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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I am really disappointed that Melody's gone, she was a brilliant character who deserved to become a regular.And I'm sorry, I really hated the way she left, letting her crazy mother take her off to another country.Like she said, it's a big risk.And we're probably never going to find out how it went.It just feels like her whole time with Miles and the others has just been rendered completely meaningless and she's ended up right back where she started, however nice Christine seems to be acting at the moment. Really, what was the point of that whole Melbourne storyline and her realising she belonged with Miles ("Can we go home now?")if they were just going to ship her out straight afterwards?Why did they make such a big deal about how screwed up her mother's made her if they're just going to send her right back to her to screw her up again?

I sort of agree with Nicole.I don't think Geoff's exactly trying to change her and it's understandable that he'd be jealous of her flirting with other boys.But he did treat her pretty badly over her choosing Trey's proposal when I don't think there was anything personal in it.

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The chill out room was not that unique an idea because I seem to remember them having something very similar a while back. Well it was more like a common room because I recall that was where Dani started flirting with Kane. Geoff surprised me a bit because I didn’t think he was the type of person to suffer from sour grapes. Watch out envy is one of the seven deadly sins…

I thought Nicole should have made more of an effort with Melody. Ok so they didn’t see eye to eye but she could have at least wished her good luck or made a point that there were no hard feelings. I’m guessing subconsciously some residual resentment that put her on the defensive. And the fact that Geoff got jealous of Trey would indicate future problems with their relationship.

I thought Christine came across quite well and I liked the way she thanked Miles for his help despite trying to get him sacked several months prior (and I even recall her making a remark about him living on the streets during that time). I did like the goodbyes. They were emotional enough but as already mentioned something didn’t seem right and I just didn’t like the way she decided to not come back. It was far too impulsive. It just seemed too abrupt the way she was written out the show. And I’m still wondering why. Had Celeste had enough?

Re Tony and Rachel. It’s a difficult one. Rachel’s excited, she’s finally got what she wanted but she fails to realise that Tony simply isn’t in the right frame of mind to appreciate it as much as her. I find that a bit surprising considering how intelligent she is and the fact that she’s a psychologist. Perhaps because she’s in the situation she’s seeing things from a different perspective. So he lied to her. And what does Tony do when he gets into situations he feels he cannot cope with?

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Slade you will probably tell me not to be a know all but do not underestimate the effect of hormones on Rachel at the moment. She will be swept away by all the changes she is experiencing and not her normal self. I can't really see her and Tony coping to be honest :(

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Miranda I have to agree with you about Rachel yes its devistating to loose a son or daughter but Tony has completely shut her out and shes only trying to help its as if Tony think no one else has gone through some thing like this, fair enough but just let him stop for a moment and think Rachel has already had one bad marrage dose she need to go through this all again.?

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I think Rachel is just feeling totally helpless at the moment. Just because she used to work as a physciatrist doesn't mean she knows how to deal with everything perfectly. It's not like Tony is just a patient of hers, he's somone she's in love with and cares deeply about so her emotions are going to be different. He's not giving her anything and that must be the hardest thing to deal with. You could see the hurt in her eyes when he pushed her away after she tried to comfort him over Lucas.

I think she's just trying to get him to focus on something positive and there's nothing wrong with that. Perhaps given her experience she's afraid he'll just become more and more distant and she'll end up losing him completely.

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Christine isn't making Melody go back with her, it was Melody's own decision which is very brave of her. Maybe she is feeling strong enough to withstand any influence Christine will try and force on her. Lovely goodbyes all round. especially between her and Geoff. It was due to meeting him after all that opened her eyes and started her thinking for herself after all the years of being under Christine's thumb. Shame Nicole couldn't have been more kinder to her. She was obviously feeling a little jealous. I also think she was wrong about Geoff wanting her to be like Melody, he hasn't in anyway tried to change her. As you said Oipoodle any guy would be miffed if her thought his girlfriend was flirting with another guy. Nicole was trying to do the right thing by not voting for either Trey's or Geoff's idea, unluckily for her she did have the casting vote. It wasn't very Christian of Geoff by getting narked that Trey won by saying he had only been in the Bay for five minutes. I believe her when she said she voted for Trey's idea because it was the better one.

Please don't say Tony is up to his old tricks by sleeping with another woman because of Jack's death! :rolleyes: Rachel definitely wouldn't forgive him this time. It does seem whenever he has a tragedy in his life (or major upset) he jumps into bed with someone. The first time (we know about) was when Beth died and he slept with the woman who used to be Lucas' girlfriend, then when he thought Rachel ahd dumped him he went off and got together with Bridget and we all know what trouble that brought everyone. Did he sleep with another woman after his wife died?

BTW what has happened to Matthew?

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I don't think Melody should have gone back to living with her mother, she was just beginning to come into her own living with Miles and his extended family. Christine hasn't received any therapy for her mental condition and I think could revert back to her old ways if she was under pressure. Going back to live with parents is always a bad idea!

Tony has a sleezy side to him which isn't very endearing :-/ @H&Alover is right he seems to sleep his way through problems!

Oh, can someone push Joey off the boat, she's a right whinge and why on earth does she want to work on a trawler anyway? Sheesh, Setting a sheila on with 3 blokes is bound to end in a blue

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I loved the scene when Tony felt the baby kick. For a few seconds you could see how happy/excited he was by it. Then he seemed to back away suddenly. The whole thing was bittersweet. It was the first time he'd smiled in weeks. It was pretty sad Rachel tried to hid her excitement from him at first, but as soon as he asked if he could feel her whole face just lit up and she was beaming.

I'm enjoying the whole Martha/Rachel friendship being explored again. They've always been really close and it's nice the writers remember that. In fact, i think Rachel is Martha's only close girlfriend.

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