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Really hoping that this storyline is about getting rid of Christine and letting Melody stay in the Bay, because genuine or not she just can't be trusted.I think once she got Melody back she'd lapse back into bad habits pretty quickly.Bit of an odd edit:Annie's walking on the beach with Melody then in the next scene she walks off the beach with Jai and Ruby.I suppose she could have just met up with them, it just seemed a bit strange, especially since Jai lives with Melody so you'd expect him to be with them already.

I know I say it a lot but Aden's an idiot!I know he meant well but he did exactly what Joey asked him not to and expected her to be grateful.(And assuming he's not suffering from selective memory, would a telling off have stopped him from bullying anyone?)Meant to ask the other day, when and why did Aden and Joey exchange phone numbers?They didn't seem to be any more than casual acquaintances.Belle continues to be jittery and say and do all the wrong things, although it makes a change for Aden to be on the receiving end during their rows.I did like her scenes with Melody, mainly because we've never really seen them interact before and it made a nice change.

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Melody really need to stay put at the moment and get her life back on track, her Mother coming into it would just send her oover the edge again.

As FOR Belle is she so messed up that she would keep ringing Aden all the time knowing that its his first job as well, Sorry but it seems as though she cant stand on her own two feet.

Freya needs to go she will bring Xavier down and his mother dosent need that, he needs to get some back bone, and Freya need to be told to leave once and for all.

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Freya is so manipulative isn’t she? That whole I’m running out of money, please help me or I’ll have to leave and we won’t be together act was so transparent. And I did feel as though Xavier fell for it hook line and sinker again but at least he didn’t sell the drugs although he still allowed her to talk him into playing guard duties during her pickup. And I see she’s found what appears to be a prospective customer.

Ruby seems to be watching him like a hawk. It’s almost bordering on obsessive.

Belle’s in trouble isn’t she? She seems to be getting more moodier (i.e. chucking a hissy fit when Aden told her he was out drinking with his colleagues and trying to help Joey) and this dependency on drugs has moved on. I wonder how far the writers are planning to go with this.

I could see where Aden was coming from but he hasn’t done himself any or Joey any favours but at least he’s trying. And I don’t think he’s put a foot wrong in the last month or so. The only thing that springs to mind was when he gave Belle the pills the other day but he was trying to help her, rather than harm her.

I was still unsure about Christine. Again she seemed genuine. It almost felt as though the time apart from Melody gave her a new lease of life. Maybe she had a wakeup call when she went back to New Zealand to visit her mother but in the back of my mind is the episode where she tried to kidnap her. And if anything goes wrong over there Melody has no one to help her out.

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I think Melody must be mental to even THINK of going to NZ with her mum and grandma. Excuse the term mental but honestly, what is she like!? As Slade said, there is no one to help her over there: in New Zealand, no one can hear you scream...

I think unfortunately HAA is going through a boring phase. I have no interest in Xavier and Freya's shenanigans, the fishing trawler scenes are completely alien to me, the only interesting thing is Theo Poulos coming to stay, and if Leah finds out about kissing Roman :unsure:

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Freya is so manipulative isn’t she? That whole I’m running out of money, please help me or I’ll have to leave and we won’t be together act was so transparent. And I did feel as though Xavier fell for it hook line and sinker again but at least he didn’t sell the drugs although he still allowed her to talk him into playing guard duties during her pickup. And I see she’s found what appears to be a prospective customer.

Ruby seems to be watching him like a hawk. It’s almost bordering on obsessive.

Belle’s in trouble isn’t she? She seems to be getting more moodier (i.e. chucking a hissy fit when Aden told her he was out drinking with his colleagues and trying to help Joey) and this dependency on drugs has moved on. I wonder how far the writers are planning to go with this.

I could see where Aden was coming from but he hasn’t done himself any or Joey any favours but at least he’s trying. And I don’t think he’s put a foot wrong in the last month or so. The only thing that springs to mind was when he gave Belle the pills the other day but he was trying to help her, rather than harm her.

I was still unsure about Christine. Again she seemed genuine. It almost felt as though the time apart from Melody gave her a new lease of life. Maybe she had a wakeup call when she went back to New Zealand to visit her mother but in the back of my mind is the episode where she tried to kidnap her. And if anything goes wrong over there Melody has no one to help her out.

Freya has Xavier exactly where she wants him (well nearly). No matter how many times he says no to her she soon talks him round. Why didn't he call her bluff and tell her O.K. then you will have to leave? What got me about her in the scene on the beach was she wearing a bikini and jewellery including those huge earrings (or is it just me that thinks it is OTT)? :rolleyes::huh:

Glad he dumped the drugs though, Ruby didn't believe him - nor did I till he told Freya the same thing.

Belle, NO, NO, NO. Don't go down that route, getting hooked on presricption drugs is bad enough without the illegal ones.

Poor Aden he cooks her a lovely breakfast then she throws a wobbly because she couldn't remember what he told her the night before as she was too out of it to remember! Then later she blunders in on the conversation with Joey and Aden says she will do an article on bullying at work! I can understand both Aden's and Joey's point of view, he really thought he was doing the right thing and Joey is understandably worried that it will cause more trouble. Hopefully Lou will be tactful how he goes about it.

Good for Melody for deciding against going to NZ with Christine and her gran. You could tell when she started talking to her mum there was going to be a but somewhere. Christine does seem to have changed the old Christine would have tried to persuade her. As you said Slade alone with them both who knows what would have happened. Hope this doesn't mean we won't find out the reaon why Christine ran away from home in the first place, be a shame not to have that mystery cleared up.

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Yes, it's pretty obvious Belle's rubbish at her job, relying on Melody to bail her out last week and running scared to Charlie here.As with Larry and his drinking, she achieved the difficult task of looking bad twice:first by buying drugs off Freya and then by stabbing her in the back.Aden seemed a bit blase/naive with regards to Freya's outburst, which will probably be forgotten about henceforth as usual.

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So not only is Freya manipulative but she also thrives on attention (as if everybody hadn't worked that out already). Loved Alf’s reaction when she was walking topless on the beach and Hugo seemed quite disgusted with her. Also had to crack a smile when Charlie was laughing after Alf complained to her about it in the Den..

I was actually quite glad when Freya went into Irene’s place and gave Belle a serve although I didn’t really blame Belle for lying like that. That’s survival and it was smart. I found it quite funny the way Aden said “Excuse me” as if to take the moral highground. I’m not sure if Belle is bad at her job because even the editor said her piece was good work and asked her to do a follow up. And if she could show as much commitment and drive as she did during the whole business with the Development site she’s at least got a half-decent chance at a career to look forward to. I think the issue is because of the PTSD and the subsequent addiction she simply isn’t in the right frame of mind to be at work.

I’m glad Charlie turned Hugo down as I think she should just steer clear of men for now. And I don’t know why but I just don’t like the guy. There is something about him that bothers me.

Xavier’s ok now. He hasn’t really done anything that has annoyed me too much and he is trying to change. As Ruby said Freya is like an addiction and I’m thoroughly enjoying her at the moment. The way she just turned on the motor for the boat like that, went off and eventually rammed into Hugo’s. I think she’s acting irrationally because she realises that when the blokes who she bought the drugs of catch up with her and there’s no money for them she’s in deep trouble....

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