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Perhaps it may do some good now if some one other than Nicole found out about Belles Drug taking I think it has gone on long enough and shes really driven me mad with her whining,

I feel sorry for Joey IHope she tells Aden all about what happened and that he takes her to the police Robby needs to be Jailed for what hes done.

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Janice514 I don't mean to be rude but your post contains information about todays fiver episode which hasn't been aired yet on five so basically it contains spoilers for those people who have not seen it yet. There is a fiver thread if you want to discuss it there :) , or you could just wait a day before posting?

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You know what?I think they actually saved Kane and Kirsty with that last episode.It won't please anyone who wanted them together but after all the dramatics of the last few weeks I'm glad we actually got to see them sit down and talk like two adults and sort out what was best for their son and their relationship.And after seeming to be in a permanent rage recently, Kane actually seemed ashamed of the way he'd been behaving and I think his apology to Miles was genuine.Seeing Miles threaten him was quite amusing.I liked the way they couldn't bring themselves to hug each other until right at the end.I'd go as far as to say that's the best material they've had together since they came back and they actually seemed to rediscover a bit of chemistry.So it seems that's the end of them as a couple and of Kane on the show for the foreseeable future.Not sure what's going to happen with Kirsty and Miles;was it me or did she actually seem to be trying to tell him something when Kane's back was turned?Until then, it's back to Irene's TARDIS for Kirsty and Ollie.(Six of them.In four bedrooms.)

You're right, it was probably the best material they've had together since they came back. Hated the way Saint Miles was so smug tho! :angry: And, as usual, Ollie was the star of the show. He seems to love being there. :D

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You know what?I think they actually saved Kane and Kirsty with that last episode.It won't please anyone who wanted them together but after all the dramatics of the last few weeks I'm glad we actually got to see them sit down and talk like two adults and sort out what was best for their son and their relationship.And after seeming to be in a permanent rage recently, Kane actually seemed ashamed of the way he'd been behaving and I think his apology to Miles was genuine.Seeing Miles threaten him was quite amusing.I liked the way they couldn't bring themselves to hug each other until right at the end. I'd go as far as to say that's the best material they've had together since they came back and they actually seemed to rediscover a bit of chemistry.

I agree, although I'm still absolutely gutted and furious that it's come to this. Christie should never have been allowed to return permanently when Sam clearly didn't want to join her - especially considering that Sam only left in the first place because everyone wanted to keep KK together and give them a happy ending. It seems the desire for ratings and money has overcome all considerations for good writing and the feelings of long term fans. Saying that, I'm still convinced that when Christie eventually leaves they will bring back Sam and KK will be reunited. Call me deluded, but with Sam working behind the scenes it would be easy enough for him to return, and it would be a perfect ending and the only way to make up for this mess they've created.

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You know what?I think they actually saved Kane and Kirsty with that last episode.It won't please anyone who wanted them together but after all the dramatics of the last few weeks I'm glad we actually got to see them sit down and talk like two adults and sort out what was best for their son and their relationship.And after seeming to be in a permanent rage recently, Kane actually seemed ashamed of the way he'd been behaving and I think his apology to Miles was genuine.Seeing Miles threaten him was quite amusing.I liked the way they couldn't bring themselves to hug each other until right at the end. I'd go as far as to say that's the best material they've had together since they came back and they actually seemed to rediscover a bit of chemistry.

I agree, although I'm still absolutely gutted and furious that it's come to this. Christie should never have been allowed to return permanently when Sam clearly didn't want to join her - especially considering that Sam only left in the first place because everyone wanted to keep KK together and give them a happy ending. It seems the desire for ratings and money has overcome all considerations for good writing and the feelings of long term fans. Saying that, I'm still convinced that when Christie eventually leaves they will bring back Sam and KK will be reunited. Call me deluded, but with Sam working behind the scenes it would be easy enough for him to return, and it would be a perfect ending and the only way to make up for this mess they've created.

Yeah I have to agree with what you've said there. As a huge KK fan I feel so cheated that they've brought them back only to completely breeak them and ruin everything I loved about them. Although if Christie wanted to come back couldn't they have brought her back as Laura, Kirsty's identical twin?

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Interesting comments about KK. I disagree that Miles was smug. I actually thought he came across very well especially when he told Alf that he felt sorry for Kane. After being annoyed with him in the last episode I felt by the end we saw more of the old Kane. i.e. the one who always put Kirsty before himself. And I too really liked their scene at the end. It was kind of like they parted on good terms. Funnily enough I actually don’t mind that they aren’t together now. But I guess this was done so that Sam Atwell could sink behind the scenes again and Christie could remain in the show..

Regarding Laura I don’t really think it would have been feasible to bring her back without Kirsty (as know one else in the bay knew her so there would be no reason for her to return) and that probably would have been too much work for Christie.

