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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Yes, I wondered why they keep reminding us about Lucas. What happened with that boat he was restoring with Tony? Didn't he sink it, or Geoff sink it, or something? :unsure:

Yes, Lucas did sink the previous boat and I think (though I was away at the time and missed those episodes) that Geoff caught him and that is how Geoff and Annie came into the story. Also why Lucas didn't like Geoff because he dobbed him in.

I agree about Kane's early release, what about all the other robberies he did whilst on the run? He didn't really think that Ollie ( a three year old) would being able to keep a secret did he? He was bound to mention Daddy. I think Irene didn't give Kirsty the letter because it was hardly the right time, she should pass it on though, but when Kirsty is on her own.

Tim definitely killed Nobby, but how did he know Angelo was behind it, did he get that info from him then kill him? I don't know Red Ranger, if the people/person behind the development have that much money invested in the development they are probably ruthless enough not to care about anybody who gets in the way getting hurt or worse.

BTW I still think there is more to Angelo than meets the eye. Why else would he have all that surveillance equipment, albeit hardly cutting edge, in his house, it's not something the average copper would have is it? If I am right in remembering he turned up just about the time all this development stuff started.

Has he been sent by someone to investigate said developement and is undercover. Another thing, where did he hid it when Charlie came round and I don't remember seeing it when Nobby was first there. :confused: At least Belle tackled Angelo about seeing him with Nobby and didn't rush off to the police straight off.

Talking of Charlie where did this promotion to Sargent suddenly come from, I know Fitz has been acting Sargent, but it now seems a foregone conclusion that Charlie is going to get it.

Liked that telephone call between her and Angelo, she obviously thought it was a woman he was with. :blush:

Tony is not very good about keeping secrets is he, soon caved in and told Jack about Bridget. Then Alf does the same thing and tells Martha and then they tell each other. At this rate everyone is soon going to know about her and her 'cancer'.

BTW why don't they give characters DOB on their profile pages, it would make it a lot easier to determine their ages.

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You know what makes me laugh, yet makes me annoyed?

The way Jack thinks he has any right to have a go at a co-worker and throw accusations round about Charlie as well as Angelo. He really thinks he the best cop around, doesn't he?

And I ain't making these comments because I am an Angelo fan. I just think he was way out of line in todays episode!

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Wow, Tim means business doesn’t he? I didn’t realise the lengths he was prepared to go to cover this whole thing up. Attempted assassination of a Police Constable eh.

I actually found Jacks attitude towards Angelo quite annoying but to be fair you can hardly blame him for being so suspicious and if he hadn’t then Belle and Angelo might have wound up six feet under.

I feel that Angelo is starting to redeem himself now and in spite of everything you can tell that he was genuinely concerned for Belle’s safety especially when he tried to protect her. It’s just a pity things didn’t work out between them because I have actually enjoyed their scenes over the last couple of days.

I’m not sure what to make of Charlie and Angelo. Part of me is still hoping that some day she will get back together with Roman but that is looking pretty unlikely if not improbable. I do feel this fling is her trying to get over him and Angelo is simply too much of red-blooded male to resist saying no to an attractive female, especially when it is handed to him on a plate.

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And after months of not caring about it, I'm actually starting to get interested in the development storyline, mainly because the evil developers actually seem to be evil now rather than "They're building on land that someone else made toxic after cleaning it up first and so they must be stopped!!!" I think it almost certain that Tim's disposed of Nobby(and possibly Murray too?), otherwise why would he have his wallet and why would he get rid of it.They might actually manage to rescue this storyline.

I’m starting to like the development storyline too. At first it just seemed like a not so subtle way to reunite Aden and Belle at the expense of Angelo but now as you say they’ve gone on from that and there actually appears to be something deeper there. Ok granted I may have been wrong about Tim and Nobby but I just thought that killing one or two people and risking a murder charge is a hell of a lot of effort to go to for the sake of building luxury apartments on a toxic waste site (where at worst it would have been negligence). All I can say is that this must have the potential to be one big revenue earner, otherwise it would have been easier to just find somewhere else…

This might be me trying to make sense of a badly thought out storyline, but I'm guessing that because the council knew about the waste, the land was useless to them.So they sold the land to the developers at a rock bottom price so they'd take the problem off their hands and get rid of the waste for them.Otherwise, as you say, the developers might as well build somewhere that isn't going to get them arrested.If, as Jack keeps saying, there's a lot of money involved, it seems very likely they'd resort to murder to keep themselves above water.

"Frankly I can't even begin to think of a motive!"

"Try greed.It's usually reliable."

