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Rachel wasn't angry that he didn't go to the ultrasound, she was worried because he'd gone missing for two hours, turned his phone off after saying he'd be at the ultrasound and instead of going to the ultrasound he went to the bar with Alf. Rachel understood if he didn't want to go, she said that twice, but I think it probably hurt her that he didn't even ask or care how it went. She didn't have a go at him for saying that because she realised why he was acting like that, because it was too close to what happened to his first wife. She is a human being and IS allowed to make mistakes, there is no textbook answer to dealing with a fiancee whose grieving and she's emotionally involved, she doesn't know what the right thing to do is.

Roman is driving me absolutely mad at the minute and I used to love him, go Charlie for what you said. Everyone forgets he was her partner (just like people forget that Rachel was friends with Jack and lived with him for years yet has never mentioned how upset she is about Jack's death) and it was about time she told him that.

I still can't believe Angelo killed Jack, I'm not sure I do.

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I'm really hoping that Angelo didn't kill Jack, I mean, would they raise the obvious question about his guilt and then discount it in the next episode?Probably, yes, but there are so many unanswered questions that there's just got to be something more.It's going to be really galling if Angelo gets sent down for twenty years for an accident, given that other people have done stuff almost as bad on purpose with little or no jail time.(He might even be able to plead self defence, since someone was apparently shooting at him, although I admit it's a stretch.)Thought for the day:If the someone really was aiming at Angelo and not Jack, why didn't he just plug him while he was doing his "Noooo!Jaaaackkkk!" bit?

I'm mostly on Rachel's side.She didn't put any pressure on him about the ultrasound, she was worried when he didn't show up, she asked him what he'd been doing and didn't have a go at him about it.All perfectly reasonable.But what answer did she expect when she tried to tell him about how important his child was, even though she was absolutely right?It doesn't take a trained psychologist to see that he's more likely to be thinking about his dead son than to go "Oh, you're absolutely right."Yes, I accept she's grieving, so maybe she's not thinking straight.

Anyway, onto this episode.And Xavier's back.What joy.Actually, I never thought I'd find myself defending him but the champagne thing was all Ruby's fault.Throwing yourself at a guy to see if he likes you is just about acceptable, continuing to throw yourself at him when he says he's not interested, then getting him drunk so you can pash him reeks of "desperate".But seriously, wasn't the whole champagne thing a bit rubbish?"Here's this bottle of champagne that you've never seen before, it's really really important and it's got something to do with Jack, we're not entirely sure what, couldn't be bothered to think of something and, oh look, Ruby's going to the fridge and there's ominous music playing, what do you think's going to happen now, kids?"Liked Hugo's way of dealing with it though, he seems like a good addition.

Oh dear, Melody.Just when you think she's turned a corner, she's back to being a brat.The explanation was actually believable and made her seem a bit more sympathetic.And Miles handled it really badly, in my opinion.Talk with her about it, sure.Tell her what she's thinking...you really think that's going to help?He really should have got a professional to do it, he got Jai to see a counsellor when he was self-destructing but he keeps backing out of it with Melody.I think her running off was more to do with self-hatred than anything.Be interesting to see what the note says.

And I thought it was just a temporary thing around the cliffhanger but they've started breaking the "three episodes a week" rule quite a bit.Maybe storylines are actually going to be allowed to run instead of disappearing for half a week?Even if it does raise the uncomfortable spectre of seeing Aden and Belle more often.(Got a bit worried when Aden was in the recap but it turned out that scene had no reason to be there because he wasn't seen or mentioned in the actual episode.)

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Rachel wasn't angry that he didn't go to the ultrasound, she was worried because he'd gone missing for two hours, turned his phone off after saying he'd be at the ultrasound and instead of going to the ultrasound he went to the bar with Alf. Rachel understood if he didn't want to go, she said that twice, but I think it probably hurt her that he didn't even ask or care how it went. She didn't have a go at him for saying that because she realised why he was acting like that, because it was too close to what happened to his first wife. She is a human being and IS allowed to make mistakes, there is no textbook answer to dealing with a fiancee whose grieving and she's emotionally involved, she doesn't know what the right thing to do is.

Yes but she didn't understand when he didn't turn up. She said she would, but when it came down to it she got mad at him for not caring about their baby, instead of understanding that maybe he cared more about the son he raised for over 25 years and lost unexpectedly. No she didn't 'have a go at him, but in my opinion what she said ('so you don't even want to know how your little son or daughter is?) was very insensitive. Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree :) .

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Rachel wasn't angry that he didn't go to the ultrasound, she was worried because he'd gone missing for two hours, turned his phone off after saying he'd be at the ultrasound and instead of going to the ultrasound he went to the bar with Alf. Rachel understood if he didn't want to go, she said that twice, but I think it probably hurt her that he didn't even ask or care how it went. She didn't have a go at him for saying that because she realised why he was acting like that, because it was too close to what happened to his first wife. She is a human being and IS allowed to make mistakes, there is no textbook answer to dealing with a fiancee whose grieving and she's emotionally involved, she doesn't know what the right thing to do is.

