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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Certainly livened up an otherwise dull school day didn't it? Couldn't tell from Nicole's reaction if she really did like it or not. Yes, Geoff's reaction was brilliant, naive but sweet. Freya thinks he is buff. Funny how they all wanted to see if they were on the list and what Freya had marked them down as. Wish Xavier could break away from Freya, she is like a drug to him. Martin's reaction was very liberal when he said it didn't matter who was kissing who if it was someone who didn't belong to the school they shouldn't be there. Which leads me to another point the school security isn't very good is it? People just seem to be able to enter the grounds and wander about the school. So far there has been no threat to anyone but who's to say there won't be one day.

I thought the scene in the Den was totaly uncalled for, I'm sure Freya only did it because Ruby was there.

Now we know why Leah only wanted a low key do for her birthday, it's not going to be the same for her without Dan there to share it.

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Another very eventful episode but it's a party so what do you expect?

I’m guessing that Leah (or her family) haven’t been in contact with Alexi as he didn’t put in an appearence. I thought it would have been a good idea to maybe bring him back for a few episodes considering that Danny Raco I believe is still directing behind the scenes like Sam Atwell. Also where was VJ?

Wasn’t really sure what to make of Leah getting drunk like that. It just didn’t quite gell. I think Freya’s remark about it being the most boring party she’s been to really got to her so maybe she felt she was forced to do it to bring herself to act out of character. Wasn’t expecting her to come onto Roman at the end and for a split second I actually thought she might have been in there with a chance but she totally blew it when she spilled her guts over his shirt. Can’t wait to see what the next day at work will be like.

I really think Roman needs to stay away from Martha for the time being. He shouldn’t even by trying to engage in conversation with her. He should just be civilised, say hello and be on his way. She’s still obviously pretty narked with him. So as they say best to leave a sleeping dog lie.

Again I liked the awkwardness between Charlie and Miles. Unsure about anything between them but wouldn’t mind seeing more scenes with them as friends although with a soap like Home and Away, I’m not sure it’s possible that two unrelated single people under 40 can be just friends. Glad she appeared to be making an effort with Roman and she did seem genuinely concerned regarding his friendship with Martha who's got her own stuff to deal with now without him.

Still can’t help but feel really sorry for Tony. Even when he was introduced to Leah’s parents he looked totally defeated.

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I suspected at the time, and that episode basically confirmed it, that they turned Alex into a drug smuggler largely so they could have events like that without having to explain why Alex wasn't there, because we already know he and Leah fell out.No mention of her other brother Dmitri either.Maybe someone's forgotten about him.

The cynic in me suspects that the Miles/Charlie and Leah/Roman kisses were just put in for publicity and they're not actually going to lead to anything.Actually, I kind of hope that's the case, they work better as friends.Like Miles giving Charlie advice when Chris started hitting on her.He really doesn't change...

Xavier, Ruby and Freya seem to be stuck in a rut:Every episode with them in has Ruby moaning about how horrible Freya is, Xavier complaining about her latest crazy stunt and then a steamy make-out session.It's saying a lot that for all her craziness Freya's actually the least annoying out of them.Hugo could actually have put a stop to things there without getting heavy, a simple "Hey, mate, what you up to?" would've been enough.

Actually pleased with Geoff's reaction to the kiss.I was worried they were going to turn him into a Christian homophobe cliche but instead he was just understandably annoyed that someone kissed his girlfriend and gender doesn't seem to be an issue.In fact Nicole seems to be doing exactly what she accused Martin of last episode, acting as though being kissed by a girl is different to being kissed by a guy.Loved Roman's reaction when he overheard Ruby telling Charlie about it and his awkwardness when he met up with Geoff and Nicole.

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Didn't Leah used to be a bit wild before she settled down with Vinnie and everything else happened? I remember years ago being rather surprised that she suddenly became this sensible mummy figure when before she had been the opposite.

I think you are right, someone has forgotten about Dmitri- I haven't, he's in my fics about Leah [she said smugly]. Anyway, I thought the reaction of the party guests to Leah dancing was very strange. Its a party- why didn't they all just join in dancing? :huh:

I think Tony's reaction to Jack's death is brilliant. So often in soaps someone dies, then they are forgotten about the next week and their relatives are back to normal. Tony is doing exactly what people normally do when they lose someone, in my opinion i.e. be miserable, distant, unsociable.

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I felt the build up to Leahs 30th party was a real let down what with her perents aregueing her brother Chris trying to stop them because it was Leahs day, to as some one else said where was VJ AND IF YOUE GOING TO HAVE A CELEBRATION have all the family not a bit and also as Leah is still named Baker where were Amanda Peter and Drew? there still family.

Now Tony has and is going too far pushing every one away like he is wont do him any favors but I seem to remeber he was like this when Beth died and chose to go his own way, I personally feel sorry for Rachel who has had one bad relationship and she is haveing to put up with another grown man pushing her away I,m afraid i,d leave him to it.

Just touching on the Freya Xavier she shouldnt have been there she want invied only Hugo and Xavier.

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For anyone that missed it, Leah did say that VJ was with Stella when her family turned up.I'm not sure if I'd describe her as "wild" when she first turned up, she was actually a bit of an innocent, but she was rather scatty and almost Marilynesque.And she never could handle her drink...

I can actually see both Tony and Rachel's point of view and, although I know it was only because she's concerned, I actually think Rachel shouldn't have pushed as hard as she did.Gently pointing out to him that if he disappears without saying anything people are going to worry is fine;Tony understood that and apologised.But it's only been a few weeks since Jack died and it's understandable he's not over it yet.I realise it must be hard for her to see him like that but I think she needs to back off slightly and let him handle things his own way for a while instead of trying to snap him out of it.There's no need to hit the panic button just because he isn't in the party mood at the moment.

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Yay, another teenager-free episode!(Gotta list them all...)Hopefully that's the end of the Roman/Hugo hostilities.I liked that Charlie and Roman were able to be civil to each other, they might actually be able to salvage a friendship from all this.Charlie took a few risks though, talking to people when she'd specifically been asked not to, it could have backfired.Not sure about Roman basically telling Alf not to trust Hugo:Where would he be if Irene and Leah hadn't decided to trust him when he first arrived?He took it back by the end of the episode though so I don't mind too much.And he was a gentleman when he didn't tell Leah about the kiss.

Theo needs to get his calculator out:There's already two adults, a teenager and a kid squeezed into a three bedroom house.Is he planning on taking the sofa or are Charlie and Ruby back to sharing again?

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And he was a gentleman when he didn't tell Leah about the kiss.

YOu took the words out of my mouth saying that- I would have been shocked if he'd told her, that's what teenagers do :angry:

I'm so glad Leah has got Chris to talk to about her mad parents. I wonder if Theo actually told Helen where he was going to live... Perhaps we will see more of the Poulos family if he is there, I'm glad about that.

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