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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I was going to point out the heart shot thing, especially since Angelo didn't even seem to be aiming at Jack, he was just firing blind.He did the wrong thing by doing a deal with Tim and he did the wrong thing by running off and leaving Jack.It's not much of an excuse but he was motivated by fear and, in the latter case, shock.I'm hoping it wasn't him that killed Jack and I'm hoping he doesn't go to jail.

What the hell was Ruby on in that episode?I accused Belle of being self-centered but she's got nothing on her.I don't even like Xavier and I still winced when she went up to him asking why he hadn't got in touch with her when his cousin had just died.And then she went and whined to Charlie while she was on a stakeout.On first impressions, I quite like Gina even if she's being a bit of an inattentive mother. Jack and Tony really should have told her about the drugs because Xavier's obviously up to his old tricks.

And confirmed, great to see Morag back.

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I have to give credit where credit’s due and despite everything Charlie was totally professional not letting her feeling towards Angelo cloud her judgment whatsoever. I still don’t quite understand Angelo. As a police officer he must know that he’s bound to be found out eventually and he hasn’t even considered making a run for it. It will be interesting to see how Charlie acts when she goes into cop mode assuming that she does have enough evidence to arrest him. I wonder if Martha is going to be able to keep quite during the funeral too. Especially if Angelo decides to conduct a reading. I think he said no the first time but he might change his mind.

I agree with the other posters that it is good to see Morag back. I’m not sure about her being permanent as this role she has coming in and out of Summer Bay every so often seems ideal and when she does return it makes you appreciate the character even more. At least we’re not in a situation like with Irene and Leah as it would appear the writers don't know what to do with their characters.

So Xavier’s mum gives him $50 to help with the catering for Jack’s funeral and he ends up spending on dope. No doubt to sell to some of the local kids. Considering that he cousin lost his life fighting crime...hmmm.

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Charlie had no right keeping Tims phone when he was released he should have been given all his pocessions back, she could be i a lot of trouble for that, she has gone against police proticol.

Know what you mean now Janice514, it was the episode on Fiver on Friday, but those of us who don't have Fiver we didn't see it until yesterday.

Xavier is awful. I like his brother though.

I'm guessing you mean Hugo and he has been seen on Fiver last night (see above). Thought Gina was a bit cruel saying she was proud of Hugo and Xavier but not his brother Brandon, just because he has learning disabilites doesn't mean she should just dismiss him like that. Xavier pulled her up on it and she just ignored him. Any else getting the feeling a new family is going to move to the bay?

I echo everyone else so good to see Morag, I did wonder before why she hadn't come, but I thought with Ross being the way he is it may have not be possible.

Not quite sure if Charlie involving Martha in police procedures is right or not. She hasn't had the training to hid her emotions especially at this time.

Marc EH I'm sure as soon as Morag meets Bridget she will suss her out in no time, can't wait for that.

As we are still not sure if Angelo killed Jack so wouldn't be very wise for him to do a runner, that would definitely make him look guilty.

There is a weird coincidence tonight - there are two soaps with funerals - both for someone called Jack.

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Tnights ep Angelo did say he shot Jack but I think that was a gut reaction because he fired blind and in the dark and no one is that good at shooting, As useall Martha was ott onece again with wallowing in her self she didnt feel like that a while ago when she was cavorting with Cam and Jack got her off the drug bust, Martha get a life.

Ruby ahe need to take a rain check on her self and stop to theink not every boy is going to fall at your feet.

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Another really good episode.

I loved the whole build up thing with Martha. Would she, wouldn’t she?

The funeral was a bit reminiscent of Noah’s when they were all standing on top of the cliff.

I just knew Angelo would end up doing a reading for Jack. Although I’m now starting to wonder myself if he did kill him, else why would Tim have bothered going to the funeral at all? And another thing but why did Tim go himself anyway? Surely it would have been better to send one of his henchmen. I still think Angelo was acting a bit odd. It was just when he was at Martha’s he was acting like nothing happened and then I can’t believe several minutes later and a few punches from Tony would make him confess considering that he was about to hand over $15 000.

I just found the scene with Roman and Charlie so funny. Roman’s getting a bit paranoid and he's acting like his relationship with Charlie meant absolutely nothing to him. He does appear to be around Martha quite a bit lately and it’s understandable that he’s being a friend to her but maybe after this mess is over with he should back off a bit. Otherwise people will start to get the wrong idea. Ruby’s not much better. Obviously Xavier’s mind was elsewhere at the minute but I guess at least he’s single.

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I'm guessing you mean Hugo and he has been seen on Fiver last night (see above). Thought Gina was a bit cruel saying she was proud of Hugo and Xavier but not his brother Brandon, just because he has learning disabilites doesn't mean she should just dismiss him like that. Xavier pulled her up on it and she just ignored him. Any else getting the feeling a new family is going to move to the bay?

Could someone please tell me about this "new family" of Gina, Hugo, Xavier and Brandon? Is there no father about? Is Brandon in a special school or children's home? Why won't Gina talk about him? Why was Xavier so upset at seeing his brother Hugo at the funeral?

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