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Yes Psychic Wombat, I think Joey should really expect to meet a lot of men like Robbo if she carries on working on trawlers. I can't imagine that trawler men in general are exactly forward thinking and into equality of the sexes. She'll have to find ways to deal with them.

I think Tony is turning into a teenager. That's the way he's acting anyway: staying out late, not talking to Rachel [who seems to be his mother figure at the moment], shagging his way through his problems [if that is what he is doing this time- hopefully not though].

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Without meaning to go over it all again, Melody going back to live with Christine is a really bad idea and I don't think she'd be able to stand up to her without support.It seemed to be a snap decision when she was still in shock about her grandmother dying, when Christine said she wasn't coming back Melody seemed quite shocked but seconds later she announced she was going to stay with her.I wish Miles had made more of an effort to make sure she'd thought it through, he's a bit too passive at times.

I was glad that Aden did show genuine regret over the trouble he called Joey, after his initially dismissive "I've apologised, what else can I do?" attitude, and seems to be showing some insight into her situation.Robbo's growing creepier by the minute:He seems to have moved from bullying her to stalking her.I actually thought Aden was a bit insensitive towards Belle, she rang him up obviously upset and he basically just shut her down.He was on his own so he could have spared a few minutes to talk to her.Although from his later comments it seems he was too preoccupied with his own problems to deal with hers.

Geoff and Nicole were cute together and him dragging her out of the house when Irene sprung them was really funny, so it's a shame it ended in an argument again.And poor Rachel just looked so lost when Tony was practically ignoring her at breakfast.

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Belle cracked me up when she spilt the coffee on her laptop. The way she puts on that whiny, crying voice whenever she finds herself in a predicament she is unable to cope with. “Oh help, I don’t know what to do”.

I felt really sorry for Joey. Robbo is such an arsehole. I like Joey, she’s got such a sweet innocent look about her. And I enjoyed the scenes with Aden. He’s seemed remarkably calm and composed as of late. I also got the impression that he’s more worried about her and her situation than he is about his own girlfriend. I don’t think there’s any ulterior motive either.

I was hoping that I was wrong about Nicole and Geoff but there are certainly problems. As someone mentioned earlier on in the thread although he’s had a positive affect on her she’s had to change herself in order to accommodate their relationship. I think she’s actually changed a lot more than he has, which is part of the problem as I imagine she has to suppress her normal behaviour to a certain degree. I’m guessing as someone that had been in relationships before where she was able to sleep with her partner freely she invariably must be thinking about that from time to time. Hopefully this is just a minor blip but I still wonder if the fact that they are both so different will catch up with them eventually.

Even I liked that scene with Tony and Rachel (it reminded me a tiny bit of the joy KK had when they first felt their baby kick). All the evidence and his past behaviour would suggest that there is a strong possibility that he’s cheating on her but then again that would be too obvious and I’m not sure if the writers would really want to do that after the trouble they went to paring them and allowing them to have a baby in the first place. Still I have to agree with what’s been said about him although I think he’s in a very dark place at the moment and cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel...

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I loved the scene when Tony felt the baby kick. For a few seconds you could see how happy/excited he was by it. Then he seemed to back away suddenly. The whole thing was bittersweet. It was the first time he'd smiled in weeks. It was pretty sad Rachel tried to hid her excitement from him at first, but as soon as he asked if he could feel her whole face just lit up and she was beaming.

I liked that scene as well KirstyEkua, it was lovely and and you say it was the first time in weeks Tony has smiled properly. :wub: Maybe it's because for him it now seems real. More is revealed about his nighttime activities next week.

The scene with Geoff and Nicole when Irene came into the Beach house cracked me up. :) Shame it seems to have caused another rift between them. I really feel they are right for each other. She has helped him relax a bit more and he has definitely brought out her more caring side.

Sorry Physhic Wombat and Miranda why shouldn't a woman work on a trawler? She seems to be able to hold her own, it's just Robbo being a chauvanist pig that is the problem. The skipper (can't think of his name) is O.K. with it he obviously wouldn't have hired her if he didn't think she could handle it. Maybe her plan of ignoring Robbo and hoping he will get fed up will work maybe not. Robbo was lucky she wasn't more seriously injured, imagine the claim for compo!

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Oh god, Aden.Even when he's trying to be a decent human being, he's still a complete tool.Did he actually seem jealous when he thought Joey and Robbo were an item?More likely perhaps he was just annoyed he seemed to have been worrying about nothing.And then, when she was clearly in a state when they last spoke, he just took Robbo's word that she'd left the boat.It would have taken him thirty seconds to check and he wasn't in a particular hurry, Belle had calmed down.And then he thought Belle's problems were all about him!If he really is the best thing in her life, she's in worse trouble than she looks.(By the way, is there more to Robbo's issues than meets the eye?When Joey mentioned her father the other day, it almost sounded as though Robbo knew him.)What exactly are those pills Belle's been popping anyway?I've lost track, she's had at least four different sets at various points:Her anti-anxiety pills, the painkillers Aden found, the sleeping tablets she got off Rachel and the gear she bought from Freya.Still, they're down the tank now so it doesn't matter.

