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Hate it. Hate it, hate it, hate it. So much for the writers caring about the long-term fans - it's not like we're the one who've got the show to its 21st anniversary or anything. :angry:

...I'll stop ranting now before I start to scare people.

Yes I didn’t really like that episode either but I do feel on the whole they have been pretty good lately. The problem is that some of the older characters are being sacrificed for the sake of the newer ones. That and a combination of inconsistent writing.

Can I assume that’s your reaction to Kirsty deciding that she’s going to chose Miles over Kane? I think it has now reached the point where Kirsty’s character’s changed so much that I am almost beyond caring. I actually wanted to throttle him when he basically tried to warn Miles off her like that. As someone already said it was reminiscent of his attitude in 2003. In fact this whole thing was reminiscent of 2003 where he returned to the bay and she was dating Seb, except that she has a child to worry about now. And this is exactly the kind of attitude that will make it easier for her to decide too. And how did I know she was going to say she was in love with both of them. Obviously keeping her options open before Kane decided to put pressure on her.

At least Angelo does appear to be showing genuine remorse for what happened. I actually felt really sorry for him. Even in the unlikely event the police find something to get him of the hook he has openly admitted to tampering with evidence so he will defiantly lose his job, face corruptions charges and almost certainly go to jail anyway I guess. If he could go back a few weeks he would have been better off owning up to bashing Belle (even though he didn’t do it). Charlie seemed deadly calm but professional at the same time.

Xavier wasn’t half as annoying as he was in his first couple of episodes. At least there’s a reason why he’s acting the way he is and I ended up feeling a bit sorry for him when he said how he was finding it hard helping his mother to care for his brother. Especially considering his age and what most kids would be doing.

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With regards to Jack's funeral, I think the only major omissions were Lucas and Lara, both of which were explained.The rest of the regulars were the sort of people who liked Jack but weren't really friends with him and so while I wouldn't have been surprised to see them there, I equally wasn't surprised that they weren't.The other names mentioned are people who might have been friends with Jack at one point but probably wouldn't hop on the plane and travel all the way across the country or from another country for his funeral.And most of Martha's family never met him.(Actually, Kim shared a house with Jack for quite a while and he's only just down the road...although him and Rachel there would have been awkward.)I suppose they could have had a scene of someone listing the people who sent flowers or condolence cards but it would have been a bit stilted.

As expected, we're supposed to feel sorry for Xavier.He's only dealing drugs to support his family, he's got an ineffectual mother, absentee older brother and mentally disabled younger brother, it's all the fault of his new girlfriend and that crowd he's been hanging around with...Seriously, how many excuses does one person need?Especially since he indirectly caused the fiasco at the formal by supplying Matthew and therefore Melody with drugs.Only in soap world does someone's family come to visit and end up moving there.

Kind of hoping the whole Kirsty and Kane plotline gets wrapped up sometime soon.I can understand why she'd prefer to be with Miles:For all his talk of wanting what's best for Kirsty and Ollie, Kane just seems to want his family back whatever the cost whilst Miles does genuinely seem to care what happens to them.It's really not good for Ollie, not to mention Jai and Melody, to have all this instability with Kirsty moving in and out all the time.

I'm not sure Angelo's position would be all that dicey if he's cleared of killing Jack, given the stunts Summer Bay's finest have pulled in the past and got away with.He could easily be given a chance to resign quietly or transferred out of the Bay rather than going to jail.(Especially since people have done a lot worse and avoided jail recently.)If you want to pinpoint where things went wrong, he probably shouldn't have gone to confront Belle while he was that angry, then there'd have been nothing to implicate him in her attack and Tim wouldn't have had a hold over him.

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My problem with Xavier is he can't act. He's so wooden! I think it's good they're talking about disabilities and the effect caring has on a family but you need good actors to pull it off. The Mum and older brother are good so why couldn't they have cast somebody better to play Xavier? I also can't bear Ruby at the mo its so weird shes two steps away from stalkerdom. It's painful.

One thing I think is really good with Martha is that she hasn't been wearing either any or very little make-up its a pet peeve of mine when characters are going through something that they still perfectly apply their make-up.

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As we are talking about people being/not being at the funeral at least Sally sent flowers and also wasn't the point of Bridget staying was so she could go the funeral and support Alf, so where was she?

I got it half right Xavier and Hugo are moving to the bay, so he (Hugo) can make up for leaving Xavier and his mum to look after Brandon, though how that is going to help his mum if he and Xavier are in the bay it means his mum will be alone looking after Brandon. The way Xavier blow up at his brother it must have building up for years.

This does bring up another point, how come we never see any disabled people (physically or mentally) in the bay? I know it is only a small town, but there must be some about. It doesn't have to be a big thing but maybe see them from time to time.

