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I thought that was really sweet of Roman, not telling Leah what really happened to save her further embarassment :) speaking of Leah she didn't exactly look thrilled at the prospect of her dad coming to stay, did she? :lol:

Oh and just on a purely shallow note, it was nice of Roman to take his shirt off :P:D

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I’m so glad Charlie and Roman appeared to have moved on from the bitterness that remained after their break-up. I was really impressed with her. She apologised to both him and Martha and then she put in a good word for him which allowed Martha to see things from his point of view and have a change of heart. Hopefully they will become friends eventually. I have to say though I really didn’t like the way he advised Alf not to accept Hugo’s offer. I thought that was a bit petty and when Martha made the “he wouldn’t do that” comment I thought she was going to go off again but I’m glad it’s all good now. I’m also wondering as someone mentioned whether Hugo does fancy her.

Well I guess the awkwardness that I predicted with Leah didn’t happen, simply because she had no recollection of what happened. Roman was a gentleman as already said but I would have liked to have seen her reaction to finding out. That would have been interesting. Did I mention that she looked like hell when she was at work?

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Oh and just on a purely shallow note, it was nice of Roman to take his shirt off :P:D

It was quite enjoyable wasn't it! :lol:

I really liked the last couple of episodes - it's not often you get surprised by H&A but I didn't see the Roman/Leah kiss coming at all. I also wasn't expecting the Hugo/Roman/Martha tension to be resolved quite so soon (but am really please that it has) or by Leah's Dad coming to stay.

I'm looking forward to seeing Hugo set up his business and to Leah finding out more about exactly what she did get up to at the party!

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I thought that was really sweet of Roman, not telling Leah what really happened to save her further embarassment :) speaking of Leah she didn't exactly look thrilled at the prospect of her dad coming to stay, did she? :lol:

Oh and just on a purely shallow note, it was nice of Roman to take his shirt off :P:D

It's the kind of guy Roman is. I hope it was the booze and not kissing Roman that made Leah throw up. It was nice to see him shirtless. YUM!

I saw that look on her face over Theo's shoulder as well.

Glad that Charlie seems to have moved on from Roman by the way she spoke up for him to Martha and also that Martha has got over that fact he is love with her and decided she is miserable not to have him around. Loved the scenes with Chris and Charlie, far from putting him off when she told him she was a cop it seemed to turn him on! :wink: Still think her and Hugo would make a good couple.

I really wanted to shake Helen, it was just as much her fault as Theo's for having the argument and spoiling Leah's party!

Good that Roman had a change of heart and put in a good word with Alf, they probably won't be bosom budies but they both care for Martha so hopefully will kep things civilised.

I saw Irene was at the party but I don't remember seeing Belle or Aden.

I had a sudden light bulb moment when Theo was telling Belle what had gone wrong with the business. Owner of thriving restaurant decides to expand and changes menu, old customers stay away, business starts to fail - only one answer - Gordon Ramsey!

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Oh dear, I had hoped we'd seen the last of Christine Jones.Don't know what Miles and Melody mean about her being different:I've seen her calm before and frankly it's even scarier than when she's ranting.Are we actually going to find out about that Deep Dark Secret that was first hinted at about nine months ago?Seems there's a story there somewhere.Turns out Melody hasn't started school yet, even though she was going for interviews before she ran away.Why the delay?

If the article was that important, why did they wait a whole week to reschedule it?Why didn't Belle just go back the next day?Hmm, sleeping tablets and alcohol, that's a good idea, Belle.Think she might need to dust off that season ticket that the hospital must have given her by now.Not sure what to make of the Joey plotline.(And for once Aden hasn't done anything wrong, it was Leah that got Lou to invent a job for him.)Maybe they can gang up and get Robbo fired.Bit rare for Aden to show concern for someone, it's usually only Belle and at a pinch Melody that warrants that.He's probably not self aware enough to realise Robbo's acting like he used to but being on the outside of bullying should be an interesting learning experience for him.

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I thought the girl on the trawler (Jo?) had the funniest line about always wanting to have worked on a fishing boat :-) And talk about making your problem someone elses, if I was Aidan I'd tell her to go swim with the fishes for asking him to quit!

Is it me or does Belle look very thin these days, I hope they're not working the actress too hard!

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So Christine’s back. For some reason she’s a character that that has always interested me i.e. I’ve often wondered what makes her tick. She did come across as genuine when she tried to patch things up but it’s hard to tell if there is no ulterior motive as she has been practically controlling Melody her whole life. It was worth noting her comment about running away from her mother when she was younger so perhaps this trait of hers was inherited subconsciously in terms of behaviour. I would like to know what this “dark secret” is considering what her reaction was like when Melody admitted that Axel assaulted her. I always got the impression from that perhaps something similar happened to her but they left the show shortly afterwards.

I agree regarding Joey. I’m glad Aden is trying to stick up for her. It reminded me when he tried to help Melody. I actually quite liked their scenes, especially when she practically bit his head off. Still find it almost impossible to like any scene with Belle. Even when they were just talking on the phone together I wanted it to be over, although she was a lot less annoying in the scenes with Melody. Maybe once her addiction to pain killers is sorted out things might improve.

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Oh dear, I had hoped we'd seen the last of Christine Jones.Don't know what Miles and Melody mean about her being different:I've seen her calm before and frankly it's even scarier than when she's ranting.Are we actually going to find out about that Deep Dark Secret that was first hinted at about nine months ago?Seems there's a story there somewhere.Turns out Melody hasn't started school yet, even though she was going for interviews before she ran away.Why the delay?

If the article was that important, why did they wait a whole week to reschedule it?Why didn't Belle just go back the next day?Hmm, sleeping tablets and alcohol, that's a good idea, Belle.Think she might need to dust off that season ticket that the hospital must have given her by now.Not sure what to make of the Joey plotline.(And for once Aden hasn't done anything wrong, it was Leah that got Lou to invent a job for him.)Maybe they can gang up and get Robbo fired.Bit rare for Aden to show concern for someone, it's usually only Belle and at a pinch Melody that warrants that.He's probably not self aware enough to realise Robbo's acting like he used to but being on the outside of bullying should be an interesting learning experience for him.

Iremember that Red Ranger & Slade, it was when she was talking to Melody about going to parties or something like that. I thought then it was as if she was talking from personal experience. Who would have thought that she (Christine) had had to flee a country to get away from her mum! Hopefully she meant what she said about wanting to break the cycle. I do think Miles was right to tell Christine that she should have rung instead of just turning up like that and she did leave when asked. Glad thought that Melody found the courage to face her at the end.

I was wondering as well about the unwise choice of washing down pills with wine?

I was amazed when Aden said to Jo about not having to put up with being bullied by Robbo - is he suffering from selective memory loss like Martha was the other week.

Talking of Martha when she was on the beach with Roman (remarkable recovery from the op BTW) she mentioned Angelo being in jail, I'm guessing she means he is on remand because they can't have had the trial already can they? I may be a bit picky here, but didn't we see Martha in a couple of low top t-shirts before her reconstruction surgery?

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