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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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So is Roman going to go off at Charlie and go into one every time Martha gets upset? What exactly is his problem? (As if I didn’t know already). Again good to see more of Leah (I’m really liking her at the moment) and I liked the way she put in a good word for Aden to help him get his job back on the boat and helped to diffuse the tension/dispute between himself and Nicole. She did a much better job than what Roman has been as of late who let’s face is far too wrapped up in Martha at the minute. Very disappointed with the writing and the direction they appear to be taking his character.

Again I didn’t like the way Rachel came across at all. She’s supposed to be a doctor so she of all people should have some idea of what Tony’s present state of mind is but she seemed more wrapped up in her unborn child and the ultrasound than thinking about how it would affect him.

To be honest I’m gutted about the whole thing with Angelo. Whey they said they found the bullet I was hoping it would be from somebody else’s gun but I was wrong. At least he got to say goodbye to Charlie (well kind of) and I too liked the scene with her and Leah. I was actually hoping she was going to go over and give her a hug. As always felt really sorry for her yet again. She just looked so alone.

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To be fair, Rachel did tell Tony twice he didn't have to go to the ultrasound. He was the one who insisted. I think she was more worried about the fact he disappeared for over 2 hours and she couldn't get hold of him. Yes she's a doctor and used to be a shrink but Tony is her fiancee, not just another one of her patients. She's way too emotionally involved to be able to know what to do. She's just trying the best she can. I did love their scene in the kitchen where she talked to him about Kate, that was really touching.

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Roman walks in and has a go at Charlie... and none of the other officers tell him to back off. Surely what he did to Charlie was harrassment, with the whole accusing her of siding with Angelo and stuff? I was kind of hoping she would just smack him though!

As for Rachel. She was a therapist and is a doctor, yet drops her foot in it. It has only been a few days/weeks since Tony lost his child, yet she expected him to be all happy about going to the hospital and seeing their child? Anyone see the problem here?

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Personally I think that Tony was a little bit to ready to have a go at Rachel, yes hes greiving for his first born son but to go off at Rachel the way he did was uncalled for, I would have said had I been Rachel "you know what Tony I,ll move out and lwt you greive let me know when you are ready to commit to our relationship.

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As for Rachel. She was a therapist and is a doctor, yet drops her foot in it. It has only been a few days/weeks since Tony lost his child, yet she expected him to be all happy about going to the hospital and seeing their child? Anyone see the problem here?

Just becasue she is a doctor and used to be a shrink doesn't mean she knows how to handle every situation perfectly. He's someone she loves, not just a random patient so her emotions are going to be completely different. Tony was the one who insisted he'd be at the ultrasound, she made it clear, more than once, that she didn't expect him to go. Then he disappears and turns his phone off and she's not allowed to be worried? I don't think she knows what to do, and he is not exactly giving her anything to go on.

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As for Rachel. She was a therapist and is a doctor, yet drops her foot in it. It has only been a few days/weeks since Tony lost his child, yet she expected him to be all happy about going to the hospital and seeing their child? Anyone see the problem here?

Just becasue she is a doctor and used to be a shrink doesn't mean she knows how to handle every situation perfectly. He's someone she loves, not just a random patient so her emotions are going to be completely different. Tony was the one who insisted he'd be at the ultrasound, she made it clear, more than once, that she didn't expect him to go. Then he disappears and turns his phone off and she's not allowed to be worried? I don't think she knows what to do, and he is not exactly giving her anything to go on.

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Yes, Miranda, Five does not an On Demand service.They mention it at the end of every episode and I still can't remember the address.Something like five.tv/demandfive.

Okay. I think you mean that they do one. I'll search if I have time, but probably won't manage it. I watched it on YouTube instead today, so now I've seen all about Angelo, the bullet and the rest of it.

I think Tony was wrong to say what he said to Rachel. Obviously he's devastated by Jack's death but Rachel can't just put the fact aside that she has a human being growing inside her. That feeling is the most important thing to her, she is overcome with protectiveness for the baby. Personally, I am very aware that since I had a baby, I have not cared too much about anyone else. I used to be very worried about people and always want to look after them and solve their problems, but since I became a mum, I now just think 'oh well, they'll get over it' and leave people to fend for themselves while I look after the important person in my life. I'd be inclined to do what someone said previously and say 'okay, well I'll let you get over your loss, meanwhile I shall move out and take care of myself and the baby, and you can come along when you're ready.' She has to think of herself for the next few months, not get stressed and worried about everyone else. This probably sounds very harsh but that's what you have to do when you are growing a baby and that's my rant over.

