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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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... Can Roman be anymore of a twit (substitute a letter y'all). The way he is treating Charlie is completely uncalled for and he needs to be slapped around the face with a trout.

:lol: now that is something I'd pay to see. What an arrogant thing for him to asume that all Charlie could think of while attending a colleague's funeral was him and that all she could feel was jeaulously over his feelings for Martha. I loved Charlie telling him where to go though.

Tnights ep Angelo did say he shot Jack but I think that was a gut reaction because he fired blind and in the dark and no one is that good at shooting, As useall Martha was ott onece again with wallowing in her self she didnt feel like that a while ago when she was cavorting with Cam and Jack got her off the drug bust, Martha get a life.

Ruby ahe need to take a rain check on her self and stop to theink not every boy is going to fall at your feet.

I'm not a Martha fan by any means and have found alot of her actions in the past questionable, but expecting her to stay quiet and be ok while who she thinks to be her husband's murderer goes to his funeral, and the wake and does a reading is a bit much. I loved her yelling at Rachel, her husband's been murdered, it's good to see some anger and Rachel did seem a tad patronising.

I felt so sorry for Angelo tonight, I love him usually anyway but my heart really broke for him. I think Luke is doing a fantastic job with this and you could really see the rawness of emotion in is face at the end. Also brilliant acting from Tony, I often think characters aren't strong enough in their reactions to situations and other characters so it was nice to see a bit of realism.

Tony's speech at Jack's funeral was heart breaking, I almost had a tear in my eye and I didn't even like Jack. You've got to feel for the man first his wife dies, then Beth and now Jack.

I have to say I loved Charlie jumping on Tim, he just looked so confused :lol: .

Watching Ruby drool all over Xavier like a love sick puppy was excruciating to watch. I can't believe this is the same Ruby who we've seen for the past couple of months, it's like she's lost all self respect :huh: .

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It's very understandable but if Tony had been [is?] wrong about Angelo, attacking him would have been barely excuseable.Even so, I can't bring myself to be angry with him, he just wants to know what happened.It reminded me a bit of when Beth died and he went to the hospital to confront the driver.I can understand Angelo confessing, it's obviously been eating away at him and when he found out people knew he just couldn't bring himself to deny it.

Did Ruby really just go to Jack's funeral because she fancies Xavier?And is she really close enough to the family to be standing right next to Tony when he gives the eulogy?Dealing drugs on the day of your cousin's funeral, that's classy.I suppose we'll all be expected to believe he's only like that because of his brother being "different".I made a few excuses for Gina yesterday but she seems to be veering into Bad Mother territory, neglecting at least two of her children.Quite like Hugo on first impression.(For anyone going "Isn't that Luke Handley from Neighbours?", yes, it's Luke Handley from Neighbours.For anyone going "Who's Luke Handley?", ask your parents.)

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Yes, the scene of Roman accusing Charlie of looking daggers at him was funny and ridiculous- get over yourself Rambo :rolleyes: And the scene with Charlie flooring Tim :lol: But obviously apart from that, what a grim episode.

You know what Miranda you took the words out of my mouth i thought the exact same thing when i watched it today.i also though Charlie could have said ..do you really think the world envolves around you, you self asborbed pratt

I've never been a Martha fan either but i thought how and earth can she be expected to keep that up.. being straight and letting go at Rachel was good.

Ruby what the earth is going on, i loved her then but now god if i could i would have slapped her today for being so painsakenly pathetic. i mean a guy she met once and had a night out so what, and for some reason she acts like the've known eachother a while jesus the poor guy does'nt get a breath .

He 's not a poor guy but he's Xvactier a drug dealer .

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Todays episode was fantastic. It made me all jumpy inside, which is the feeling i looove when watching a good soap episode. I could just feel Martha tention all through the episode. I dont blame Tony at all for the way he reacted during that episode He needed someone to blame, and when martha told him about angelo he didnt care if it was proof or not he needed something to go loose at. If it was anybody else he probably would of done the same thing. I think all the acting was subereb aswell. The only thing I hate about soap funerals is that they cant always have the actors show up for the parts. Eg Miles, Annie, Geoff, Belle they all knew and liked Jack. And Fitzy convinently went into labour...

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^Well after he hit Cassie for the umpteenth time she disowned him (I think) so I’m guessing they are not even in contact with each other. In saying that you would imagine that Macca would have heard about what happened. I think her adoptive parents died but if you want to bring continuity into it then yes why wasn’t Roo there? Lucas is in Northern India somewhere. Also Martha and Jack were really good friends with Tasha and Robbie but no mention of those two either.

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Did Ruby really just go to Jack's funeral because she fancies Xavier?And is she really close enough to the family to be standing right next to Tony when he gives the eulogy?

Yeah exactly what I was thinking - that was very random. I was a bit underwhelmed by the whole funeral to be honest - it wasn't much of a send off for Jack and became much more about Angelo. I agree with all that's been said about past characters who didn't make an appearance - were Mattie and Ric even told?

Surely they could have got all of the current cast at least to be there - where were Jai, Miles, Belle, Annie and Geoff? It was ridiculous they weren't there.

I can completely understand Tony going off at Angelo the way he did - the pain of losing a child must be unbearable and if you thought for a second that someone had deliberately killed your child your instinct would be to kill or seriously hurt them. I found Jon Sivewright's performance really moving.

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^Well after he hit Cassie for the umpteenth time she disowned him (I think) so I’m guessing they are not even in contact with each other.

Aha, did she. I forget these details, it is a good thing you are here to remind me Slade :whistle: But it does still annoy me about these no shows. In real life, long lost friends and family come out of the woodwork for funerals and marriages. You'd think Macca would send a letter or something, or they could have Martha quickly say 'I wish my mum/ brother/ were here.' Like Tony keeps talking about Lucas not being there. Or someone say 'Tasha and Robbie/ whoever sent flowers.' These little details are so important :rolleyes:

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