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I understand that Miles probably had a responsibility to the other students but would he really have trusted Aden to make sure Melody was all right, however much everyone in the Bay seems to like him now, especially when Geoff had already offered?As it turned out, his definition of "I'll make sure she gets home safely" was "I'll leave her with a couple of fifteen-year-olds who she's already got away from and then head back to snogging Belle."(In fact Mel left the house so quickly I'm surprised he didn't see her.Interesting he was as big a nuisance during Bartlett's end of year speech as he was during Sally's beginning of year speech.Hasn't grown that much.)Even more bizarrely, why do Annie and Jai ask Kane for help when they've never met him before?Had they lost Alf's number?Didn't it occur to them to ring Miles or Irene and tell them to look out for Melody?(And how did Annie recognise him?Did Irene or Kirsty get the photo album out?)Bit of confusion surrounding the geography again: Most people seemed to drive to the hall yet Melody gets there on foot, twice, in a less than coherent state.I suspect she's going to get the blame for the accident even though Kane wasn't looking where he was going.

At the risk of being stoned by KK fans, I think in a sense Kirsty's out-grown Kane.After three years of finding out the hard way that "All that matters is we're together" isn't all that matters, I think her priorities have changed and she realises Miles is more capable of giving her the life she wants.I can understand Kane expecting to just pick up where he left off but he still seemed like a bit of a jerk.I'm hoping Kirsty chooses Miles but if she does choose Kane I hope she does it quickly:I really don't want this to turn into an Aden/Belle/Angelo retread with Kirsty living with Miles but shooting Kane longing looks twice per episode.

Ironic that Jack has done exactly what he warned Angelo not to:Investigated on his own without thinking enough about safety.And it seems to have landed them both in hot water.Having heard some rumours about how this pans out, there was something in that last scene that would be very easy to overlook...

Oh-and Tim's on the run?And what, they just casually drop that into the conversation?

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I think Leah had a brain transplant, she has known Rachel for so long and Bridget for a few months and now she is what siding with Bridget! Come on writers, get some logic.

I think they had logic when thinking of this storyline, Leah has absolutely no reason to doubt Bridget, she has watched so many people with cancer, Kane, Flynn, Colleen and now Martha, I'm sure that it would be very hard to comprehend someone actually faking such an awful disease. Bridget has always been nice to Leah with general chat and babysitting and Leah trusts Alf, who believes Bridget has cancer. If Leah had believed Rachel, I'm sure there would have been controversy over that also. Leah has only known Bridget a short time, she has never had anything against her, as I said she has no reason to doubt her and it is far more plausible that Rachel has made a mistake than someone faking cancer.

I understand that Miles probably had a responsibility to the other students but would he really have trusted Aden to make sure Melody was all right, however much everyone in the Bay seems to like him now, especially when Geoff had already offered?As it turned out, his definition of "I'll make sure she gets home safely" was "I'll leave her with a couple of fifteen-year-olds who she's already got away from and then head back to snogging Belle."(In fact Mel left the house so quickly I'm surprised he didn't see her.Interesting he was as big a nuisance during Bartlett's end of year speech as he was during Sally's beginning of year speech.Hasn't grown that much.)

Miles is probably aware of the time that Aden and Melody spent together in the clinic, Aden knows fully what Melody went through and Miles already had, had a rough night what with Kane etc. I am sure he probably just wanted a break from parenting after all he must be getting tired of Melody, he takes her in, a child that is not even his and she acts like this. And he was only supposed to bring her home, Miles and Aden both knew that she would be with Annie and Jai, They also didn't know she was high, they thought she was drunk so it would have been likely that she would have konked out when she got home.

Even more bizarrely, why do Annie and Jai ask Kane for help when they've never met him before?Had they lost Alf's number?Didn't it occur to them to ring Miles or Irene and tell them to look out for Melody?(And how did Annie recognise him?Did Irene or Kirsty get the photo album out?)Bit of confusion surrounding the geography again: Most people seemed to drive to the hall yet Melody gets there on foot, twice, in a less than coherent state.I suspect she's going to get the blame for the accident even though Kane wasn't looking where he was going.

Annie lives with Irene and I'm almost 100% sure there is a wedding photo in her house. There are photos of him and Kirsty in quite a few places. They were acting in panic and at the spare of the moment went with Kane and they probably didn't want to worry Miles. I see your point about the geography bit but I'm sure it's in walking distance, probably just takes time which Annie and Jai didn't have.

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I understand that Miles probably had a responsibility to the other students but would he really have trusted Aden to make sure Melody was all right, however much everyone in the Bay seems to like him now, especially when Geoff had already offered?As it turned out, his definition of "I'll make sure she gets home safely" was "I'll leave her with a couple of fifteen-year-olds who she's already got away from and then head back to snogging Belle."(In fact Mel left the house so quickly I'm surprised he didn't see her.Interesting he was as big a nuisance during Bartlett's end of year speech as he was during Sally's beginning of year speech.Hasn't grown that much.)