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As for Rachel. She was a therapist and is a doctor, yet drops her foot in it. It has only been a few days/weeks since Tony lost his child, yet she expected him to be all happy about going to the hospital and seeing their child? Anyone see the problem here?

Just becasue she is a doctor and used to be a shrink doesn't mean she knows how to handle every situation perfectly. He's someone she loves, not just a random patient so her emotions are going to be completely different. Tony was the one who insisted he'd be at the ultrasound, she made it clear, more than once, that she didn't expect him to go. Then he disappears and turns his phone off and she's not allowed to be worried? I don't think she knows what to do, and he is not exactly giving her anything to go on.

So true, she is closer to Tony than she would be to a patient, but at least she can understand how Tony felt as his first wife was killed by a hit and run driver and now Jack has been killed. As for the ultrasound don't forget Tony has had two children but this is her first so understandably she is excited.

Such a shock finding out at the end that it was Angelo, mind the DNA (obviously from Jack) and matching of the bullet with that of Angelo's gun seemed to have been done in record time. It will be probably be manslaughter rather than murder, after all he didn't intend to kill anyone let alone Jack. Perhaps, RedRanger the other 'someone' took Jack's gun.

I thought Charlie dealt with it all very professionally, it wasn't as if her and Angelo had a long time thing going. Martha and Roman were way off the way they spoke to her about Angelo being at the development site. As she said to them if she hadn't said anything and someone else had seen him there and told Martha and Tony (or they had bumped into him) she would have got it in the neck for not telling them. Not sure how that would have happened, he would have been in a police car under escort, not walking about the streets. Typical of the old Martha charging in where she shouldn't, what about mucking up the crime scene? I know I am being picky here but it wasn't Angelo who changed his plea it was his lawyer!!

With you all there guys about Roman, if anybody should have had a go at Charlie (when she has done everything right) it ought to have been Tony. Wasn't he doing exactly what he had a go at Aden about when he asked for his licence to be extended and when he complained about Angelo?

Lovely scene between Belle and Colleen when Colleen was reading Belle's article. Will we ever find out who the developers were or are they hidden behind several dummy companies so their identies will never be known?

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I wanted to hit Roman when he told Charlie off. She is doing everthing she can, Roman needs to back off. It was so sad when she was like ''Jack was my partner and my friend. This is affecting me too, have you ever thought about that?'' Good on her.

I think people are being waaaay to harsh on Rachel. Yes she is a doctor and shrink and whatever but this is completely differnt. Not only was it her fiances son, but it was her FRIEND. Did anyone stop to think about that?? She lived with Jack for years, so it wasnt just ''Tony's son'', it was her friend too.

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Personally I can see where Tony is coming from. Yes Rachel was 'kind enough' and 'thoughtful' and 'selfless' by saying that it would be ok if Tony didn't come to the ultra sound. But to me it just seemed like one of those times when people actively appear selfless to make everyone think they are, but really they're just manipulating the situation. If Rachel really was ok with Tony distancing himself from the baby in order to grieve for his murdered son (who's only been dead barely a couple of weeks) then she wouldn't have come out with 'so you don't even care about you're little son or daughter!?!' That to me is not something you say to a man who has just lost his son or daughter.

I love Charlie, I loved her standing up to Roman it's seriously been a long time coming. I'm just suprised she managed not restrain herself enough not to thump him. Charlie wasn't doing Angelo any favours but even if she was, Roman is in no position to judge. It was her 'bending the rules' that helped save his daughter and got her of when she was driving even though she wasn't supposed to. I didn't se him complaining then. And how dare he question whether she 'even knew what she was doing? It was revealed that there was a third person present when Jack was killed, he'd have more reason to question her abilities as a cop if she didn't take into consideration that Angelo may not have been the one who killed Jack. Besides what did he want her to do, conjure up some dna evidence that proved Angelo killed Jack out of thin air?

And I am trying to be considerate of Martha, I really am,but what did she want Charlie to do, lock Angelo up on the basis that she 'just knew' he killed Jack? Yeah good luck with that in court :lol: .

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