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I think Kirsty might use Irene as a confidante, she didnt look very sure of her place but then again neither did Miles or Kane, Ollie was the only content one, I think Kirsty will follow whoever Ollie wants to be with and that looks like Kane.

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Kirsty actually annoyed me. She seemed to be totally neglecting Miles and I ended up feeling sorry for him, rather than Kane. And she seemed totally oblivious to how she was acting too. I have to agree with Zetti again. Her and Leah have only just made up and considering how she felt about Miles she would have been far more likely to confide in Irene (although Leah was the first person she told about Bartlett’s advances) as I remember Kirsty telling her when Kane first initiated contact whilst he was in jail.

Well at least Melody acknowledged what she did was wrong and fessed up about locking the doors. I think Miles did mention that she should see talk to someone but then she got all defensive and stormed off. So she’s clearly in denial.

Interesting that Rachel mentioned Lucas was in somewhere in northern India and unreachable. So I assume he won’t be making a guest appearance and coming for the funeral.

I really didn’t like the way Rachel went about things regarding Bridget i.e. contacting her mother (and bringing her into it) but it’s hardly surprising considering how eager she is to expose her and she’s now got proof. I’m not sure if she would be breaking patient confidentiality before. Well I’m guessing not as the doctor confirmed that Bridget was never a patient of his.

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Just like to point out that Irene's in the city at the moment with Belle so wasn't really available for Kirsty to confide in her.I guess if they needed Kirsty to open up to someone there weren't really any alternatives to Leah.She's had a few scenes with Rachel but they're not really that close and anyway she's involved in at least two other storylines at the moment.It still seems a bit sloppy though, they should have just held off until Irene got back.

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Obviously Belle is in hospital receiving treatment but I wonder if Irene is staying with Amanda. I can’t imagine that they would have gone to the city without telling her (although considering that Kirsty hasn’t bothered contacting her family nothing would surprise me). I was actually surprised and impressed with Leah. Before she would have had a right go at Kirsty and blamed her for the situation she’s gotten into but she seems to be acting more like a friend. Not judging and simply trying to support her. I’m liking her more and more at the minute.

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First off Tuesday's episode, it was very good. They way they told the story of Jack being found and all that happened after in flash back style was clever. Although the scenes of Martha and Jack 'talking' was very well done, I think the echo effect was a bit over the top. Such a touching scene between Alf and Coleen, no words said, just him putting his hand on her shoulder then them hugging - that's proper acting. As for whether it was Angelo killing Jack as Closer Each Day and others have said he thinks he did. To me the angle seemed right, but it was dark so anything is possible as it usually is in soaps. The way Rachel tried to compose herself before going in toTony was so well done. Martha laying out Jack's uniform and cuddling up to it was also very emotive.

I feel so sorry for Miles, he can see that Kirsty still has a lot of feelings for Kane and must know he may lose her. In fact that is more or less what she told Leah. She is bound to still care about him but also perhaps that now she has told Miles she loves him she feels she should stay with him.

Glad that Melody has finally confessed to being on drugs, but I have the feeling she didn't remember locking the doors until she heard Jai on the phone. The look on her face certainly gave me that impression. Perhaps this will be the wake up call she needs. So the padlock was on the door but open which does seem pretty lax on the part of whoever was responsible. Surely it would have been better for it to have been closed then just opened with the key after the dance? Is Aden also in the city with Belle and co, it wasn't mentioned, but we didn't see him on Tuesday or last night.

Scenes between Rachel and Bridget were great. I couldn't see what was written on the envelope that Rachel took out of the drawer, but it was obviously from Bridget's mum. Can we assume from that then that Bridget Simmons is her real name? Is she going to manage to talk her way out of it?

Poor Alf that is all he needs on top of everything else.

This has nothing to do with any of the above, but just before Rachel had her row with Bridget, Irene took a call from Leah's bank, Leah couldn't take it and asked Irene to take a message which she did. So a) did Irene pass it on and b) is it anything to do with what Bridget was up to?

