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Shame Melody got her attitude back so quickly, she seemed genuinely sorry about what she'd done last week.Miles' outburst did seem to have an effect on her though.She actually has a point, he should be trying to help her find a new school rather than moping around.He took it out on her and Jai last time he and Kirsty split up and the lack of stability probably contributed to her going off the rails.I wish she'd been serious when she'd talked about how maybe she needed counselling.Glad Nicole didn't join in when the kids started having a go at her, from her reaction last week I thought she was going to try and drive her out of town.

How Stupid Are Aden and Belle Part Whatever:If you're in pain, you call a doctor, you don't call your boyfriend who then gives you a bunch of prescription drugs he found goodness only knows where so you overdose on them.Yet again I enjoyed Aden and Nicole's scenes a lot more than I've ever enjoyed Aden and Belle, they have a spark between them that's always lacking with Belle.She really did overstep the mark by losing him his job though.I think Aden's comment about Angelo was because Belle was worried the person that killed Jack would come after her.

What exactly does Rachel know about Brian, other than the fact he's a friend of Bridget's?Their conversation seemed to be loaded with a significance that I'm not understanding.So far as I can tell the only thing Rachel knows about Bridget is that she lied about her cancer.

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I agree about Bridget Rachel should have stayed out of it and let the writers make Alf see Bridget for what she is a complete con artist,I felt Rachel took too much on her self being Bridgets Executer so to speak.

As for V.J. being abducted bt this Brian that was so whimish and over in a moment not worth saying much about, it was sprted by Leah as Leah knows only how,any mother with any sence would emediately phoned the police.

Miles and the Issue with Melody I rhink hes had too much put on him in so little time first with Jai then Kirsty then Melody there is only so much a chap can take especially as he found his sister to have her leave him in charge and she go off Traveling.

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Well yes, obviously it would be ideal to have her choose Kane and end up with him, but as she chose Miles I would rather they split up and Kane left than their 'happy' ending being bittersweet with fans knowing she really loves someone else more. If the the person playing Kirsty (what's her name!) wanted to return and Sam didn't then they had to bring them back together otherwise fans would be disappointed with the fact that they split up off screen, and of course with only one of them leaving, if Kirsty's coming back, then they would have had to split them up, as we know that once someone has left they can never be mentioned again :P

What I don't understand is why they agreed for Christie to come back on a long-term basis in the first place, when they knew that Sam didn't want to. What should have happened is that they came back together, resolved their unfinished business and got Kane off the hook for the original robbery, then left together so they could have a proper happy ending second time round. That was what I was hoping for, and I think a lot of other fans felt the same. It's not like Kirsty is the most popular character they've ever had on the show, and she was always most popular when she was with Kane anyway, so why not just leave it at a guest stint for both of them?

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I thought it was Christie that asked to come back? If not, I think that their return opens up a lot of storyline possibilities; how they've both been changed, Ollie etc., and would maybe have been more interesting than bringing back another couple in an ordinary way. If Christie wanted to stay on and Sam didn't I don't think it would be fair to just write her out because of him, and now they have a chance to properly develop her character after she's been on the run for many years. Although I'm not a fan of them, but if it was my favourite couple I would be pretty angry, so I understand how mad KK fans must be :)

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Wow, Miles was pretty scary today when he was yelling at Melody wasn't he? Don't think I've ever seen him lose his like that before with anyone.... mind you Melody is being pretty trying.

Well, he's tried the softly, softly approach and that hasn't done any good, thought she had cone to her senses after the fire, but obviously not. Perhaps this time eh? I guess the job at the bait shop came about off screen which even then she was whinging about. Martin was definitely in the right to expel her judging from the scene when she turned up at school when the pupils that were involved in the fire surrounded her.

Also, Bridgets acting when Leah said about someone impersonating her was memorable :|

Well she is a con artist so would be very good at acting outraged etc or whatever is required.

Just a tiny bit of doubt about Bridget. We all know that she’s a con artist, pure and simple. She planned to take Alf for a ride and also try to get her hands on Leah’s savings but does she really care about him now?

I think I have mentioned this before, but yes I think she does actually care about Alf. her face when he said he would join her in the States said it all. We know of course she isn't going to be there.

I agree about Bridget Rachel should have stayed out of it and let the writers make Alf see Bridget for what she is a complete con artist,I felt Rachel took too much on her self being Bridgets Executer so to speak.

As for V.J. being abducted bt this Brian that was so whimish and over in a moment not worth saying much about, it was sprted by Leah as Leah knows only how,any mother with any sence would emediately phoned the police.

