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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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It was difficult watching the scenes with Martha and Angelo. When Tony talked him into visiting her you just knew that he would be the one the get her talking again and he would be the one that would receive gratitude for saving her. You can tell that he feels a great deal of remorse for what happened but he shouldn’t have just left Jack there like that. It’s all going to come out (these things always do) and when it does it’s not going to be pretty.

Was unsure about Belle today. At times I feel she’s getting more annoying by the minute i.e. I didn’t like the way she had to make Jack’s death all about her but on the other hand she did apologise to Angelo.

I also didn’t like the way Aden’s giving up going to uni to look after Belle. Roman was right. When she gets better what is he going to do? I suppose he could always defer for a year.

I’m not surprised Charlie’s onto Angelo so quickly. Someone was bound to check Tim’s phone records as he would invariably be the prime suspect considering that Jack’s body was found at the site. The flip side to that is the two previous people who the police suspected were heavily involved with this, namely Tim and Nobby disappeared. So if Tim did do it you would have thought he would have been more likely to dispose of Jack’s body. So the question remains is what is she going to do about it?

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Was unsure about Belle today. At times I feel she’s getting more annoying by the minute i.e. I didn’t like the way she had to make Jack’s death all about her but on the other hand she did apologise to Angelo.

I hate the way this is being shown. Her behaviour is not coming across as scared, it just screams out spoilt. For example the scene with the nurse (Julie?!) made me want to slap her round the face with a trout. When she didn't get what she wanted she pouted. And as for that poor janitor being screamed at for nothing; he looked so scared! I will applaud Aden for not doing the predictable and assuming that he was there to hurt his poor Belle.

It is obvious that the bad guys have moved on from her trying to wreck them, yet she thinks it is all her fault and all about her? Houston, we have a Dani Syndrome on our hands!

Oh and I loved Angelo's mini smackdown when she was saying sorry.

... And no, I will not hide because of my opinion.

I loved the scene between Angelo & Martha. Although I foolishly watched an ep of The Shield after watching H&A and now I could totally picture something way better happening in that scene. The reason I mention The Shield is because it was an ep where Vic (the lead corrupt detective) breaks the news to this woman that her sister was murdered and then they had sex while she cried. Twas more heartbreaking than it sounds... and now I'm rambling.... :unsure:

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Was unsure about Belle today. At times I feel she’s getting more annoying by the minute i.e. I didn’t like the way she had to make Jack’s death all about her but on the other hand she did apologise to Angelo.

I hate the way this is being shown. Her behaviour is not coming across as scared, it just screams out spoilt. For example the scene with the nurse (Julie?!) made me want to slap her round the face with a trout. When she didn't get what she wanted she pouted. And as for that poor janitor being screamed at for nothing; he looked so scared! I will applaud Aden for not doing the predictable and assuming that he was there to hurt his poor Belle.

It is obvious that the bad guys have moved on from her trying to wreck them, yet she thinks it is all her fault and all about her? Houston, we have a Dani Syndrome on our hands!

Oh and I loved Angelo's mini smackdown when she was saying sorry.

... And no, I will not hide because of my opinion.

I loved the scene between Angelo & Martha. Although I foolishly watched an ep of The Shield after watching H&A and now I could totally picture something way better happening in that scene. The reason I mention The Shield is because it was an ep where Vic (the lead corrupt detective) breaks the news to this woman that her sister was murdered and then they had sex while she cried. Twas more heartbreaking than it sounds... and now I'm rambling.... :unsure:

Okay can someone please tell me was Angelo involved with the developers all this time? Also did Angelo kill Jack or was it someone else?

