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Didn't find much of interest in that episode really, bit of a letdown after the last two.We've got the developers bumping people off, we've got Kane coming back and what do they give us?An episode full of Xavier and Bridget, two characters that I'm really finding it difficult to engage with.(Although at least it looks as though the game might finally be up for Bridget, at least now she's learnt kids can't keep secrets.)The only thing that really held my attention was the Nicole/Geoff/Melody plotline, I liked Nicole's conversation with Roman at the Diner and her brief bitch-fest with Melody.

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I think the Bridget storylines been quite entertaing I cant wait till she gets her comeuppance. I thought they might try and redeem her a bit a la Jazz and Amanda

Oh I really hope not, she's awful - I hope she leaves soon - anyone who tries to pull the wool over Alf's eyes doesn't deserve to be redeemed! :lol:

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I had to crack a smile with Bridget in the bank when she opened up an account under Leah’s name and tried to transfer the money across. Her reaction after failing to present the security details was a picture. I bet she didn’t have that eventuality written down in her little black book. And now that VJ has alerted Rachel to her misdemeanours things can only get worse…

Yeah I loved that bit too, how is she going to get round that one :rolleyes: If she has ever had a bank account before she would know that those questions are going to be asked.

(Although at least it looks as though the game might finally be up for Bridget, at least now she's learnt kids can't keep secrets.)The only thing that really held my attention was the Nicole/Geoff/Melody plotline, I liked Nicole's conversation with Roman at the Diner and her brief bitch-fest with Melody.

She obviously hasn't had much contact with young children to know that. It's certainly got Rachel's radar twitching. Loved the look on Geoff's face when Nicole said she had a date for the Formal and perhaps they could all get together. :D It was a quite episode apart from that. Probably building themselves up for all the action that is supposedly happening at the end of the week.

Lovely scenes between Martha and Jack when she led him into the bedroom for a night of passion.

May I make a plea on behalf of us folks that don't watch fiver NOT to reveal what happens in tonights episode - PLEASE! I do know what happens but my lips are sealed.

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I just loved Nicole arranging another date for herself for the Formal. Well Geoff, what did you think she'd do? She deserves a date for the Formal too! I don't know if she really asked Lachlan or not, but it certainly made Geoff think and get jealous, the silly boy. Nicole is becoming one of my favourite characters :o she is so good at knowing how people tick and how to manipulate them [but in a good way these days]. And Aden couldn't resist joining in and winding Geoff up as well :lol:

I suppose this episode was 'the calm before the storm', that is why it wasn't that interesting to some people. All hell will probably break loose tomorrow!

That was a really bitchy thing for Bridget to say: why on earth does she think annoying Rachel will do anything towards her cause?

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Yes as much as it pains me to admit it Aden and Belle weren’t half as annoying in that episode as they have been recently.

The only thing that bothered me about Aden today was his reaction when he thought Belle wasn’t going to the dance. It was a bit childish. I too liked the scene with Geoff and the fact that he’s at least trying to make an effort with him. I’m not sure if they will be friends but I can envisage a situation where they will no longer be an air of uneasiness about them

I did find it a bit strange Irene asking Belle for advice but she handled it well and was quite correct in advising her to just come clean and tell Kirsty about Kane. So for someone that had been making a series of bad decisions lately, that was a step in the right direction.

I actually enjoyed Bridget speaking to Rachel like that. It gave me a sense of satisfaction. Although for someone that it supposed to be a professional con artist that was a pretty bad move on her part. She was just a bit to cocky. And Leah taking her side was a bit surprising to say the least.

Love Kirsty’s reaction at the end when she got up and saw Kane in the living room. Priceless.

Season finale tomorrow.

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I do worry about Irene sometimes.What on earth did she hope to achieve by hiding Kane's letter from Kirsty?Did she think Kane would just disappear or assume Kirsty wasn't interested?(And even if she did, was that really her decision to make?)At least she didn't give it to her behind Miles' back, that would have annoyed me even more.I can only think of two reasons why they've brought Kane back: Either they're going to reunite him and Kirsty have them ride off into the sunset or they're going to have Kirsty definitively choose to stay with Miles now that reuniting with Kane is a viable alternative. I'm actually hoping for the latter, I quite like having her around and I think there's more mileage in the relationship.

Are Leah and Rachel sure they're friends?Not so long ago Leah went around telling everyone Rachel had run out on Tony on zero evidence and here she dismisses her suspicions out of hand.

Liked Geoff's big speech to Nicole at the formal and how he then seemed willing to walk away from her. Aden's still the master of emotional blackmail.(I swear he doesn't even know he's doing it.)The interaction between him and Geoff is about as far as I want it to go:If they try and make these two friends it'll seem like a betrayal of both characters.For someone who's supposed to be grounded Melody seems to have spent an awful lot of time away from home in both this and especially the previous episode.Liked it when Jai told her he missed the old her:So did I.Can't help thinking if Jack and Charlie had interrogated Xavier properly instead of following the usual Summer Bay Police route they'd know Matthew had the drugs.

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Are Leah and Rachel sure they're friends?Not so long ago Leah went around telling everyone Rachel had run out on Tony on zero evidence and here she dismisses her suspicions out of hand.

Yes that really annoyed me as well. But i guess it's hard to believe someone would lie about cancer. To be fair, apart from the whole wedding shambles which was so badly done i'm not even gonna go there, the writers have been pretty consistent protraying Rachel and Leah as really close friends. They're pretty much always there for each other. I guess they can slip up once or twice :rolleyes:

In the scene today with Rachel and Bridget, Rachel was supposted to slap her but it was cut. I so wish we could have seen that! Rachel is great when she's all mad like that. Who does Bridget think she is. 'I can have Tony anytime i want.' Yer she wishes.

I love Nicole, she really made me laugh tonight. And i liked Kane coming back, not that poor Miles deserves that.

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