Mind H&A are not the only soap who don't feature disabled people.

Angelo obviously still believes he killed Jack, albeit by accident, I can't remember who posted the comment that Jack was face down when Angelo found him and they were right. It could have been a lucky/unlucky shot I suppose. I suppose he could have fallen that way. I could be wrong but doesn't the fact the blood was on his chest indicate he was shot from the front? What has Angelo done with his gun anyway (I think it is his own)?

Loved the scene with Miles and Kirsty when he more or less told her to go back to Kane, then she told Irene it was him she wanted to be with. Kane was definitely out of order telling Miles to let Kirsty go, as Miles pointed out she does have a mind of her own.

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Was that meant to be Kane and Kirsty happily ever after?Because it didn't really feel like it:The fact he practically railroaded her into it and that he was effectively her second choice don't exactly indicate a future of marital bliss.(And note the use of past tense when she tells Irene about wanting them to be a family.)I suspect we're going to see one or both of them back in the near future but if I'm wrong, at least they didn't make Kirsty the villain by having her walk out on her new family.And good on Jai, the only person who actually spoke his mind.

Was Aden just reassuring Belle or does he really believe that(a)Angelo was the biggest threat to her and(b)he was a threat to her at all?Makes you wonder what the Bay thinks happened:Do they all believe Angelo killed Jack deliberately?Nicole really needs to stop trying to help people in general and Aden in particular:It always blows up in her face.

Back with my CSI hat on, if Jack was shot in the back then that means the hole in his chest was an exit wound and the bullet that killed him is presumably lying around the development site.Given that Angelo fired off a couple of shots too, I suspect it would be hard to identify the bullet.Note also that Angelo turned Jack's body over so he was on his back when Tony found him, meaning no-one else would know how he fell.(Jack's missing gun and the fact the wound seemed bigger when Tony found him might be significant too.)That was definitely Angelo's police gun he fired, he gave Charlie that accidental discharge form to try and explain away the missing bullet.

Oh and Bridget was at the funeral but if you blinked you'd miss her.I forgot she was in the episode until I saw her name on the cast list.

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Oh yes, I forgot about Sally's flowers, that was nice.

I think Kirsty did the right thing in the short term- whether it will work out remains to be seen. She did it completely for her son, so he could be with his dad. That's what parents do: put their kids' happiness first, not their own.

I can't believe how inefficient the police have been about Jack's death. They surely would have combed the area, found the bullet, done tests on it to see whose gun it came from, and found the killer [which I don't think is Angelo]. As Jack's gun is missing, could we make a guess that Jack confronted someone who then used his gun against him and after killing him, took the gun away to dispose of? Right, Detective Miranda has solved the case, all sorted :cool:

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Can I assume that’s your reaction to Kirsty deciding that she’s going to chose Miles over Kane? I think it has now reached the point where Kirsty’s character’s changed so much that I am almost beyond caring. I actually wanted to throttle him when he basically tried to warn Miles off her like that. As someone already said it was reminiscent of his attitude in 2003. In fact this whole thing was reminiscent of 2003 where he returned to the bay and she was dating Seb, except that she has a child to worry about now. And this is exactly the kind of attitude that will make it easier for her to decide too. And how did I know she was going to say she was in love with both of them. Obviously keeping her options open before Kane decided to put pressure on her.

However did you guess? :P Totally agree with you about them writing Kane's character as he used to be, before he had anger management counselling/got married/lost a child/fought cancer/got convicted of a crime he didn't commit - before he grew up, basically. He was never like that towards the end of their original stint in the bay, and as much as he wants Kirsty back I don't think he would have pressured Miles like that. Kirsty's character has also changed beyond recognition - do the writers even remember that this is the couple whose entire ethos was that they stuck together unconditionally? There's absolutely no way in hell that Kirsty would have chosen another man over Kane - ever. He is the love of her life.

Was that meant to be Kane and Kirsty happily ever after?Because it didn't really feel like it:The fact he practically railroaded her into it and that he was effectively her second choice don't exactly indicate a future of marital bliss.(And note the use of past tense when she tells Irene about wanting them to be a family.)I suspect we're going to see one or both of them back in the near future but if I'm wrong, at least they didn't make Kirsty the villain by having her walk out on her new family.And good on Jai, the only person who actually spoke his mind.

I agree, I think she'll be back. Which means more problems in KK's relationship and less chance of them being together in the long run. :( Much as I like Miles, I just don't see him and Kirsty as having an ounce of the chemistry KK have/had. They always seem stilted with each other, as if they aren't totally comfortable together or sure of their feelings. Even today when they were saying goodbye and should have been devastated, it didn't come across. The fact that he's so much older than her doesn't help, as she treats him like a father figure a lot of the time - he bails her out when she's in trouble or tells her off when she does something wrong, and she's constantly trying to please him and seems afraid of letting him down all the time.

