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Didn't Nicole do the same thing when she first came to the Bay in order to get a reaction from Geoff? Not sure Charlie should have laughed because as Alf said supposing Colleen had seen her and also there may have been children about.

Thought it was a clever move of Belle's to say she brought the drugs off Freya as part of her undercover story, that was thinking on her feet. She was disgusted when it was revealed Freya was selling drugs to children. She (Belle) is an adult but children are a whole different thing that was why she went to Charlie. I agree Slade Belle is good at her job she just needs to get her head together without the help of drugs. She was using Melody as a contact which is what a lot of reporters do. I thought the same as you and Ruby when she said Freya was like a drug to him. She took a chance though taking the drugs supposing she had been caught?

I've said it before but the security at SBH is c**p, anybody can walk in e.g. Freya at any time. So far thay have been lucky it hasn't been anybody with a grudge against Martin or one of the teachers and be toting a gun! :rolleyes:

Why did Xavier, Ruby and Freya all assume Hugo was on his boat when it was rammed? Freya BTW actually looked scared!

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I really feel for Belle :( she is a great character and as you say she was disgusted when she heard Freya was selling to kids and it was good of her to risk going to the cops but clever she thought of the story :) sneaky isnt she :lol: i hope she starts to pick up soon though.

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Actually I was thinking Belle was a better character when she was with Drew. However, he was a better character without her :lol: With Aden she just seems whiny, but she has been through a lot lately I suppose :unsure: I am just biased towards Drew and not Aden though.

So... what was Hugo really doing when he said he was 'diving at night with his boat light on'? That was nonsense what he said about 'his light being on but it must have been broken when Xavier's boat rammed his'. If that was the case, Xavier/ Freya would have seen it first and not rammed the boat, wouldn't they? Something fishy going on there.... [no pun intended, alright, yes there was :whistle:]

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Oh Freya. Admittedly the type of character she is, she’s not really sustainable in the long term but did they have to get rid of her so quickly? She was really causing trouble and making things interesting. Although her final disappearing act only reaffirmed Ruby’s point that she didn’t give a stuff about Xavier. Only herself. Just taking off with the money and leaving him to deal with the drug dealer she owed money to like that. It’s a shame as well because I really liked her, well her character anyway she pretty much sucked as a person, although she did seem remorseful when she thought something had happened to Hugo.

It was really nice of Charlie to offer to take Roman and Martha out. And Roman’s light-hearted remark about Hugo was good. That scene brought a smile to my face. So I guess friends it is. And hell even Roman and Hugo were sitting at a table together and having what would appear to be a civilised conversation.

So Kirsty’s back without Kane or Ollie. How’s she going to tackle this one if she won’t shop him to the police? I’m guessing that as Miles saw her, he’s almost certainly going to get involved somehow.

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I'm not really sure Kirsty could involve the police even if she wanted to.Kane is Ollie's father and legal guardian so technically he can take him anywhere he wants to without telling anyone, just as Kirsty could, unless there was a restraining order or restricted custody ruling in place.(At least I'm assuming that's the case.The whole issue of Ollie's legal guardianship and indeed legal existence when his parents were on the run for the first three years of his life is a minefield I really don't want to get into.)

Does Ruby really pay rent even though she's at school and doesn't have a job or was that a cover story for Roman?Freya did actually seem scared when she thought Hugo was hurt and when the drug dealer went after her so it's a shame she did a runner like that.Presumably we're now all meant to like Xavier and think him a suitable boyfriend for Ruby.Ho-hum.By the way, what exactly were Hugo and Xavier doing at Tony and Rachel's house on their own when he was being patched up?

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Belle is one of my fave characters but I just wish she'd pick herself up and stop whining. I'm also not liking the way she's become so dependent on Aden, she used to be so strong and independent. Kirsty is another one, she moans about her problems to anyone who'll listen (Irene, Miles, Leah.. pretty much anyone she runs into), without sorting things out herself.

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I think Irene should have come clean with Miles strait away instead of trying to me=ake up an excuse surely she would have known Miles would have spotted her in the car Summer Bay is not that big.

I felt Leah was a bit harsh on her dad and as for V.J i THINK i WOULD Havde slapped him one Fancy his grandson talking to him like that Leah has let VJ just run wild and she has no controle over him.

Tony now is really doing my head in and if I was in rachels shoes I would leave him to it, hes not thinking of her at all and hes suppose to be the grown up.

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I can understand Irene not telling anyone Kirsty was back, she was respecting her decision.Interesting how she now seems to be firmly in the anti-Kane camp, vehemently opposed to the idea of Kirsty going back to him.Maybe she thinks he crossed a line by running off with Ollie but it's still quite a turnaround.And she's quite right:Kirsty and Miles do need their heads banging together.Jai was the only one talking sense as always.

So we get a bit of insight into Christine's background with the suggestion that she's been treating Melody the way she was treated herself.It's not much of an excuse, especially since she ran away from that kind of parenting, but she did actually seem softer in their scenes near the end.But there's still been too many false dawns from her and letting her take Melody to another country would still be a really bad idea.And from Miles' expression at the end, he thinks so too.

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