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Even though I thought she was a bit selfish before I’m glad that despite arguing with him yet again Nicole offered the Olive branch and decided to apologise first. So it’s all good for now but I still think that there are clearly problems because if something like this happens again they are right back to where they started.

I agree Red Ranger. I really don’t think it’s a good idea her keeping quiet about Belle for the simple reason as you say that WHEN Aden finds out (else why would they bother doing the storyline) and the fact that she kept quite he will almost certainly blame her for not speaking up sooner. I’m not sure if it’s really her place to say anything but perhaps she could deliver an ultimatum to force her to come clean by a certain time. Surprisingly she made a very valid point about Belle’s behaviour regarding Larry. I even remember the episode where Belle caught Larry drinking and she confided in Matilda about it and eventually Aden found out and that she knew about it.

I see Charlie and Martha are spending more time with each other. First a girl’s night out and then an afternoon. I don’t think Charlie was doing it entirely out of sympathy. I just think after what happened with Hugo, Roman and Angelo, she’s just wants some female company for now. I don’t get why she was so concerned with Joey though. She’s a police officer so I would expect her to be more observant than the average person but she seemed overly concerned.

Again loved the scenes with Aden and Joey and the fact that he went out of his way to help her for the second time with no ulterior motive. Felt really sorry for her at the end where I can only assume that Robbo must have forced himself on her (unless I’ve got it wrong). Why do I get the feeling that the writers deliberately did this to present Aden with a similar situation to several months ago when Annie told him that Axel attempted to assault Melody to see if he has moved on from that.

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Red Ranger 1' date='Mar 19 2009, 07:51 PM' post='976709']

You know what?I think they actually saved Kane and Kirsty with that last episode. I'd go as far as to say that's the best material they've had together since they came back and they actually seemed to rediscover a bit of chemistry.)

You're right, it was probably the best material they've had together since they came back. Hated the way Saint Miles was so smug tho! :angry: And, as usual, Ollie was the star of the show. He seems to love being there. :D

Interesting comments about KK. I disagree that Miles was smug.

Well, I did think afterwards (but haven't had time to go online and edit till today) that self-righteous would have been a better choice of words and more in keeping with his saintliness. <_<

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How has Irene not noticed Belle's behaviour during these episodes?? I mean come on, she ashould have copped on by now. Especially that bathroom scene a few nights ago!

I said that about Irene seemingly not noticing the state Belle is in- BTB why don't the folk in the Bay lock their bathroom doors? It takes Nicole who doesn't live there and isn't close to her to spot it which I thought was very perceptive of her. I also thought she was very understanding and nonjudgemental about it.

I agree Red Ranger. I really don’t think it’s a good idea her keeping quiet about Belle for the simple reason as you say that WHEN Aden finds out (else why would they bother doing the storyline) and the fact that she kept quite he will almost certainly blame her for not speaking up sooner. I’m not sure if it’s really her place to say anything but perhaps she could deliver an ultimatum to force her to come clean by a certain time. Surprisingly she made a very valid point about Belle’s behaviour regarding Larry. I even remember the episode where Belle caught Larry drinking and she confided in Matilda about it and eventually Aden found out and that she knew about it.


Nicole is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea - to use an old cliche - she wants to believe Belle when she says it's a one off and not wanting to lie to Aden. Why didn't she get Belle to flush the pills away if as Belle says she wouldn't be doing it again? I'm guessing they are having Belle addicted to pills to show that anyone - especially someone like Belle who is independent and usually has her head screwed on - can fall victim to painkillers etc.

There is more to come regarding Joey and Robbo but wouldn't dare reveal what.

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Kirsty was irritating in today's episode - not sure why she would want to work so closely with Miles given they are hardly speaking at the moment - and the poor trial secretary - Kirsty seemed to think she should be fired just so she could get her old job back :angry:

Also - what was the wheelie bin incident all about? How ridiculous - I nearly switched off it was so awful (only nearly though!)

