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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Zetti you took the word right out of my mouth that I had to laugh going to school with Rachel she should know mher best, five minuets knowing Bridget and she is slapping Racje;l down oh why cant they see through her at least Rachel dose and checks up on her I thought Rachel would ger suss. :lol:

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The only thing that bothered me about Aden today was his reaction when he thought Belle wasn’t going to the dance. It was a bit childish. I too liked the scene with Geoff and the fact that he’s at least trying to make an effort with him. I’m not sure if they will be friends but I can envisage a situation where they will no longer be an air of uneasiness about them

I did find it a bit strange Irene asking Belle for advice but she handled it well and was quite correct in advising her to just come clean and tell Kirsty about Kane. So for someone that had been making a series of bad decisions lately, that was a step in the right direction.

Love Kirsty’s reaction at the end when she got up and saw Kane in the living room. Priceless.

Season finale tomorrow.

Could understand his reasoning though, he just wanted her to do one thing for him that meant a lot. He certainly scrubs up well doesn't he? :cool: Belle looked lovely. Don't think Aden and Geoff will ever be best buddies, but at least they can be civilised to each other. Nicole also looked lovely, loved her earrings. When she told Geoff that Lochlan had gone to a concert - with his boyfriend, I thought the 'old' Nicole would never have admitted that. Liked Geoff's answer to Annie that much as he loved her, no way was he taking his little sister to the Formal.

Bit late now for Irene to give Kirsty that note, you could practically hear Kirsty's jaw hitting the floor when she saw Kane. :o

That spat between Rachel and Bridget was great, she started it, then when she saw Leah was looking at them she cleverly turned it round so it looked that Rachel was picking on her and playing the 'feeling faint' card. Like you said KirstyEkua as if Tony would be interested in her now, hope not anyway, don't think she will try anyway just to wind Rachel up will she? I could be totally barking up the wrong tree, but is Bridget starting to have second thoughts about conning Alf?

Just when we (or I at least) thought Matthew was a decent guy, he's asking Melody to take drugs! Which she probably will to appear cool.

Glad Miles didn't cave in and tell Melody O.K. you have done a good job cleaning the house so I'll let you go to the Formal. That would have given not just her but Jai the wrong message that he wasn't consistent about dealing out punishments.

He did get it wrong in way though, Melody asked Geoff to take her to the Formal before the grounding. She just never got round to telling Geoff she couldn't go. Problem is RedRanger although everyone esle misses the old Melody she doesn't.

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Great episode today. Great climaxes at the formal and with the cops. Good job we don't have to wait to see the follow-up. Should be very interesting on Monday - more hospital scenes for those in the formal, with loved ones crying for those hurt. Are the police going to suss out Angelo at last, or will that be another botched job?

Geoff and Nicole looked smashing together, smartly dressed and enjoying being together. Hope we see a lot more of them.

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The scene when Melody walked in front of the car reminded me of the film Carrie there was the exact same scene in that.

Good episode thow poor Jack, will he be missed i think so.. Angelo will the polioce find out the truth.

I wonder who'll Kirsty will choose i think proberly Kane in the end.

I guess well get to the truth next week at least we dont have to wait too long.

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That was quite an eventful and enjoyable episode.

Firstly Kane can’t really blame Kirsty for moving on. He did give her to go ahead a few months back when he was about to begin his sentence. I loved where she basically asked him if he expected her to just drop everything forget about Miles and be with him and he just told her straight. She wasn’t expecting that. When she told him she loved Miles at the formal, I actually believed her. I still think she loves Kane as well. There’s no way she can just stop loving him, not after everything they’ve been through.

Again I felt they missed out on a bit of continuity. I was half expecting Aden to square up to Kane about what he did to Larry as that was a kind of trigger for all the events that ensued afterwards and hence the subsequent “breakdown”. And now it looks as though he could be in trouble again. That was pretty stupid trying to use his phone whilst driving. I’m not surprised that caused an accident.

Poor Rachel. :( First Leah takes Bridget’s side and then Alf :D (although that was hardly unexpected). Don’t worry Rach, I have a feeling Bridget’s time is almost up.

At first I thought this whole thing with Melody and Geoff was quite funny but now it’s beyond a joke. Nicole was right, Melody IS deluded. First she wants Geoff to tell everyone that he loves her like she owns him or something and then when she doesn’t get her own way like some spoilt brat she suddenly decides that she hates him. If she really cared about him then she would just let him be happy with Nicole. Then after making a complete fool of herself she then decides to come back for more (I’m guessing it was her who locked the main door to the hall). I think it’s obvious that she still has issues. I don’t really blame her for smoking the weed as that was more of a peer pressure sort of thing but I think there’s an argument for her going back to the clinic for further treatment.

On a positive note I thought Geoff and Nicole looked pretty good together.

And Angelo, Angelo, what have you done?

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Buffy Girl that is exactly what I thought! I haven't seen 'Carrie' but I know there is a school dance scene where she gets her revenge on the bullies, and that's what Melody did.

Re: Leah siding with Bridget. I have noticed this happening in soaps all the time- one character sides with someone they have only known for a little while instead of being realistic and siding with a good friend. This happens in real life unfortunately too, which is really unfair, I don't know why people do it :unsure:

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To be fair Leah does think Bridget has cancer and Rachel was totally having a go. I loved it though :P And after when they were in the diner kitchen Leah was shocked at what Bridget had said and understood Rachel's reasons for shouting.

This is random but it annoys me how Rachel always wanders into the kitchen for one of her chats with Leah :lol: Like that would ever be allowed.

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