If so is Angelo leaving the show. :Hmm:

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I agreed with Martin's concerns about whether Miles is a suitable guardian for Melody. I don't really know why he was granted the authority to look after her anyway. As someone said above, she has serious mental health issues and Miles has just been too involved with Kirsty to give Mel what she needs. Where's Pippa when she is needed? :P If Miles and Kirsty had been a stable couple who had been together for a few years, I could understand them being given the guardianship, but they are like a pair of teenagers. Maybe its cos MIles did such a good job with Jai :unsure:

I also wondered why Jack's gun is missing. There was no reason for Angelo to take it, so it must have been someone else... :huh:

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I totally agree with all rhat has been said about Belle no way would she have been alloud to stay in a Hospital bed if she had been pronounced fit, but she goes into a hissy fit and gets her own way wrong.

Angelo there was no need for him to take jacks gun he has his own so its obvious some one else has taken it, strange that when Angelo fired his gun and he found Jack on the ground how littte much blood there was, but when Tony found him his shirt was sodden with blood.

Charlie had no right keeping Tims phone when he was released he should have been given all his pocessions back, she could be i a lot of trouble for that, she has gone against police proticol.

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I hate the way this is being shown. Her behaviour is not coming across as scared, it just screams out spoilt. For example the scene with the nurse (Julie?!) made me want to slap her round the face with a trout.

It is obvious that the bad guys have moved on from her trying to wreck them, yet she thinks it is all her fault and all about her? Houston, we have a Dani Syndrome on our hands!

:lol: All very true! While I think it is realistic that Belle would be traumatised by everything she has been through recently, and is understandably scared about going home, I hate to see her like this. Where is her feisty character? Why is she not demanding justice for Jack? Why is she being made into a damsel in distress - that's just not her at all. I just don't believe her as someone who would give in to fear - surely she would just continue with her fight and ignore her own personal problems?

Was a bit confused when Charlie mentioned her and Angelo were seeing each other now :huh: Didn't they decide that sleeping together was a mistake? Or have I missed some crucial scene between them?

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Maybe I misheard but I'll swear they said Tim had disappeared last week.Minor detail that could well be important later on:Charlie casually mentions Jack's gun is missing.Assuming it's not down the back of the sofa and I very much doubt Angelo took it, either someone got hold of it in the few seconds before Angelo found him or someone took it between Angelo leaving and Tony arriving.

No you didn't mishear Red, they definitely said Tim was missing last week and lo all of a sudden he reappears, did they find him or did he turn himself in (unlikley). As for Jack's gun going missing I would say it was the latter and it appears the list that Jack had with him (phone records) must also be missing because he had them with him and noone has mentioned them. It may be I am watching too much CSI but what about forensics on the bullet that killed Jack, they would at least be able to tell which type of gun fired it. It seems both Jai and Annie have kept quite about Kane not concentrating on the road. If he had swerved to the left there wouldn't have been any story would there?

Janice514 Charlie hadn't released Tim he was still in custody. Though Angelo obviously didn't know that when Charlie faked that call from him. She must have got the same list of phone calls that Jack had (though updated) and noticed that Angelo's number was on it the night Jack was killed.

Agree with you there Slade re the scene between Martha and Angelo he couldn't refuse Tony's request without a really good excuse. Also the scene later when she and Tony asked him to speak at Jack's funeral which he did manage to get himself out of. I do hope it turns out that he didn't kill Jack (though I do agree he shouldn't have left him). I'm not sure, though, how he would have called for an ambulance without having a good excuse for being at the development site.

Gemmie, it's all pointing to Angelo to being the shooter but there are doubts. He was kind of involved, Tim got him to switch the soil samples in return for him finding a fall guy for the attack on Belle which Angelo had been accused of.

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I'm really not sure how to feel about Belle at the moment.She's not been as bad as I thought:It sounded as though she was going to make Jack's death all about her but while there's been a certain amount of that she has actually expressed some guilt over the hornet's nest she's stirred up with her amateur detective work, storming in convinced she knew best.I think giving her a storyline where we're all meant to be feeling sorry for her immediately after she's been behaving in a manner that's not entirely sympathetic was a mistake, they should have let the dust settle first.

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