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I can understand why KK fans would be angry about this storyline, I was furious when they ruined Alex and Brodie's happy ending by bringing him back and when Jade hooked up with Seb a week after Nick left.The thing is I don't think Kane and Kirsty ever had a happy ending, it was bittersweet at best.The only happy thing about it was that they were going to be together:Together to spend the rest of their lives in fear, constantly looking over their shoulders and never able to see their family or friends again. Like Morag said, it was two young people throwing their lives away.

Think of Kirsty when she came back, she'd been worn down and broken by all the years on the run and was desperate to have a normal life for herself and Ollie, even willing to risk jail for it.And the lifestyle also brought out some of Kane's less pleasant characteristics.She'd want to be with Miles for the reason she said:She's a different person with him, a grown-up.That's the sort of parent Ollie needs, not a pair of eternal teenagers who'll do anything to be together.

Aden's continued lack of reaction to Kane is baffling and I also think Alf seemed a bit too welcoming given that Kane was waving a gun in his grandson's face last time he was there.It's as if the writers just aren't familiar with the characters or the show or just want us to forget about these things.I thought Aden's reaction to Nicole was about what we'd expect and as for his scene with Belle...was it just me or did that smile seem really forced?I'm not saying he was about to go and have a go at Roman or Geoff as soon as she was gone but it did feel like he was putting on an act for Belle's benefit, trying to convince her that everything was okay and he was happy with the way things had turned out.

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She'd want to be with Miles for the reason she said:She's a different person with him, a grown-up.That's the sort of parent Ollie needs, not a pair of eternal teenagers who'll do anything to be together.

Yes, you are right, but Kirsty thinks she's doing the right thing for Ollie because she is young and ever hopeful. She isn't mature enough to see what would be the best thing for him. She certainly hopes that she, Kane and Ollie can all 'be a proper family again' and live happily ever after... Looks unlikely though.

I have to say I like Nicole more and more. When she said 'Geoff! Stop talking.' yesterday, it was hilarious. She is just the right girlfriend for him :lol: I can just imagine those two married in the future with Geoff woffling on about something and Nicole correcting him! :lol:

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I hated that episode, the writers have completely destroyed everything I loved about Kirsty and Kane. They fought against everyone and everything to be together and then have Kirsty choose Miles, who she's known for all of five minutes, over Kane the love of her life. I was so happy when I found out they were coming back, know I'm wishing the writers had just let them be. Their ending was perfect for them, defying everything to be together, wanting to be together above everything else.

Kirsty never loved anyone but Kane, I mean she chose him over her family! And I loved the way Kane changed after he fell in love with Kirst, the change wasn't instant, but it happpened. Like the way he didn't tell her about his cancer, even though he needed her support, because he didn't want her to be distracted from her exams. I'm not saying he was a saint, but he was a lot more selfless with Kirsty and him talking Miles into breaking up with Kirsty took him way back to how he was, not how he came to be.

I wanted K/K to be together because they wanted to, I wanted Kirsty to choose kane, not to have no choice but Kane. So in light of all this, I'm going to choose to pretend that none of this happened, I'm simply going to remember the K/K that left a couple of years ago. As far as I'm aware they are still on the run. But Ollie exists.

Also what was Aden talking about - 'Angelo can't hurt you', when did he ever try to hurt Belle?

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Kirsty certainly didn't look happy when she left, I had the feeling she was waiting for Miles to change his mind. Why she never told him what she wanted to I don't know. At least though she is going to give it a try and if it doesn't work she can come back, very confusing for Ollie though. Irene's face when Kirsty told Kane she was going with him was a picture, it was only a few hours before she said to her she was staying with Miles. No wonder she (Irene) looked confused. :huh:

With you there Miranda on how lax the police seem to be about gathering evidence or not in their case. In something as serious as murder and as it was one of their own you would think they would be all over the site with a fine tooth comb.

