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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I really hopes the Kirsty/Miles/Kane saga ends soon, its beginning to annoy me.

I have to agree with this. The last thing we want is yet another Belle/Aden/Angelo scenario. Also reminds me a bit of Martha/Jack/Roman too but in that case he had enough sense to end things and remove himself from the situation. Can’t really say the same right now though.

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Yesterday's episode was heartbreaking! Alf's face when he was telling Martha - just tragic - I couldn't keep it together. I'm disappointed that Jack and Martha have ended this way - I feel I've invested a lot in their relationship only for it to completely come to an end - but I guess that's soaps for you. I should know better.

What was Angelo thinking - even if he didn't shoot Jack - running away and leaving him there was completely unforgivable. If he does stick around and gets proved innocent - I'll be very disappointed if Tony or Martha ever forgive him for leaving Jack there to die.

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What was Angelo thinking - even if he didn't shoot Jack - running away and leaving him there was completely unforgivable. If he does stick around and gets proved innocent - I'll be very disappointed if Tony or Martha ever forgive him for leaving Jack there to die.

I completely agree, leaving someone for dead is inexcusable.

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I think the reason why Angelo didn't call for help was probably shock. Even though they had just had an argument, I think if he had been thinking rationally he would have called for help straightaway & explained what happened. In recent history of Angelo everyone in the Bay had thought he had bashed Belle & left her for dead, so maybe, even though he was exonerated of that, he thought that everyone would think he deliberately shot & killed Jack as well.

Yes, he definitely did the wrong thing, but I do not think he is an evil person & I think he feels awful for what has happened.

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Seriously, everyone, I have just watched that scene again.We hear a gunshot and see both Angelo and Jack react to it(the last time we see Jack alive), so it wasn't either of them.Angelo draws his gun and we hear another gunshot.Angelo turns and fires and we see him walking forward and then we see Jack, lying on his front at a good 45 degree angle from the direction Angelo is walking.As if he'd been shot in the back.This might be Red Ranger going at his conspiracy theories again but I'm wondering if Tim lured Angelo there to kill him, saw Jack had followed him and decided to kill two birds with one stone by killing Jack and making Angelo think he'd done it.Could be completely wrong.Often am.

I think you're completely right. Angelo didn't kill Jack. He thinks he did but he didn't.

Jon Sivewright's acting was superb. The same can't be said of Jodi who seems to struggle with big emotional scenes. Amy Matthews totally out-acted her imo.

Not a Jack fan in the slightest so I can't pretend I'm enjoying the show at the minute. I'm liking Melody's storyline getting some much needed attention but I worry that they've taken the character too far. People don't seem to be as willing to forgive her as much as other characters in the past and it could work against her if she stays around as a regular.

I'm willing Rachel to slap Bridget. Its just infuriating now.

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So glad Rachel has seen through Bridget and done some checking couldnt hAVE come quickly enough I feel sorry for Alf he thought he had found some one to love.

Cant under stand Leah though.

Whats going to happen with Kirsty and kane I hope she dosent do what I think shes going to do .

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Home and Away has got much better recently and at the moment the whole rachel v bridget saga is my favourite part! Leah is so annoying atm just judging Rachel who she has known far longer than Brigdet but I guess she'll know soon enough when all her money dissapears! Rachel is my favourite atm and I am dying to see tomorrows ep now after the confrontation between the 2 at the end!!

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So, we finally got confirmation of what Melody did and saw how(sort of).Assuming she doesn't routinely carry padlocks around with her, someone must have left one lying about so whoever was responsible for the safety of a couple of dozen pupils and making sure the(apparently only)exit was left clear wasn't doing their job.(Better ring the lawyers, Mr.Bartlett.)Sending her back to the clinic might be going a bit far but someone really should talk to Melody about seeing a counsellor.She had a scared rabbit look throughout that episode and given how she ended up after what happened to Axel I'm worried how she'll react now she really has contributed to people being injured.(Although, inevitably, Kane now seems fine and judging from Jai's phone call to Annie[?]so's Belle.)I'm hoping Jai's words had an affect on her and coming clean to Miles is hopefully a step forward.

Miles looked so forlorn at the hospital and Kane's not really sure where he stands either.Neither's Kirsty for that matter, unable to tell Kane she loves him and unable to face Miles.Would she really use Leah as a confidante?They might have been getting on better lately but she seems to have had her recent memories erased.

Rachel's tactics could charitably be described as "risky":I'm not sure if ringing up someone's mother to ask if they've got cancer is really adviseable.Leah still seems to have had a trust bypass although her advice not to tell Alf or Martha without proof is pretty sound.

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