Irene and Lou seem very sweet - looking forward to seeing more of them.

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Why now? Why have the writers suddenly decided to use the word “rape” after avoiding it so many times before? In fact the only other time I can recall I think was with Chloe way back.

Anyway as expected I knew Aden would react differently to how he did that time with Axel so based on that you could say that he is making progress. And he actually seemed more concerned about Joey than he was about making sure the Robbo got what was coming to him. This was evident when he could understand her expressing reservations about going to the police (as he could see where she was coming from i.e. in court when he had to reveal everything that his grandfather did to him) although admittedly he did go after him at the club but he still seemed pretty controlled. I have to be honest and say that was the first episode with Adelle in months were I didn’t really mind there scenes together albeit that was because they were trying to help Joey. I didn’t even mind when Belle went up to Robbo on the boat and had to be physically restrained by Aden before calling him a “pig”. I felt so sorry for Joey especially when she was outside hanging her clothes up and she was crying and Robbo paid her a visit to try and warn her off. I really do hope doesn’t get away with this. As I said several times I do like the interaction between Aden and Joey but I do feel this has been contrived specifically so the writers could show how much he has reformed.

I agree regarding Kirsty. I did not like that way she just strolled in and expected everything to be handed to her on a plate. She put Bartlett in quite a difficult position and I don’t particularly think it’s fair to the new secretary either. But I think she’s just doing what she can to support her son.

Xavier acted like an idiot again and inadvertently caused an accident. And I didn’t like the way he tried to take off with the wheelie bin, obviously making it look like Kirsty was at fault.

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I'm glad that they used the word "rape" rather than pussy footing around it(I think that's possibly the first time in the show's history, they didn't use it with Chloe which meant for years I didn't realise she had been raped).But I'm not too sure with the way they're handling the characters.Hammering home the point that Aden's changed meant that half the time not only did he not seem like Aden he didn't seem to be reacting the way anyone would react.He calmed down ridiculously quickly in his confrontation with Robbo(for a moment, I actually thought he'd bought what Robbo was telling him)and seemed to be acting as though nothing had happened when they were together on the boat, although I liked him refusing to back Robbo up with Lou.Belle made me want to chuck her in the water a couple of times, especially when she started harrassing Lou in the Diner.She seems to have developed an uncanny knack for doing the right thing and making it look like the wrong thing.Good performance from Kate Bell in the scene where Robbo visited Joey, desperately trying to keep it together and stand up to him after everything that had happened.Once again, Robbo talks as though he knows Joey's family.Is there a back story there?

It's surprising and somewhat pleasing that Kirsty hasn't just walked back into her job.But Xavier...oh dear.Why is he in this show?Already he's dragging Ruby down with him, her behaviour when Martin told them off was reminiscent of Melody's "bad girl" phase but no-one seems to be telling her that he's bad for her.Why did three reasonably sensible teenagers just go along with his stunt?Hopefully they'll stick around and tell Martin what happened.

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:o Who raped Chloe? It must have been during one of my 'non watching' phases. But they did use the R word when Kane raped Danni didn't they?

However much I like Aiden Gillett and would like him to stay in HAA, I hope Robbo gets what he deserves for being such a cruel and violent man and does not stay.

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:o Who raped Chloe? It must have been during one of my 'non watching' phases. But they did use the R word when Kane raped Danni didn't they?

No, they really didn't, which must have confused the heck out of some viewers.Chloe was raped on the beach in 1996 whilst walking home from a concert at the surf club.Brad Cooper, a character who had become her counsellor and then boyfriend in the aftermath, was eventually revealed to be responsible for that and several other attacks in the area.

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I think the time with Joey is the only time they've said the actual word (rape.) It's about time. Before all they'd say was attack and it was very difficult to fully understand what had happened, and they'd play it all down so it never seemed as bad as it actually was. The only time i didn't think they needed to say 'rape' was when Rachel was telling Leah about what Henk did to her. Her description was pretty graphic and said a whole lot more than just saying the word.

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