I was puzzled too as to why Aden was reassuring Belle about Angelo, I thought it was Tim she was scared of. :confused:

Poor Nicole she really thought she was doing Aden a favour, the uni was only in the city not the other side of the country!

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I'm hoping that the writers won't leave this Kirsty/Miles/Kane issue unresolved, and if they really were going to drive off into the sunset and have a happy ending they would have made Kirsty choose Kane, but as she didn't I'm hoping we'll see her back. Kirsty/Kane fans won't be happy, but if it were my favourite couple I'd prefer they were apart rather than knowing he was her second choice. All the fans complaining about how much they've changed should bear in mind that they've been on the run for a few years, so obviously they're going to change quite a bit, and so I think while it's not plausible that Kirsty would fall in love with someone so quickly, she would go for someone a bit older and more mature, as that is what she was missing when she was on the run, and she knows that Ollie needs a stable home etc.

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I'm hoping that the writers won't leave this Kirsty/Miles/Kane issue unresolved, and if they really were going to drive off into the sunset and have a happy ending they would have made Kirsty choose Kane, but as she didn't I'm hoping we'll see her back. Kirsty/Kane fans won't be happy, but if it were my favourite couple I'd prefer they were apart rather than knowing he was her second choice. All the fans complaining about how much they've changed should bear in mind that they've been on the run for a few years, so obviously they're going to change quite a bit, and so I think while it's not plausible that Kirsty would fall in love with someone so quickly, she would go for someone a bit older and more mature, as that is what she was missing when she was on the run, and she knows that Ollie needs a stable home etc.

See I'd actually prefer it if she had actually chosen to be with him, I just don't see why the writers brought them back if all they're just going to split them up. Their ending the first time round suited them perfectly, why not just leave it at that? They've done this with a few characters now, they brought Fisher back only to have him be a failure as a principle, when he'd been so well respected before, have him completed broke and destroyed before sending him off on his way. Also, like someone mentioned before they did it with Alex/Brodie where he returned and revealed they'd broken up. Why give characters happy ever afters then bring them back and destroy them?

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Well yes, obviously it would be ideal to have her choose Kane and end up with him, but as she chose Miles I would rather they split up and Kane left than their 'happy' ending being bittersweet with fans knowing she really loves someone else more. If the the person playing Kirsty (what's her name!) wanted to return and Sam didn't then they had to bring them back together otherwise fans would be disappointed with the fact that they split up off screen, and of course with only one of them leaving, if Kirsty's coming back, then they would have had to split them up, as we know that once someone has left they can never be mentioned again :P

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Wow, Miles was pretty scary today when he was yelling at Melody wasn't he? Don't think I've ever seen him lose his like that before with anyone.... mind you Melody is being pretty trying. I hate how she is being towards Miles, he didn't even want the responsibility of looking after her initially but changed his mind because that's the kind of bloke he is..... and Melody repays him by being a complete brat. He should ship her back off to Christine and let her deal with her. :angry:

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Not a good episode at all. The two most notable things for me were what would appear to be VJ being abducted and Miles losing it for only the second time with Melody (the first was with Bartlett if I recall). I still don’t know what to make of her but I am wondering if I agree with a comment made the other day whether Bartlett was right when questioning his ability as her guardian. At the moment he doesn’t seem in the right frame of mind because he’s kicking himself over Kirsty but I’m sure this is just a temporary lapse.

I actually quite liked the scenes with Nicole and Aden especially when he dragged her off to try and get his job back. I can see where she’s coming from because Belle’s not going to be like this forever and if he has potential then why not use it. However she should just let him be because at the moment he doesn’t want to continue with his education.

Just a tiny bit of doubt about Bridget. We all know that she’s a con artist, pure and simple. She planned to take Alf for a ride and also try to get her hands on Leah’s savings but does she really care about him now? Bridget has brought this on herself but does Rachel have to be the one to oust her? Couldn’t the writers have made it Morag or someone else?

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