Martha seemed to come on a bit strongly with Tony and Rachel, telling them they were handling it wrong and forcing them into a confrontation which could easily have gone wrong.On the subject of where Matthew is, I'm wondering if he's meant to have been expelled with Melody over the drug taking, since we haven't seen him at school since then.(The only time he's appeared since the finale was when he was with Xavier on the beach after Jack's funeral.)If so, it's pretty annoying that they're gone and their dealer's walking around unpunished.(We lost Melody and Matthew and kept Xavier. Someone check the receipt...)

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So not only is Belle hopelessly addicted to painkillers it would appear that probably as a side affect from the pills she is suffering from paranoia. She almost got caught by Irene twice and nearly lost her job. She’s not going to be able to sustain this for much longer.

I had to laugh when Joey told Aden to shut up and he just took it. I’m not sure if he would have stood for that previously but again more evidence that he is appearing to try and change or at least not to loose his temper over any little thing. I didn’t quite understand what was going on with her and Robbo at the beginning but I think it’s pretty obvious that they are not an item. Something must have happened because after that scene they cut straight to the evening.

I wouldn’t mind seeing Lyons back. At first I didn’t like him and then I thought he was ok although I’m not sure what purpose he would really serve other than being an amateurish bully again. Perhaps they would need to introduce another female as well.

I was actually surprised Martha came on so strong. You would have thought that she of all people would have some inkling of what Tony is currently going through as I believe she shut out her nearest and dearest shortly after Jack died (whilst confiding in Angelo). When he gave that woman a bottle of wine initially I thought it was Charlie. I would like to know however who she was. Still unsure if he’s having an affair or not.

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Tony is not haveing an affair with Belinda she has been getting Boat parts so that Tony could finish the Boat tha he and Jack started doing up,

So at long last the secret is out wot h Tony showing what he has done.

I had to laugh the way Xavier sent Ruby an Email with Jais help that was geneuis.

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Was anyone else possessed with an overwhelming urge to strangle Martha and Ruby in that episode? Martha once again decided to make a volatile situation even more volatile:Rachel could have done with someone to calm her down, not egg her on as she rang up Belinda ranting like a mad woman.(I couldn't help smiling when she hung up;if that had been me, I'd have done it a lot sooner.)It turned out all right in the end but more by luck than judgement.What Tony was up to was really rather sweet and I'm glad he understood why people were worried about him.Ruby...really needs to stay out of Charlie's love life, getting her all worked up about a date that probably only existed in Ruby's mind.I found the scene of Charlie and Hugo trying to avoid getting ramrolled into Colleen's latest disaster quite amusing.

Aden seemed to take an awfully long time to notice how freaked out Joey was(although given that he hasn't noticed his girlfriend's a drug addict, despite the fact that Freya told him she was, I suppose it was pretty good for him).Actually I'm really liking Aden and Joey's friendship, it seems to bring out the best in him in a way that frankly his contrived relationship with Belle never has.I liked the way he was standing with her when Charlie and Rosie turned up, as if making it clear where his loyalties were, and how he didn't pressure her but instead acted like she could confide in him if she wanted to.(Although, by the way, what was all that stuff about Belle having to "pick Aden up from work"?He appears to work within walking distance of both his and her house!It's possible she drove him somewhere but it looked as if she just wandered down there to meet him, they went back to her place for a five minute conversation, then he left.As a plot device to get Joey on her own at a crucial moment, it's pretty weak.)

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I agree. I seriously could have swung for Martha. I hate it when she acts like that. Again the words, pot, kettle and black spring to mind too, regarding her accusing Tony of cheating. Rachel’s behaviour was more understandable though. And even after Tony said Martha could name the boat, not even so much as an apology.

I would really like to know what happened between Joey and Robbo. Obviously it must have been something major for her to quit her job considering the fact that she said to Aden on the boat last week that she would just stick it out until he gave up. Again Aden seemed genuinely concerned with out any hidden agenda. And yes watching those two together is miles better than watching him with Belle at the moment.

Poor Charlie. It just seems as though she is always going to be let down by men (although this time it wasn’t Hugo’s fault). It was just sods law, which wasn’t helped by the fact that once again she looked an absolute knockout, made a lot of effort and had nothing to show for it.

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Sorry to be a real pain in the bum here, but I am wondering what channel everyone is watching H&A in the UK - is it Five or Fiver?? :huh:

I watch it most days on Fiver, so don't want to make comments in case it is considered a spoiler - as Fiver is one day ahead.




b.t.w. I feel really sorry for Aden a.t.m. as Belle is really so *needy*(not to mention incredibly and painfully thin)...I would have thought that he would have recognised the signs of addiction after all he went through with his father.

Still, after all, (repeat after me) it is only a tv show.... :wink:

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