Miles is probably aware of the time that Aden and Melody spent together in the clinic, Aden knows fully what Melody went through and Miles already had, had a rough night what with Kane etc. I am sure he probably just wanted a break from parenting after all he must be getting tired of Melody, he takes her in, a child that is not even his and she acts like this. And he was only supposed to bring her home, Miles and Aden both knew that she would be with Annie and Jai, They also didn't know she was high, they thought she was drunk so it would have been likely that she would have konked out when she got home.

As I recall, when Aden drops Melody off he actually asks if she's high and, while Jai and Annie are a bit non-commital, they do tell him there's not a lot they can do to keep her there which he doesn't seem particularly bothered about.You could argue that Melody isn't Aden's responsibility but she is Miles' and he shouldn't really have left her in the care of someone who was just going to drop her off and then drive away when she was in a distressed state, no matter how bad a night he was having.

Kirsty and Kane's wedding photo was at Leah's house last time I saw it.(Haven't seen it in a while but then we don't see Leah's house very often.)I swear someone put it there by mistake and they didn't notice.

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In an ideal world I think Aden should've stayed with Mel but to be fair on him he wanted a drama free night and to have fun for once (not allowed in SB)and it was good of him to even offer. It would've been good for him and mel to have talked things through all the characters seem to say they want to help her but give up v.quickly I s'pose they will all blame her but it's on all of their hands for not seeing how troubled she was.

I'll miss Jack he could be a bit of a tool at times but he was still lovely, I feel so bad for Angelo you feel like he's a good bloke that everythings gone wrong for if only he hadn't met Belle!

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I hate the way Kane has taken a tumble backwards with his attitude. The character finally became such a good character through 2004/05 (I loved the way he looked out for Dani and Hayley!) but when he was brought back he changed back to the 2003 behaviour.

I hate that so much :(

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I think Leah had a brain transplant, she has known Rachel for so long and Bridget for a few months and now she is what siding with Bridget! Come on writers, get some logic.

Yeah my thoughts exactly, she is taking the word of someone she has known for five minutes over her best friend, its not like Leah at all :(

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I hate the way Kane has taken a tumble backwards with his attitude. The character finally became such a good character through 2004/05 (I loved the way he looked out for Dani and Hayley!) but when he was brought back he changed back to the 2003 behaviour.

I hate that so much :(

You can’t really expect him to just walk away not after everything they went through to actually stay together in the first place. Yes he did tell her to move on but he thought he was going to jail for a very long time and regardless of how unrealistic his successful appeal and subsequent early release were things have changed. He’s a free man now so why shouldn’t he try and reclaim his wife back – “For better or for worse.”

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I understand that Miles probably had a responsibility to the other students but would he really have trusted Aden to make sure Melody was all right, however much everyone in the Bay seems to like him now, especially when Geoff had already offered?As it turned out, his definition of "I'll make sure she gets home safely" was "I'll leave her with a couple of fifteen-year-olds who she's already got away from and then head back to snogging Belle."(In fact Mel left the house so quickly I'm surprised he didn't see her.Interesting he was as big a nuisance during Bartlett's end of year speech as he was during Sally's beginning of year speech.Hasn't grown that much.)Even more bizarrely, why do Annie and Jai ask Kane for help when they've never met him before?Had they lost Alf's number?Didn't it occur to them to ring Miles or Irene and tell them to look out for Melody?(And how did Annie recognise him?Did Irene or Kirsty get the photo album out?)Bit of confusion surrounding the geography again: Most people seemed to drive to the hall yet Melody gets there on foot, twice, in a less than coherent state.I suspect she's going to get the blame for the accident even though Kane wasn't looking where he was going.

Actually, whether anyone likes it or not, Miles has to shoulder quite a lot of blame for the tragedy. He agreed to be Melody's guardian. Anyone who agrees to be a child's guardian is accepting responsiblity for that child (Melody is still too under age to be classed as an adult) and the child's welfare comes above everything else. Giving over that guardianship temporarily to someone else does not absolve him from blame - and, even worse, he was already aware, due to her family background, Melody was a seriously disturbed girl!!! :angry:

If Miles had faced up to his responsibilities and stayed at home with Melody, then she would not have gone out, taken drugs or been in the road causing Kane to need to swerve to avoid killing her...and...um...yes, I guess there would have been no end-of-season cliffhanger! :P

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The scene when Melody walked in front of the car reminded me of the film Carrie there was the exact same scene in that.

Good episode thow poor Jack, will he be missed i think so.. Angelo will the polioce find out the truth.

I wonder who'll Kirsty will choose i think proberly Kane in the end.

I guess well get to the truth next week at least we dont have to wait too long.

I also thought of Carrie, especially the way Melody wears her hair. The scene at the Formal (her second time) where the drugs were beginning to have a bad effect on her were very similar.

That was quite an eventful and enjoyable episode.

