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Surely in the light of all that has happened Rachel could be given some compassionate leave from the hospital? I've been surprised to see her working and running around after Bridget the last couple of days. She's not the only doctor in the hospital and Tony could really be doing with her support right now.

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Hmm…I thought Rachel was particularly smug tonight. The way she repeated “Don’t test me” annoyed the hell out of me. And it seemed as though she thought she’d claimed a moral victory over Bridget and got one over on her. The plus side I suppose at least she tried to get her to leave discreetly so in a way it was damage limitation regarding Alf.

I wasn’t really sure what to make of Bartlett regarding Melody and Miles. He did go to the station and get the police to drop the charges but he seemed to have no qualms about “asking her to leave”. Although it was very difficult to disagree with his reasoning as he made some very valid points. But yes I agree with the point made about other characters getting lesser punishment. And the person who immediately springs to mind is Lyons. He pushed Jai into the water not so long ago, he photocopied Ruby’s diary and posted it all over the school and he supplied Melody with drugs - Double standards.

We certainly saw a different side to Rachel, she is normally seen as seeing the good side in everyone. But as Bridget as lied about having cancer when others in the Bay that Rachel knows have had it you can understand her losing it. She (Bridget) then tried to make out she had been diagnosed as a compulsive lier!! She did give Bridget a good get out, but then Alf had to go and ask her to stay until the funeral, which of course he would. BTW I think he she does care for Alf. Now of course Brian is on her case, so on one side Rachel is telling to leave town or she tells all and sundry and Brian is telling her to stay or he will blow the whistle.

I agree with Martin about asking Melody to leave, no way could she stay at SBH now that the news is out about what she did. How did Nicole find out BTW unless Jai told Annie who told Geoff and Nicole. It was tough enough for her after she came out of the clinic, but people did have sympathy for her then. I do think that Matthew should also get punished for giving her the drugs though she did take them willingly. I do think he was too harsh on Miles though about the truancy (when did that happen)? and doing a copy of her work for Matthew, he soon dropped her in it there. One thought struck me, if the accident hadn't happened what would have been the point of Melody locking the doors and didn't the community hall have any windows?

That seemed a bit odd to me as well Red Ranger, hardly seemed worth it just sending her to the city just for one night.

I feel sorry for Belle, to see such a normally confident outgoing young woman come apart at the seams like that is so sad. Aden seems to be the only one who is sympathatic, Irene is more or less saying once you get home you'll be O.K. Though Rachel may have been more understanding seeing as she used to be a psychiartrist and should see that Belle is having problems.

That is very cruel on Martha there Janice514, it's only just happened and a big part of her is still in shock. At the moment as far as she is concerned she is alone, she won't even be able to take in that others, mainly Tony, are also suffering, not in the same way she is, but suffering all the same. So give her a break.

Perhaps EmyKate68 Rachel feels better working, it probably helps to have something to focus on.

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Bridget is definetly going to plan something now around Jack's funeral because I saw the glint in her eye when Alf said she should stay until after the funeral! Rachel is definetly my fave character atm and she has a pretty good storyline! I think she shouldn't have said Bridget could stay and just told Alf but not that they'd believe her like Leah doesn't! I can't wait till tonights ep and see if Rachel can crack Bridgets plan to get money!

I thought that it was genious of her to steal that letter and ring her mum but bridget could've come up with a better excuse even though in the end Rachel will be like I told you all so but she is too nice to say it!!

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. I'm not sure giving her a fresh start is the best idea, I think it would help her and everyone else more if she had to stick around and win their trust back.And it's not exactly the best message to send to her when she's actually taking responsibility for once.I'm a bit worried that she's still listed as "guest cast", with her not at the school anymore and Miles' ability to look after her in question it looks as though they might be getting ready to ship her out.I still really like her despite everything so I wouldn't want that.

Neither would I although I feel like they've messed her character up a bit of late she's still my fav of the teen group. It was nice to see the old Melody.

I loved Rachel in this ep. It must've been hard for her to keep her cool finding out she was faking cancer and using Martha and Alf especially as shes not only friends with them but also a Dr. I loved the fact that she used her head and instead of just telling everyone what Bridgette did and saying I told you so she came up with a solution where Bridgette would leave without devastating Martha and Alf. I was surprised that Bridgett told creepy bloke that the deal was off would've thought she would have just left.

Although I don't want to see Belle whinging anymore I think its good that they're following it on as after all she'd been through she would be a basket case however I wish she'd stayed in the city for a few weeks at least.

Martha would be completely inhuman is she wasn't devastated.

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I just have to say I feel so sorry for Melody. I'm not condoning drugs but essentially she took some drugs (like Aden previously did when Cassie had that car accident) and locked a door. Hardly crime of the century, though from the way Nicole treated her you'd think she'd planned the whole thing. What kind of community hall doesn't have an emergency exit anyway, and what kind of person books it for a school formal then lets a padlock be left on the door? Personally that's the question I think they should be asking.

In regards to her walking out in front of the car, the accident had just as much to do with Kane not paying full attention to the road, as big a fan of his I am if he hadn't been looking down, trying to find his phone and had been concentrating on the road he would have seen Melody earlier and the whole thing could have been avoided.

Similarly if Miles cared more about the mentally unstable child he took responsibility for than his love life, again the whole thing could have been avoided. All in all there's alot people can blame for the accident but to put the blame solely on a mentally unstable child, who's clearly not coping is not the best thing to do. That is why I don't agree with Melody being thrown out of school, she could perhaps have been given some time off, taken to get some help etc, but making her start afresh in the mental state she is in is probably the worst thing they could ask her to do.

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It does seem as though everyone, including Melody herself, has just decided the accident was entirely her fault.I actually wonder if they changed their minds about what happened during the break because people's description of events doesn't really match what we saw.(Melody's actions didn't really look like "running out", no-one's mentioned that Kane wasn't concentrating on the road or that there was a nice big empty space to his left for him to swerve into rather than the building full of school children on his right.)Bit odd that Matthew told Martin about the essay, by the way, especially given how scared he was of his parents finding out.Maybe he was just angry about Melody telling on him.He can be a bit tit for tat sometimes.

Liked the way they showed Angelo as only just about holding it together, it's obviously weighing on him. Maybe I misheard but I'll swear they said Tim had disappeared last week.Minor detail that could well be important later on:Charlie casually mentions Jack's gun is missing.Assuming it's not down the back of the sofa and I very much doubt Angelo took it, either someone got hold of it in the few seconds before Angelo found him or someone took it between Angelo leaving and Tony arriving.Loved Annie hugging Tony and Martha at the Diner.

Glad Belle finally apologised to Angelo, maybe if she'd done that sooner there'd have been a lot less trouble.Bit out of character for Irene to seemingly hand responsibility for Belle over to Aden and Roman.Even if she feels safer at Aden's than at home, you'd expect Irene to be helping her settle in and supporting her rather than just shrugging it off.Maybe we'll seem some of that in future episodes but given Irene's usual screen time compared to Aden and Belle I doubt it.

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