I really liked the scenes with Roman and Leah. Again each one brought a smile to my face. Leah scrubbed up very nicely if I don’t say so myself. You know what? I think Roman’s got the hots for her so at least he appears to be trying to get over this thing with Martha.

I actually thought Nicole was a bit selfish. Annie hurt herself so it was understandable that Geoff wanted to take her home and make sure she was ok, but she seemed more concerned about being as close as she could to hear the live music. It’s funny because as someone who’s been very critical of Geoff, I actually disagreed with her mark about him being judgmental as I think he’s been far less judgmental as of late.

I’m know I’ve said that I’ve starting to get extremely tired of Belle but it’s reached the point where I almost feel like fast forwarding every scene with her in it. I was a bit surprised that considering she was writing an article on the band that the lead singer was so prepared to offer her drugs just like that.

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I too am beyond sick of Belle, I think maybe if there wasnt all the other quite bad SL's going on at the moment, we may be able to feel a bit more for her, but right now when I'm watching its like my eyes glaze over when she's on because my brain is thinking oh there's Belle again moaning about something, how boring, despite how potentially interesting and compelling the subject matter has the potential to be, I've just lost all interest in her at the moment because it just seems to be the same old same old, when just a few short weeks ago with the development storyline I was a fan, but now she could disappear completely and I'd heave a sigh of relief. There's just too much mish mash going on all round at the moment, with the only glimmers being the revival of Leah's character after a year in the wilderness, and Irene and Lou.

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Interesting comments about KK. I disagree that Miles was smug. I actually thought he came across very well especially when he told Alf that he felt sorry for Kane. After being annoyed with him in the last episode I felt by the end we saw more of the old Kane. i.e. the one who always put Kirsty before himself. And I too really liked their scene at the end. It was kind of like they parted on good terms. Funnily enough I actually don’t mind that they aren’t together now. But I guess this was done so that Sam Atwell could sink behind the scenes again and Christie could remain in the show..

I really liked the scenes with Roman and Leah. Again each one brought a smile to my face. Leah scrubbed up very nicely if I don’t say so myself. You know what? I think Roman’s got the hots for her so at least he appears to be trying to get over this thing with Martha.

I actually thought Nicole was a bit selfish. Annie hurt herself so it was understandable that Geoff wanted to take her home and make sure she was ok, but she seemed more concerned about being as close as she could to hear the live music. It’s funny because as someone who’s been very critical of Geoff, I actually disagreed with her mark about him being judgmental as I think he’s been far less judgmental as of late.

I’m know I’ve said that I’ve starting to get extremely tired of Belle but it’s reached the point where I almost feel like fast forwarding every scene with her in it. I was a bit surprised that considering she was writing an article on the band that the lead singer was so prepared to offer her drugs just like that.

I felt sorry for Kane as well at the end, he did seem to want to make it work. Problem is though every time they had a row he would have bought Miles up. So sad when she said she loved him but not in the same way anymore. Glad they had that final hug. There was another mouths saying one thing eyes saying another moment when Kirsty took Kane round to Miles' to apologise. Isn't Kane meant to have just started a job up the coast, cos if so how is managing to get so much time off? Maybe nitpicking there, but it niggles me.

They were great scenes between Leah and Roman, he definitely seemed keen on her, the way he kept looking over when they were sitting with other people. He didn't look too happy when she said she had a couple of numbers to ring! I'd forgotten she was a runaway bride!! Lou and Irene certainly got on well :wink: Is there a date in the offing?

Unsure about Nicole being selfish, definitely wasn't Geoff's scene though. I suppose Red Ranger the reason why Annie has found it easier to adjust is because she is younger than Geoff. I didn't see any problem with Jai taking her home, I think Geoff just wanted to leave anyway.

Belle certainly was in a state (and how come Irene hasn't noticed a thing), obviously the cramps she was suffering were withdrawal symptoms. Perhaps the guy from the band does freely offer drugs to anyone he thinks is need of them. Those didn't look like the painkillers, sleeping tablets, anti-anxiety pills she has been on, but the real thing! Big step for H&A to go down that route. Let's hope they do it responsibly.

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Bit odd that Aden's still hanging out with Robbo, even though he's realised he's a complete jerk and the creepiest character since Dom.Does Joey live right next to the wharf or something?Liked Aden and Joey's interaction as usual.Hope they do a decent job with this storyline.

Nicole should really tell Aden about Belle's pill-popping, for no other reason that because when he finds out(and he will)and finds out she knew(and he will)he is not going to be happy.Does she really buy Belle's story it was a one-off, even after having experience of addiction?Loved Annie playing peacemaker between Nicole and Geoff.Her attempting to leave before they started arguing, followed by Nicole saying she hoped her ankle was all right without pausing for breath, was a nice comedy moment.

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