic after cleaning it up first and so they must be stopped!!!" I think it almost certain that Tim's disposed of Nobby(and possibly Murray too?), otherwise why would he have his wallet and why would he get rid of it.They might actually manage to rescue this storyline.

I’m starting to like the development storyline too. At first it just seemed like a not so subtle way to reunite Aden and Belle at the expense of Angelo but now as you say they’ve gone on from that and there actually appears to be something deeper there. Ok granted I may have been wrong about Tim and Nobby but I just thought that killing one or two people and risking a murder charge is a hell of a lot of effort to go to for the sake of building luxury apartments on a toxic waste site (where at worst it would have been negligence). All I can say is that this must have the potential to be one big revenue earner, otherwise it would have been easier to just find somewhere else…

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