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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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First off I don't like the new opening credits - make my eyes go fuzzy.

I think it's a taken Angelo did kill Jack, albeit by accident. What was he doing with a gun BTW, I don't think it was a service issue? When Tony thanked him later for saving Martha he looked so guilty, as when she thanked him. So sad that Tony found him, must be one of the worst things in the world to happen for a parent to find their child dead or vice versa. I noticed he called him Jackie (must have been a childhood name). One thing though, how did he know to head for the development site? How on earth is he going to tell Martha?

As for Martha walking into burning building yes that was a really dumb thing to do, surely she didn't think Jack would be in there? When she 'saw'him walking towards her was so sad.

Kirsty was so torn between wanting to help Kane and Miles. It's obvious she still does care a lot for Kane which isn't surprising after all they went through and he is Ollie's dad. Miles face when he was holding her at the end after she was told Kane needed surgery said it all.

Nicole was brilliant the way she tried to get everyone to keep calm certainly a lot more together than Daisha, but then who knows how they would react under similar circumstances. Where was Roman by the way, you'd have thought he would have been at the hospital as soon he heard?

Also the hospital seemed to be managing WITHOUT Rachel, usually whenever there is a disaster she is there at the thick of it, treating everyone, operating, holding relatives hands, washing up, making cups of tea. O.K. I made the last two up, but you know what I mean. :wink:

Your'e right Red Ranger & Buffygirl Melody was just standing there looking dazed. As for the door,yes how did she lock it, obviously it would have been shut, perhaps that will be explained, hopefully. Now she has run off again.

In a couple of the TV listings mags I read it said Leah and Belle were trapped in the kitchen, but I don't remember seeing Leah anywhere before or after, noone mentioned her either.

Belle certainly has been a good patient for the Hospital lately.

Aden certainly proved himself whatever other people think of him.

So tonight we will probably hear the sad news about Jack which will leave everybody stunned, that is not counting Martha which will be another thing altogether. I don't know the all the medical side effects after someone has had chemo, but do you think there is a remote possibility that Martha could be pregnant after her and Jack's night of passion?

How long before Charlie susses out the truth about what really happened?

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Leah was in the kitchen, although if you blinked you'd miss her.When Miles and the others came in, they helped her to her feet and Miles told Nicole to take her into the hall.She was at the hall in the previous episode helping set up.Mind you, so was Irene, so goodness only knows where she disappeared to.

Not sure if this should be in spoilers because I don't know if it's true but...There were two people firing guns at that building site and we didn't see Jack after the second set of [non-Angelo] gunshots.And when Angelo was presumably walking in the direction he fired, Jack didn't seem quite in line.Maybe I'm clutching at straws.Presumably that was Tim he was on the phone to when he left the house.Not sure what the rules are about policemen carrying firearms off duty.

Not sure how Kirsty feels about Miles and Kane.She left Kane to help Miles when he was injured and didn't seem self-conscious about leaning on him at the hospital but she also had to be restrained from going back to help Kane and was frantic to find him afterwards.After everything they've been through, I don't suppose she'll ever stop caring.

Martha and Jack sleeping together was either "Let's get her pregnant" or "Let's show them really happy together before tearing it all apart."Take your pick.

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So I guess it's a given that Melody locked the door, I agree with Red Ranger though- why would there be a padlock left on the door, or a key to lock the door, with hundreds of people left inside anyway? Who'd be that stupid knowing there were going to be kids there, any one of whom could decide to pull a prank? I actually feel very sorry for Melody, she's a mentally unstable child who does not trust anyone, who has been humiliated (even if not intentionally) by the one person she loved and thought she could rely on and now knows that he is in love with someone else, IMO that equalls one mentally and emotionally messed up kid who needs help and support. Not to be sent home with another messed up teenager and left in the care of two other kids who she'd already gotten away from once that same evening. Miles should have taken her home. So it wouldn't have been fair on him and would have ruined his night, but he took on those responsibilities when he took Mel on. He can't treat her like an ordinary teenager because she's not. People are treating her like a teenager going through a rebelious stage, but it is so much more than that, it's clear she's slowly breaking down but no one seems to be doing anything about it. In fact, ironically it's only Mathew who's actually listened to her at all.

Totally agree

Tony finding Jack was heartbreaking I was shouting at the tv no don't find him let soemone else. I think Angelo did know that he was dead and was in shock I wonder if he'll turn himself in?

I don't think its been as good lately either the quality of the scripts haven't been so good and I think they've hired some not so good actors and introduced less likeable characters. The last few eps have been a bit of a return to form though. I hope Belle goes to the city for awhile she looks like she needs a break, and so do we!

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Leah was in the kitchen, although if you blinked you'd miss her.When Miles and the others came in, they helped her to her feet and Miles told Nicole to take her into the hall.She was at the hall in the previous episode helping set up.Mind you, so was Irene, so goodness only knows where she disappeared to.

Not sure if this should be in spoilers because I don't know if it's true but...There were two people firing guns at that building site and we didn't see Jack after the second set of [non-Angelo] gunshots.And when Angelo was presumably walking in the direction he fired, Jack didn't seem quite in line.Maybe I'm clutching at straws.Presumably that was Tim he was on the phone to when he left the house.Not sure what the rules are about policemen carrying firearms off duty.