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Melody is not very easy to discuss as I can never tell whether she is brinkering on insanity or whether she is actually insane, she can't in my opinion be very consistent, she is in denial about the accident which is understandable but then again she didnt admit to it till Jai had a go at her & good for Jai, he had every right to do that, Melody has to see that her actions have consequences and she doesnt seem capable of doing that to be completely honest.

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Like to point out that although Jai forced Melody to admit to the drugs, neither he nor anyone else knew about her locking the door so she admitted to that freely.She seemed to take a few steps forward in that episode, at least until the end.She was reluctant to drop Matthew in it, whereas not so long ago she'd have cheerily blamed everything on him, and even then stressed it was her choice.She took the trouble of going to see Aden to check how Belle is.(Asking Aden rather than Annie, Geoff or even Irene seems a bit odd, come to think of it, although they have struck up a bit of a repartee.)It's nice that a few characters seem to be softening towards her:I liked Jai's concerned look when she was confessing to Martin and his going after her at the end and even Aden seems to have discovered his forgiving side.(It still feels a bit odd seeing Aden and Geoff on the same side, although I actually wish the camera had dwelt on them a bit more after Nicole rushed out, it seemed like an important moment for them.)Having saved her from the police, I guess Martin's entitled to hand out whatever punishment he likes but it seemed a bit harsh given the number of chances other characters have had.I'm not sure giving her a fresh start is the best idea, I think it would help her and everyone else more if she had to stick around and win their trust back.And it's not exactly the best message to send to her when she's actually taking responsibility for once.I'm a bit worried that she's still listed as "guest cast", with her not at the school anymore and Miles' ability to look after her in question it looks as though they might be getting ready to ship her out.I still really like her despite everything so I wouldn't want that.

So...Belle was transferred to a specialist in the city and then, about twenty-four hours later, transferred back again.I'm no expert but that seems unlikely.Aden came pretty close to saying he's eighteen in that episode.It seems as though some writers remember he repeated a year and some don't.

Rachel knows about Bridget's cancer but apparently has no knowledge of her other activities.(Has she forgotten about her going through Leah's drawers?Actually, with all that's happened, that's not unlikely.)

I'm not sure what they're doing with her, they seem to have been trying to give her a conscience recently, although her decision to stay seemed to have more to do with Brian's blackmail than supporting Alf.

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I'm going to say it. I have to...

Woohoo Jack is dead!

Edited to Add: ... Okay, there was more to this post but it must has messed up. I had also put that I am not a Jack hater but I am glad he is dead because the character was going round in circles. I personally felt that the character was backed into a corner.

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I think Belle is now going over the top with this story no one in there right mind would be alloud to stay in Hospital just because they are frightened to go home, if she is that scared then she should have stayed with her mother (Am,anda )in the city.

Same thing with Martha yes alot of us have been there but we have to carry on she wants to think she still has family she hasnt been left alone.

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Hmm…I thought Rachel was particularly smug tonight. The way she repeated “Don’t test me” annoyed the hell out of me. And it seemed as though she thought she’d claimed a moral victory over Bridget and got one over on her. The plus side I suppose at least she tried to get her to leave discreetly so in a way it was damage limitation regarding Alf.

Aden showed a different side to his character today. When Nicole told him that Melody locked the doors I was half expecting him to get annoyed with her (usually because he’s over protective of Belle) and chuck her out of Roman’s but he didn’t. Furthermore when Nicole was giving Melody a piece of her mind he actually defended her mainly because I felt he empathised with her being in the same situation several months ago. So maybe there is hope for him after all. Well it’s a start anyway.

I wasn’t really sure what to make of Bartlett regarding Melody and Miles. He did go to the station and get the police to drop the charges but he seemed to have no qualms about “asking her to leave”. Although it was very difficult to disagree with his reasoning as he made some very valid points. But yes I agree with the point made about other characters getting lesser punishment. And the person who immediately springs to mind is Lyons. He pushed Jai into the water not so long ago, he photocopied Ruby’s diary and posted it all over the school and he supplied Melody with drugs - Double standards.

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