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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I feel Tony is going right over the top with this greiving thing its not fair on Rachel who has been there for him every step of the way,but how dose he treat her with an I done care attitude, Tony move on with you life you have another baby one the way.

Freya I do hope she not going to be made permanant,she is the most volatile ignorant girl no wonder Xaviers Mother didnt want him to have any thing to do with her.

I don't think Tony is acting over the top, I actually think it's pretty realistic and good to see as most people in soaps seem to get over things way too quickly for it to be realistic. The fact that Tony has another baby on the way wouldn't possibly make things easier for him, one child can't replace a child you almost single handedly raised for 25ish years who was then cruelly and suddenly taken away from you. I personally am not surprised that Tony is acting stand-offish with everyone around him. It seems to me he's just going through the motions of living everyday life physically but emotionally he seems utterly broken and that is completely acceptable. In real life people don't just 'get over' the loss of a loved one in the space of a few weeks.

I guess when your son and best friend has been murdered you really don't care about pleasing the people around you, even if you know that they love you.

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Kind of understood the way Martha reacted towards Roman:It does seem that everyone she leans on at the moment seems to be hiding a secret, first Angelo, then Bridget and now him.I wouldn't be surprised if Hugo turned out to be an axe murderer.I'm glad that Hugo actually seems to be realising that he might have misjudged Roman and feeling a bit bad about what he said.Although I'm glad he didn't back down when Roman had a go at him.

What were those pills Belle was gushing down near the end?More painkillers?They looked like a new batch so are they meant to be the sleeping tablets Rachel gave her?Has she reached the point where she's just taking anything?I understand her phoning Aden when her car broke down, I'd probably have done the same thing, and if she hadn't rung him earlier for a gossip it might have been all right.I was actually on Aden's side for once when he didn't answer her call.(What was she going to do?Just have a moan at him?)He probably should have turned it off earlier.His new workmate's quite cute, by the way. (The female one, if there's any confusion.)

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Yep although I haven’t really liked Roman’s attitude as of late (as I feel he’s been treating other people not so nicely and neglecting his daughter), Martha really annoyed me. I understand that she’s probably feeling a bit betrayed by people at the moment but she wasn’t even prepared to accept that he was telling the truth. Initially I thought he had an ulterior motive myself but he seemed pretty genuine and certainly towards Martha he’s been a true gent (and I don’t recall him lying to her about anything). When she told him that she needed distance part of me now hopes that he backs off completely because when he avoided her initially Charlie inferred last week that she was missing him, so this might make her consider the friendship they had - Although she’s got Hugo now. I knew Roman would confront him about letting the cat out of the bag but at least he was opened minded to accept what he had to say to him. Hopefully we will now see more scenes with him and other characters i.e. Nicole, Aden and Miles (where their scene earlier on the beach seemed to work pretty well). This would be a opportunity for the writers to maybe have him confide in his friend and tell him what happened and listen to any advice.

Belle’s really getting on my nerves nowadays. Yesterday's episode was a prime example. I thought the way she kept calling Aden and expected him to drop everything at his first day at work was just plain selfish, although to be fair this can be attributed to the PTSD. Yes she’s got a career now but is his job any less important as far as he’s concerned. Even though he said he didn’t want to go to uni I still feel she is the main reason why. And I’m also wondering if she is in the right state of mind to even be at work.

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^^ No, I don't think she is either - I mean it's natural to be nervous on a first day at work - but she wasn't going to be sacked for the clothes she was wearing or for her car breaking down, which was beyond her control - she clearly needs help - hopefully someone will realise it soon before she (or Aden) does get sacked.

I'm not sure what Hugo planned to achieve by telling Martha - he wasn't certain of his facts so should in my opinion have kept his mouth shut. Although Roman has been annoying of late - he was absolutely right to be furious with Hugo for telling Martha - who clearly doesn't need any more drama. I think Hugo was just trying to get his own back on Roman by spilling the beans - which seemed spiteful to me.

I loved the scene with Miles and Roman on the beach - although I could hardly understand a word that Miles was saying as he was so out of breath - it really made me laugh - especially when he collapsed on the sofa at the Diner afterwards!

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Did anyone who used to watch Out of the Blue notice 'Daniel' and 'Fletch' from there as characters in Aden's boat? It seems a few of the OOTB actors have picked up parts in Home and Away, most notably Bernard Curry/Nate. Well and good for them :D Hopefully we will see more of 'Daniel', he plays Robbo on the boat.

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Although Belles being quite frustrating I think its good they're showing her struggle after everything she's been through. Isn't there a mental disorder when someones been through something traumatic and then they rely on somebody almost obsessively? I think it's good Aden switched his phone off I don't think he can give her the help she needs and I'm interested in seeing what happens with the characters on the boat.

Anyone know which character has been in hospital the most? Seems like Belle's been in a lot lately and by the looks of things she might end up there again.

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By the way, was there a continuity error there?I seem to remember that last week Leah told Aden that although the job he applied for was gone, Lou had another job for him on another boat.But here he's on the boat he applied to in the first place, with the captain he and Nicole spoke with and the person that replaced him.

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There are lots of crossovers in the australian soaps i find! Like on out of the blue there is charity, the girl who tried to turn tasha in that cult the believers, the police chief McGraw i think.

Then that evil doctor who tried to ruin rachel' career because she wouldn't sleep with him is on this program called fringe!

Roman and Miles were on HeadLand with Kane and Sophie Katinis (who is now Gabby on OOTB) and also there was that guy who broke Tammin and Scott up and worked for Josie' boss!

I can't wait to see what Freya and nicole get up too next week because nicole has toned it down a bit since she went out with geoff and freya is a bad influence on her. I don't like hugo or xavier and feel their storylines are very tedious. Xavier is getting the kind of bad kid storyline like wen lucas went off the rails and hugo is so annoying, is it just me or does he fancy martha? cos he is always there and doing what he scolded roman for!

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