Am not a happy bunny at the moment. :(

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Can I assume that’s your reaction to Kirsty deciding that she’s going to chose Miles over Kane? I think it has now reached the point where Kirsty’s character’s changed so much that I am almost beyond caring. I actually wanted to throttle him when he basically tried to warn Miles off her like that. As someone already said it was reminiscent of his attitude in 2003. In fact this whole thing was reminiscent of 2003 where he returned to the bay and she was dating Seb, except that she has a child to worry about now. And this is exactly the kind of attitude that will make it easier for her to decide too. And how did I know she was going to say she was in love with both of them. Obviously keeping her options open before Kane decided to put pressure on her.

However did you guess? Totally agree with you about them writing Kane's character as he used to be, before he had anger management counselling/got married/lost a child/fought cancer/got convicted of a crime he didn't commit - before he grew up, basically. He was never like that towards the end of their original stint in the bay, and as much as he wants Kirsty back I don't think he would have pressured Miles like that. Kirsty's character has also changed beyond recognition - do the writers even remember that this is the couple whose entire ethos was that they stuck together unconditionally? There's absolutely no way in hell that Kirsty would have chosen another man over Kane - ever. He is the love of her life.

Was that meant to be Kane and Kirsty happily ever after?Because it didn't really feel like it:The fact he practically railroaded her into it and that he was effectively her second choice don't exactly indicate a future of marital bliss.(And note the use of past tense when she tells Irene about wanting them to be a family.)I suspect we're going to see one or both of them back in the near future but if I'm wrong, at least they didn't make Kirsty the villain by having her walk out on her new family.And good on Jai, the only person who actually spoke his mind.

I agree, I think she'll be back. Which means more problems in KK's relationship and less chance of them being together in the long run. :( Much as I like Miles, I just don't see him and Kirsty as having an ounce of the chemistry KK have/had. They always seem stilted with each other, as if they aren't totally comfortable together or sure of their feelings. Even today when they were saying goodbye and should have been devastated, it didn't come across. The fact that he's so much older than her doesn't help, as she treats him like a father figure a lot of the time - he bails her out when she's in trouble or tells her off when she does something wrong, and she's constantly trying to please him and seems afraid of letting him down all the time.

Am not a happy bunny at the moment.

I totally agree, claire-louise. I'm actually beginning to heartily dislike Kirsty at times and it's grating on my nerves because that very, very, very :angry: annoying refined way she speaks now wasn't the way Kirsty spoke when she was last in the show tho it was the way "Laura" spoke - ah, wait, if my suspicions are correct and this is Laura masquerading as Kirsty then the whole ridiculous story of her "falling in love with Miles" suddenly makes sense! :P

I can't feel an ounce of sympathy for Miles, he's just too...boring, wet, spineless, insert your own adjective here. I can't feel much sympathy for Jai either, for Crissakes, Kirsty's barely six years older than him and he seems to be regarding her as a mother figure. That's kind of...creepy.

I was heartbroken for Kane. The poor guy comes out of jail, has nobody waiting for him, has no home, does his best to try and get a job in the Bay and has Kirsty throwing his efforts back in his face. So, okay, he shouldn't have put pressure on her but that's not Kane - that's down to incredibly bad scriptwriting. In reality, Kirsty wouldn't have given Miles a backward glance once Kane was back on the scene.

On the plus side, yet again it was absolutely brilliant to see how Ollie reacted to Kane. :D I'm more convinced than ever now that either the little star is related to Sam Atwell or his parents are friends of his. :)

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I was half expecting Miles to jump out in front of the car when Kane and Kirsty drove off. I wanted them to leave together but as someone already mentioned only if Kane was her first choice. And I still don’t like the way he went about the whole thing previously. And yes even when they left it still felt as though there was unfinished business. I think we will probably see Kirsty but it wouldn’t surprise me if we didn’t see Kane considering that Sam Atwell is now a director. I also wouldn’t be surprised if she become a permanent cast member too. I don’t think Christie Hayes has been in that much TV since she originally left in 2005.

Again inconsistent writing. When Belle apologised to Kane for kicking him out of her room, Aden didn’t even acknowledge him. He put his dad in hospital and he needed major surgery. I think it would have been more in character for him to have at least said something. Also Aden didn’t get anywhere near as annoyed as I thought he would when firstly he found out they told Belle she was the reason he didn’t go the uni and then he found out that Nicole sent of an application without his consent. Maybe his is changing.

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