Rachel has told Bridget to pretend to leave for the States to spare Alf's feelings, bad enough before but especially now.

Poor VJ this has been the second time he has been kidnapped.

Re Belle, does anyone else see a dependacy on pain killers story line coming up? Aden was really stupid giving Belle his dad's tablets, didn't do a very good job of getting rid of them, would have been better for Rachel to take them and depose of them properly. Don't know what the rule is in Oz, but here it is recommended to take them back to the chemist.

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H&A lover, your last comment was exactly what I thought when Rachel told Aden to get rid of the painkillers- they should go back to the chemist, not just be put in the bin :rolleyes:

I think Belle is having a nervous breakdown of some sort- she has been through so much recently and she's now just overcome by everything, that's why she's acting like she is at the moment and seems spoilt.

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Liked the conversation between Melody and Annie, been missing those, Mel seemed more like her old self at last and to realise that some people actually like her like that.Interesting end to the conversation before Jai turned up:Are they suggesting Melody thinks the only way people can show they care is to get angry with her, because that's all she's ever known?

The kidnapping was okay but Brian's a bit of a random villain so it was hard to get worked up.Leah did just about everything wrong although I could understand her reaction.If she'd been the one to call the police, she could have warned Rosie [probably not her name but I'll use it until I find out the real one] about the police radio and they could have gone in quietly.Interesting that Morag seemed instantly suspicious of Bridget.Odd bit of business with Alf's jacket:Presumably he asked Bridget to bring it so he could give her the jewellery.Except it wasn't in the jacket, he got it out of the drawer.

The main problem was both of the villains seemed a bit dim.It was obviously a spur of the moment decision but hanging onto VJ when he already had the money seemed a bad move by Brian:Okay, he sort of made a useful hostage but it would be a lot easier to explain to the police why he had a bagful of money but no VJ than to threaten a child in front of four officers.And given that Brian was obviously going to rat on her, you'd think Bridget would have got out of Dodge fast rather than hung around for celebratory drinks.

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I quite enjoyed today’s episode. Finally the writers decided to focus more on Leah. Something in my opinion that was long overdue. I enjoyed all her scenes especially when she told Miles to back off. I just love it whenever she gets annoyed and do hope that they do more episodes like this but I doubt it.

So rather than taking Alf somewhere quietly and breaking the news to him gently Rachel had to do it in front of everyone which will no doubt cause him further humiliation. He is probably going to have face awkward questions and explain to everybody what happened rather than doing it in his own time. This is the last thing he needs. I thought she did the right thing when she tried to get Bridget to leave discretely at first but I just got the impression that calling her out like that in front of everyone was some sort of vengeance for sleeping with Tony and saying to her the other day she could have him anytime she wanted to. She should have just stuck to the original plan and let her go but oh no she just couldn't resist.

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So rather than taking Alf somewhere quietly and breaking the news to him gently Rachel had to do it in front of everyone which will no doubt cause him further humiliation.

Rachel actually challenged Bridget to tell Alf the truth which she did outside from everyone. He wasn't the only one fooled by her, Martha especially fell for her 'cancer' lies.

Events did keep conspiring against Bridget whenever she was going to leave. First Alf asked her to stay fot the funeral, then just as they were on the way to the airport he decides he has to go back for his jacket. If they hadn't done that they wouldn't have found out about VJ and stuck around. I did believe Bridget when she told Rachel that she would never have involved a child, it wasn't her style. The point Rachel made though was quite valid, if Bridget had gone straight after the funeral Brian wouldn't have hung around and heard Leah on the phone. I'm guessing now that probably Brian will tell the police it was Bridget who posed as Leah at the bank, the police will check it out, probably, and all her other lies will be revealed.

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So rather than taking Alf somewhere quietly and breaking the news to him gently Rachel had to do it in front of everyone which will no doubt cause him further humiliation. He is probably going to have face awkward questions and explain to everybody what happened rather than doing it in his own time. This is the last thing he needs. I thought she did the right thing when she tried to get Bridget to leave discretely at first but I just got the impression that calling her out like that in front of everyone was some sort of vengeance for sleeping with Tony and saying to her the other day she could have him anytime she wanted to. She should have just stuck to the original plan and let her go but oh no she just couldn't resist.

Im suprised she lasted as long as she did. If that was me I would have exposed her to everyone back when I found out, Im suprised she lasted as long. I know it was unfair to Alf but I'm glad she finally put her in her place.

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