Not sure how Kirsty feels about Miles and Kane.She left Kane to help Miles when he was injured and didn't seem self-conscious about leaning on him at the hospital but she also had to be restrained from going back to help Kane and was frantic to find him afterwards.After everything they've been through, I don't suppose she'll ever stop caring.

Martha and Jack sleeping together was either "Let's get her pregnant" or "Let's show them really happy together before tearing it all apart."Take your pick.

Thanks for that Red Ranger, guess I did blink, also I thought Irene was there as well at the beginning, then she wasn't. It did appear that Angelo shot in Jacks' direction, but I suppose it could be a red herring. When Jack was watching Angelo leaving his house he saw he was on the phone, whether he heard who he was talking to we don't know, it was quite a distance, but we - the audience - heard him say Tim's name.

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Seriously, everyone, I have just watched that scene again.We hear a gunshot and see both Angelo and Jack react to it(the last time we see Jack alive), so it wasn't either of them.Angelo draws his gun and we hear another gunshot.Angelo turns and fires and we see him walking forward and then we see Jack, lying on his front at a good 45 degree angle from the direction Angelo is walking.As if he'd been shot in the back.This might be Red Ranger going at his conspiracy theories again but I'm wondering if Tim lured Angelo there to kill him, saw Jack had followed him and decided to kill two birds with one stone by killing Jack and making Angelo think he'd done it.Could be completely wrong.Often am.

Anyway, onto that episode.That really made up for Jack hardly being in the opener, with almost the entire episode, bar a couple of Kirsty and Kane scenes, made up of people's reactions to his death. Achingly sad in places.I loved Jon Sivewright's performance in the sequence of Tony telling Roman what happened(with Conrad Coleby doing a good job as well)and when he goes to see Martha and tells her he needs to share it with her.

Nice to see Ken again.With Jack dead, Lara on leave [possibly permanently?] and things looking dicier for Angelo by the minute, I was worried the station was going to be empty.Are we supposed to assume Melody just wandered home by herself?Alf was talking as though she was in her room which made it look as though we'd skipped an episode.

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I don't think its been as good lately either the quality of the scripts haven't been so good and I think they've hired some not so good actors and introduced less likeable characters. The last few eps have been a bit of a return to form though. I hope Belle goes to the city for awhile she looks like she needs a break, and so do we!

I have to agree with this to a certain extent. And it’s not just new characters that have been less likeable or even neglected for that matter but old ones - Irene, Kirsty, Leah, Miles etc. And yes it has been pretty full on with Belle as of late but both the end of season and season opener episodes were really good.

I didn’t really like tonight's episode probably because it was about as negative as you could possibly get. I guess it was good to have one last scene with Jack and Martha. Most of the time I watched Jack during his period within the show I spent disliking him intensely but over the last few months that seems to have gone and towards the end I actually quite liked him and thought he was ok, even when he was being annoying.

It looks like Kane’s gonna pull through so that’s something at least.

Anyway re Roman - Don’t get me wrong he's a great guy and definitely one of my favourite characters and I know his heart is in the right place but even when he went round to Tony’s I just felt that was for Martha’s benefit rather than actually being there to support him as a friend (perhaps I’m being a bit harsh). It’s just something about the way he was that made me think he’s got a long term strategy in regards to Martha relationship wise. I hope I’m wrong but I really don’t think he should be pursuing this avenue and would be best advised to just leave well alone.

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Today was really sad. Poor Tony. Finding Jack like that :( And his scene with Roman was really moving. I actually felt so sorry for Rachel, having to stay at work all night despite her step son (well pretty much) being murdered. She was trying so hard to be strong for Tony. But when she went into J/M's house at the end and just broke down i nearly cried too. Her slight pause at the door showed how much she was trying to compose herself, but i guess she was just so overwhelmed.

I do like how she was the one to cover Jack with a sheet, it was a nice touch someone close to him got to do that.

And Martha. Normally she drives me mad but tonight she was just brilllaint.

The individual crying scenes at the end were so well done. Tony looking completely lost, Martha with Jack's uniform, Rachel with her hand on her bump( well it doesn't exist yet but still) ...Alf and Colleen....

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Yes, a very grim episode. I thought it wouldn't move me because I've never liked Jack, he just seemed wooden. I avoided HAA when Noah died and when Flynn died because it was just too awful, but I have watched the death of Jack, although I may stop watching after today for a while. That poor Martha. I think if I was her I'd just give up and walk out into the sea one night.

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I don't think its been as good lately either the quality of the scripts haven't been so good and I think they've hired some not so good actors and introduced less likeable characters. The last few eps have been a bit of a return to form though. I hope Belle goes to the city for awhile she looks like she needs a break, and so do we!

I have to agree with this to a certain extent. And it’s not just new characters that have been less likeable or even neglected for that matter but old ones - Irene, Kirsty, Leah, Miles etc.

I'd agree with that I really miss the old Irene, and i'd love to see some comedy buddy moments between Miles and Roman the work so well together.

I really enjoyed the ep even though it was so sad because it was so well acted and observed. That scene where Rachel broke down got me too. I think Jodi was so good shes come on so much as an actress.

Red Ranger your not alone I though that too Angeo wasn't at the right angle to shoot Jack although that could've been a mistake in the filming but we know someone else was there with a gun. I think Angelo thinks he shot him as he seemed to be in shock and didn't report the shooting.

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