Firstly Kane can’t really blame Kirsty for moving on. He did give her to go ahead a few months back when he was about to begin his sentence. I loved where she basically asked him if he expected her to just drop everything forget about Miles and be with him and he just told her straight. She wasn’t expecting that. When she told him she loved Miles at the formal, I actually believed her. I still think she loves Kane as well. There’s no way she can just stop loving him, not after everything they’ve been through.

Again I felt they missed out on a bit of continuity. I was half expecting Aden to square up to Kane about what he did to Larry as that was a kind of trigger for all the events that ensued afterwards and hence the subsequent “breakdown”. And now it looks as though he could be in trouble again. That was pretty stupid trying to use his phone whilst driving. I’m not surprised that caused an accident.

And Angelo, Angelo, what have you done?

Kane thought he was getting nine years and you said it 'a few months back', didn't take her long to fall in love with Miles, if she really is in love with him. :unsure:

A couple of 'if onlys'. if Melody hadn't been high she wouldn't have been wondering about in the middle of the road, and if Kane hadn't been trying to find his mobile he would have seen her in time and not have had to swerve so suddenly to avoid her.

He obviously thought he was firing at Tim, the pity is now there will be noone to back him up that he was shot at.

This is random but it annoys me how Rachel always wanders into the kitchen for one of her chats with Leah :lol: Like that would ever be allowed.

It's not just Rachel a lot of people seem to wander into the kitchen and talk to whoever is there. On that point shouldn't Irene, Leah and Belle wear hats or something, they are preparing food after all.

Even more bizarrely, why do Annie and Jai ask Kane for help when they've never met him before?Had they lost Alf's number?Didn't it occur to them to ring Miles or Irene and tell them to look out for Melody?(And how did Annie recognise him?Did Irene or Kirsty get the photo album out?)Bit of confusion surrounding the geography again: Most people seemed to drive to the hall yet Melody gets there on foot, twice, in a less than coherent state.I suspect she's going to get the blame for the accident even though Kane wasn't looking where he was going.

At the risk of being stoned by KK fans, I think in a sense Kirsty's out-grown Kane.After three years of finding out the hard way that "All that matters is we're together" isn't all that matters, I think her priorities have changed and she realises Miles is more capable of giving her the life she wants.I can understand Kane expecting to just pick up where he left off but he still seemed like a bit of a jerk.I'm hoping Kirsty chooses Miles but if she does choose Kane I hope she does it quickly:I really don't want this to turn into an Aden/Belle/Angelo retread with Kirsty living with Miles but shooting Kane longing looks twice per episode.

Ironic that Jack has done exactly what he warned Angelo not to:Investigated on his own without thinking enough about safety.And it seems to have landed them both in hot water.Having heard some rumours about how this pans out, there was something in that last scene that would be very easy to overlook...

Oh-and Tim's on the run?And what, they just casually drop that into the conversation?

I'm not sure but wouldn't Annie maybe come across Kane when he and Kirsty were staying at the caravan park? Certainly lucky he had a car, what would they have done if he hadn't?

That has been Jack along though going off and doing his own thing without letting anyone knowing. Why didn't he call for backup when the shooting started? I think the phone records he has got hold of show that Tim and Angelo had been in contact before all this blew up. Not sure if he heard who Angelo was talking to or just guessed he was up to something. I think Rachel was going to ask Jack to investigate Bridget if so what reason could she possibly have given, 'I don't think she has cancer and I think she is dodgy'? On a kind of related point to Tim being on thre run, how come Fitzy's pregnancy has never been mentioned before until just before she takes her maternity leave? Didn't know she even seeing anyone.

[quote name='Zetti' post='936404' date='Jan 30 2009, 11:47 AM'

Miles is probably aware of the time that Aden and Melody spent together in the clinic, Aden knows fully what Melody went through and Miles already had, had a rough night what with Kane etc. I am sure he probably just wanted a break from parenting after all he must be getting tired of Melody, he takes her in, a child that is not even his and she acts like this. And he was only supposed to bring her home, Miles and Aden both knew that she would be with Annie and Jai, They also didn't know she was high, they thought she was drunk so it would have been likely that she would have konked out when she got home.

That's what I thought Melody and Aden did have a connection because they were in the clinic together and is was him that got her talking. Jai and Annie did say to him short of tying her to a chair they couldn't stop her getting out again. They probably did think she would crash out. Very good episode.

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What an episode and a great end to 2008! :D

Poor Kirsty having to deal with the fact that Kane is back and he wants his family back! Even more poor Miles although I can't see him sticking up for himself as he never really does! At least Kirsty has told Kane that she loves Miles.

OMG Melody what have you done now. Looks like she is high more than anything and she looked like a ghost standing there in the road. What a crash too - looks like quite a few have been knocked out/hurt etc from this. And who locked that door? Has to be Mel surely?

Poor Jack :( I can't believe that Angelo shot him but it looks that way doesn't it. Jack looks like he's been shot in the heart so not good for him - can't wait to see the next episode.

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