Anyone notice that the anti-Kirsty continuity announcer seems to have turned into an anti-Belle continuity announcer?Seriously, I know the girl's having a hard time but her attitude really does seem to be "me, me, me" at the moment.That's the third time in two episodes she's turned up at Angelo's unannounced for an impromptu post-mortem.She cheated on him, she wrongly accused him of bashing her(an honest mistake but she still did it), really he owes her nothing, except maybe the cost of having the living room redecorated.Although their interaction recently has been reminiscent of how they used to be before Aden messed things up.Am actually quite liking Angelo and Charlie together.

Jack is both totally right and totally wrong about Angelo:He's lying to them and was responsible for a cover-up but ultimately they are both on the same side.And why would Jack think Angelo's(still) involved with the developers when they've just tried to kill him?Major logic flaw:Angelo was the one that sent off the soil samples which is how he was able to switch them.But Tim didn't approach him until after he'd been suspended.Is it really standard practise for a suspended officer to be handling evidence?It's possible he did it before he was accused of attacking Belle but why would he?

Is it me or was Ruby a lot paler in that episode than usual?Her attitude towards Matthew is bordering on a phobia.She cut Melody off for hanging out with him and here she threatens to do the same to Xavier.She humiliated him, he humiliated her.Seriously, get over it.He's no dodgier than the guy she's hanging around with now.Looked really odd seeing those two at a party full of police officers but I suppose Ruby is Charlie's sister.

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Was Jack trying to be ironic today with his insistance that Angelo should be punished? Or was he just being arrogant assuming that everyone but him should be punished for abusing their position. Or was it sheer stupidity? Sure he refered to the fact that he had made mistakes and didn't want Angelo to do so too, but that just sounded patronising. Plus it does not give him the right to preach about police conduct, he's the last person who has the right to judge someone for their indiscretions as a cop. He's the one who planted drugs on his wife's new boyfriend, then when that went wrong (being Jack it inevitably would) he stole evidence to get his wife off a drugs charge and proceeded to make a deal with a crooked cop which allowed his to set up a bank robbery if I remember correctly.

I'm really loving Angelo. And Charlie. And Angelo and Charlie together. They've got to be my two favourite characters at the moment, I just love them as individuals and together they just have a great dynamic and chemistry.

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Dosent any one think this story line has ben reworked with Jack accusing Peter Baker of being a loose cannon and even haveing him arrested, Jack thinks he is the only person who can do the Job but far too quick to judge others, I,m sorry but Jacks not the copper he thinks he is.

Bridget she is now getting on my nerves I wish they would hurry up and sort her out its gone on fat too long, as for Alf I would have thought he would have been a little bit more about him with the cancer story because of Martha and all this going to the city dont you think he would smell a rat.

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I’m glad that Charlie and Roman are being civilised to each other. They’re probably never going to get back together but I would still like them to remain friends. I loved her remark to him at the Den about him still pining over Martha - because it’s not like you’ve ever pined over anyone is it Charlie? I still find it hard to believe that a 25 year old woman is head of a police station. Wouldn’t it have been more prudent to get someone else in with more experience - At least on a temporary basis? I wonder how long it’s going to be before Jack susses out that Roman’s still in love with his wife.

I’m glad Xavier got caught (or at least they found the drugs not in his possession). He’s an idiot. I hope when Tony takes him to his mums he doesn’t come back but why do I get the feeling that won’t be the last we’ve seen of him.

Melody is beginning to get on my nerves. She needs to get over Geoff. What planet is he on? Seriously? He seems totally oblivious to her manipulation. I’m glad Nicole arranged to go to the formal with someone. Hopefully this will give him the wakeup call he so desperately needs.

I had to crack a smile with Bridget in the bank when she opened up an account under Leah’s name and tried to transfer the money across. Her reaction after failing to present the security details was a picture. I bet she didn’t have that eventuality written down in her little black book. And now that VJ has alerted Rachel to her misdemeanours things can only get worse…

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Jack may have made some rash decisions in his approach to Angelo but to me he is making conclusions from the facts he supposedly has which can be quite easily done to be completely honest.

Bridget still gets on my nerves, talking to Rachel like that, I am not Rachel's biggest fan but even that was low for her and humiliating, she needs to be found out and quick!

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"I'm hot and your hot" If I wanted to watch Paris Hilton I'd watch whatever lame reality show she's doing arrggh.

I think the Bridget storylines been quite entertaing I cant wait till she gets her comeuppance. I thought they might try and redeem her a bit a la Jazz and Amanda surprised how completely evil she is! One thing though if you were rooting through someones drawers and got caught wouldn't you just say you were looking for a pen?

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