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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I'm really sick of Belle at the moment, the scenes between Aden and Joey this week have been really touching, and have reminded me of the times when Belle and Aden would have had scenes like these, rather than the complete mess that the couple are now. Sort it out as I'm SO bored of Belle the Moaning Skeleton.

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Sorry Physhic Wombat and Miranda why shouldn't a woman work on a trawler? She seems to be able to hold her own, it's just Robbo being a chauvanist pig that is the problem. The skipper (can't think of his name) is O.K. with it he obviously wouldn't have hired her if he didn't think she could handle it. Maybe her plan of ignoring Robbo and hoping he will get fed up will work maybe not. Robbo was lucky she wasn't more seriously injured, imagine the claim for compo!

I didn't mean she shouldn't work on the trawler, I just meant that she should expect to meet men like Robbo and find ways of dealing with them. That sort of thing happens when a woman works in an all male business, unfortunately. I'm sure as you say she will cope.

Having said HAA was boring, I thought how dark its getting recently [both physically and metaphorically!]. The scenes with Belle getting more and more addicted to the drugs were so poorly lit I'm sure its a metaphor for her losing her grip on reality and seeieng the world as dark and scary. I also found the scenes before RAchel found out Tony's secret to be rather sinister. And of course whatever Robbo has done to Joey, a young vulnerable girl living alone, is a horrible storyline. HOwever I think its good that Joey will probably confide in Aden- he is the best man to tell because he will understand better than other men.

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Sorry to be a real pain in the bum here, but I am wondering what channel everyone is watching H&A in the UK - is it Five or Fiver?? :huh:

I watch it most days on Fiver, so don't want to make comments in case it is considered a spoiler - as Fiver is one day ahead.


I watch on Fiver, but this thread is at Five pace, so we shouldn't comment on Fiver episodes until they have aired on Five. Some people seem to ignore this rule - see Janice514's post above for instance. There is a separate Fiver thread, but it hasn't been active recently.

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I watch on Fiver, but this thread is at Five pace, so we shouldn't comment on Fiver episodes until they have aired on Five. Some people seem to ignore this rule - see Janice514's post above for instance. There is a separate Fiver thread, but it hasn't been active recently.

Thanks for the heads-up Posy -- I will endeavour to comply with the Five rule! :lol:

Incidentally -- where on earth was the Fiver discussion - I have searched but to no avail! :(

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Irene's absolutely right, neither Kane nor Kirsty have covered themselves in glory during all this, not considering what they're doing to Ollie and looking for short term solutions.Is running off with him really going to solve anything?Miles somehow ends up with a fist in the face despite doing what Kane wanted and giving up Kirsty so they could be a family.

Xavier and Ruby:Bluergh.He's probably being sincere but it's not like he's got any other options.Liked the way Hugo said "Jai", as if he wasn't entirely sure who he was.

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Miles somehow ends up with a fist in the face despite doing what Kane wanted and giving up Kirsty so they could be a family.

I’m a massive KK fan but even I agree with this. It was one thing Kane putting pressure on Miles several weeks ago but it was totally different when he punched him. I was going to say that I was extremely disappointed and annoyed with him but it’s reached the point where I almost so sick and tired of them (and this thing with Ollie) that I just want it to be over. Period. It’s pretty obvious that there is no way back for the couple but I would like to see a resolution regarding their son for all of their sakes.

Charlie’s very sensitive isn’t she? You could tell how disappointed and hurt she was about Hugo cancelling their “business meeting” at the last minute. I think she’s in two minds at the moment. Part of her wants to steer clear of men for the time being because of her last two relationships (which is what I think she should do) but then the other part so desperately longs for the perfect guy that will give her unrequited love.

I thought Xavier gave good advice too but it took that and a wakeup call from Alf to actually get Hugo to square things. I actually quite liked the scene between he and Charlie but have to admit that the Austin brother’s motives weren’t entirely unselfish. Xavier wanted Hugo to speak to Charlie for his benefit rather than Hugo’s. And Hugo went to speak to Charlie for his benefit rather than Xavier’s.

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Looks like you could right about Hugo Miranda. The reason he gave Charlie for standing her up didn't ring true to me. Freya wasn't the most truthful person but I see no reason why she would have lied about Hugo's lights on his boat being on if they weren't.

So I was wrong about Tony this time - thank goodness. One thing, unless Rachel leapt straignt out of bed and followed Tony how did she know where to find him? :unsure: Don't know why he got so defensive when Rachel accused him of sleeping with another woman he did have a history of doing it. Hope now Rachel will apologise to Belinda, poor woman.

As Martha hasn't named the boat yet I have a suggestion - Jack's Dream. Anyone else have a name for it?

Onto Kane and Kirsty they are both acting more like children than Ollie - poor little lad. One moment dad is taking him away from his mum, then mum is doing the same then dad again. Kirsty didn't really think Kane would easily forget the fact she had told him she loved Miles did she? If the boot had been on the other foot would she have acted any differently? What is he hoping to gain by going round and thumping Miles, at least he stopped short of hitting Jai! Don't blame Irene at all about not wanting anything to do with them until they have sorted themselves out.

Wonder if Lou knows about the condition on the trawler, he does own it after all? Dare say the inspector will be in touch. Thought Gibbs was a better skipper than that. Stupid of Robbo to take a swing at him like that. Think we find out soon what happened between Robbo and Joey, let's just say it's not good.

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You know what?I think they actually saved Kane and Kirsty with that last episode.It won't please anyone who wanted them together but after all the dramatics of the last few weeks I'm glad we actually got to see them sit down and talk like two adults and sort out what was best for their son and their relationship.And after seeming to be in a permanent rage recently, Kane actually seemed ashamed of the way he'd been behaving and I think his apology to Miles was genuine.Seeing Miles threaten him was quite amusing.I liked the way they couldn't bring themselves to hug each other until right at the end.I'd go as far as to say that's the best material they've had together since they came back and they actually seemed to rediscover a bit of chemistry.So it seems that's the end of them as a couple and of Kane on the show for the foreseeable future.Not sure what's going to happen with Kirsty and Miles;was it me or did she actually seem to be trying to tell him something when Kane's back was turned?Until then, it's back to Irene's TARDIS for Kirsty and Ollie.(Six of them.In four bedrooms.)

Loved Annie's reaction when Alf gave them the concert tickets, she seems so out of touch most of the time that seeing her in a normal situation is always good for a laugh.I've always thought she seems to have adapted to life in the Bay better than Geoff, she actually seemed to be enjoying herself at the concert while he had a "What am I doing here?" look on his face.Belle seems to be wearing a sign saying "I do drugs."Either that or that guy offers them to everyone.

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