Yes but she didn't understand when he didn't turn up. She said she would, but when it came down to it she got mad at him for not caring about their baby, instead of understanding that maybe he cared more about the son he raised for over 25 years and lost unexpectedly. No she didn't 'have a go at him, but in my opinion what she said ('so you don't even want to know how your little son or daughter is?) was very insensitive. Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree :) .

Yeah, I will agree with you there. As soon as those words came out of her mouth I was like ''ooohhh thats not going to end good.'' I guess it was just a slip of the tounge. :P

But as for everything else, I just feel so sorry for her. She's lost a roomate/friend which she's had since she arrived in the Bay, her fiance isint letting her in, she's had the whole Bridget thing to deal with and she probably feels alone and pregnant. And everyone seems to think she's acting selfish and self-cencered.

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Is that it then all over with Angelo hes been accused found guilty and bye bye is that all we get no well we had better see where Nobby is no we had better find Maury who started the whole thing in the first place, at this moment I feel ashamed to say I,m a Home and away fan.

Xavier just a spoilt brat who wants his own way , As for Ruby I thought she had more about her but I for get her sister is exgactly the same.

I feel for Rachel as she told Tony he didnt have to go to the ultrasound but no he said he would be there, but where was he wallowing in greif why didnt he say in the first place he wasnt up to it Rachel would havve under stood.

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Yes, Rachel's emotions are probably all over the place at the moment anyway, without all the stuff about Jack's death etc. She probably is thinking all different things all the time. I must say I admire her for coping with it all, I certainly couldn't have coped with all that when I was pregnant :o

I forgot to say I loved the scene [yesterday?] where Aden flung his arms round Leah like that, it was so sweet. Aden's always been so under control all the time due to his terrible secret, but now he feels like he can do things on the spur of the moment :D

It certainly is odd about Angelo just being whisked off like that and the storyline [seemingly] ending. Very abrupt.

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Rachel wasn't angry that he didn't go to the ultrasound, she was worried because he'd gone missing for two hours, turned his phone off after saying he'd be at the ultrasound and instead of going to the ultrasound he went to the bar with Alf. Rachel understood if he didn't want to go, she said that twice, but I think it probably hurt her that he didn't even ask or care how it went. She didn't have a go at him for saying that because she realised why he was acting like that, because it was too close to what happened to his first wife. She is a human being and IS allowed to make mistakes, there is no textbook answer to dealing with a fiancee whose grieving and she's emotionally involved, she doesn't know what the right thing to do is.

Yes but she didn't understand when he didn't turn up. She said she would, but when it came down to it she got mad at him for not caring about their baby, instead of understanding that maybe he cared more about the son he raised for over 25 years and lost unexpectedly. No she didn't 'have a go at him, but in my opinion what she said ('so you don't even want to know how your little son or daughter is?) was very insensitive. Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree :) .

Hehe of course. I do understand what you're saying though, it probably wasn't the most tactful thing to say to him.

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Even Ruby’s starting to get a bit annoying now. First Xavier told her he just wanted to be friends and he was interested in someone else but she still practically threw herself at him again anyway. And then she helped herself to the champagne and even though Xavier was just as bad I didn’t like the way she tried to leave and let him cop all the flack, although admittedly she did offer to replace it.

So Belle’s been offered a job back at the Costal News. I always thought she should try and get out of the Den and pursue a career in journalism. The writers are probably doing the right thing as most of her age group have now gone so she needs a new set of people to interact with. Although if it’s anything like it was previously then things aren’t going to work out very well.

Wow, Rachel annoyed me for the third episode in a row (that has to be some kind of record). She seemed more like her typical self-centred usual self tonight. Firstly she didn’t want Xavier or Hugo moving in I don’t buy her reasoning about wanting to spare Tony the stress. It was obvious she just wanted to remain in control and didn’t want anyone invading her turf. And then her reaction to Xavier and Ruby drinking the Champagne really bugged me. She was acting like it was her drink, and her son. Was very surprised that Tony hardly reacted at all. I was half expecting him to go ballistic which would have been completely understandable.

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I thought her reaction to them drinking the champagne was realistic. Tony is her fiance. She knew how much that bottle meant to him and how upset he'd be over it. She does care about him and his feelings.

And perhaps she was a little wary about Xavier moving in because of his behaviour the last time he was in the Bay. It's not exactly fair to Tony to be expected to look after his pot dealing, troubled newphew just after he's lost his son. I didn't think it was nice of her either but i do believe she is just worried/concerned for Tony and doesn't want to put anymore stress on him.

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I think saying she is self centred becase of her reaction to the champagne is ridiculous!!

Tony is her fiancee and earlier in the episode Tony was talking to her about what the champagne meant to him and so she knew that when she saw the champagne open she knew he would take it badly.

and I think she said aout Xaver and Hugo not moving in because she felt that they wouldnt be good for Tony right now and guess what she was right.Xavier just mde him feel even worse after the wole champagne business .

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