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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I agree. I was totally on Geoff’s side today. It just annoyed me the way Trey kept baiting him deliberately to get a reaction although considering how in Geoff’s face Aden was over a year ago outside the church I’m a little bit surprised he lost it so quickly (yes he did hit Aden eventually but that was after extreme provocation).

I was a bit disappointed with Nicole. The way she was just inclined to side with Trey rather than her own boyfriend showed a reasonable degree of naivety, although I was glad that she finally came to her senses when he tried to kiss her. Hopefully the rest as they say is history.

Every person that has posted previously likes the idea of Roman and Leah. And I think Roman genuinely likes her. That was a very nice gesture he made too with her “belated” birthday present. I think there are certainly possibilities provided the writers don’t mess things up. Which leaves Kirsty and Miles. I keep thinking to myself that’s it’s inevitable that they are going to get back together and I did find the bickering funny yesterday but if they keep this up it will just become boring and tiresome pretty quickly.

I don’t know why I just couldn’t feel sorry for Martha today. Probably because she has been annoying me as of late. I do understand it must be difficult for her though. Getting rid of Jack’s clothes will be like removing the last remaining remnants of the love of her life. Nobody else will ever even come close.

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Miranda, slap on the wrist time for you by revealing the plot for last night before us who watch on Five.

Geoff was spot on about Trey when he said to Nicole he thought he allowed himself to be hit I suspected as much. He was definitely winding him up earlier then acting all innocent when Nicole came back. Certainly backfired on him though when he thought he was in with a chance by trying to kiss Nicole. She now knows what he is really like. As for the P&P idea I can just see Geoff as D'arcy and Nicole as Elizabeth Bennett and how about Trey as Bingley!

I'm also liking the possibility of Roman and Leah. :wub: Did I spot a twinge of envy from Leah when she thought Roman had a date? Not that she knows she is jealous yet. Lovely thought of his as well with the surprise gift.

Just as it looked like Kirsty and Miles would get through the day without either ignoring each other or bickering it went downhill when she wiped his board clean. Although he did seem to go over the top she should have known it was going to be needed, it wasn't the end of the school day. I think Kirsty feels she should keep to the 'promise' she made to Kane that her and Miles wouldn't get back together.

I felt sorry for Martha, she was harried into it by Colleen before she was ready. Alf understood because he went through the same thing when Alsa died and also his first wife. Some people prefer to dispose of their loved ones clothes right away but others need to take longer and at their own pace. Colleen has never been in that position so hasn't any idea of what it feels like. When Martha said everytime she opens the wardrobe she sees his clothes I did think she could put them aside until it was time. Having said all that did it appear she gave them to Leah (apart from his jacket) at the end? Leah of course would understand how Martha feels about it.

I'm guessing Jodie is wearing a wig at the moment to conceal her own long hair until 'Martha's' grows again.

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Anyone think it was strange that Hugo was standing outside the boatshed when Martha arrived (or at least I think it was the boatshed) as if he was waiting for someone, then as soon as she mentioned going for a drive he couldn't get away quick enough, saying he had someone booked in for a dive, well why was he just standing there then??? When did he make that trip back to get the champagne??? I'm suspicious!

I kind of bordered on feeling sorry for Rachel today, but I wish they'd stop making her so desperate! She did bite back a little at Tony tho, I wish someone would point out how much he is neglecting her. I've been enjoying Nicole's scenes lately, I don't dislike her at all, and I like Joey. Looks like things are looking up for my favourite soap! Just Annie and Jai to get rid of, and Kirsty to have some kind of realisation as to what a miserable cow she is, and we could actually be getting back on track!

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I don't know what Tony is upto but I don't really think putting Rachel under all this stress is really that good for her or their baby. This is her first one and she should be taking it easy and enjoying it rather than having Tony make her worry because she could lose it. I know Jack has died but he should try and work through it instead of going off the rails!

I am glad Kirsty is back and glad that Irene is getting more screen time! I didn't like the whole drawn out storyine with Miles where something always happens to stop them speaking the truth like kirsty overhearing Miles say he won't ever go back with her etc. Hopefully they will sort it out soon! I think Roman and Leah should be together! There is chemistry there and Leah deserves some happiness back in her life!

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Miranda, slap on the wrist time for you by revealing the plot for last night before us who watch on Five

What are you talking about? I only 'revealed the plot' after the episode had already been shown on Channel Five, at 2.15pm the same day. Its okay to reveal a plot after the episode has actually been shown. Perhaps people don't know there's an episode at 2.15 each day :blink:

I thought Nicole was very tactful and sensitive when Joey asked her out, good for her!

Hugo is being generally suspicious all the time, he is definitely up to something...

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Yep the episode that most people watch at 6:00pm is actually the repeat so if you’re worried about having anything revealed before you’ve seen it then it’s best to post after that time.

Anyway, a much better episode than the last two. I find myself agreeing with the sentiments expressed by some of the previous posters regarding Hugo. He’s dodgy and although he hasn’t done anything wrong as such he’s one of those people I just cannot warm to at the moment because I’m too suspicious of him. Let’s face it he turned down a date with Charlie because he said there were reports of kids up to no good near his boat (which I didn’t really buy anyway).

Ok today I did feel a bit sorry for Martha. She’s extremely lonely and desperately missing Jack but I’m glad she decided to go the launch after all and accept Hugo’s offer of the champagne (that was very thoughtful of him BTW). It was good to see Tony more positive by the end of that episode.

Really enjoyed the stuff with Nicole/Joey, Nicole/Aden, Aden/Joey/Charlie.

I was a bit surprised how quickly Nicole deduced that Joey was gay, mainly because she could see her come-on but not Trey’s (even though she had already been warned by Roman about the way she was acting around him). And yes, I loved Nicole in that scene. She showed remarkable maturity. I could understand Geoff’s reaction regarding Trey but still thought he was a bit unfair about Joey.

Re Aden it looked as though he was about to start making fun of Nicole until she revealed that the person who asked her out was actually Joey. But I’m glad he decided to take the initiative and actually tell Charlie about it. And luckily Charlie was able to talk her into making a statement. I hope she went back into the house to tell her brother the truth about her sexuality. In saying that it looks as though Robbo’s still spying on her so I would imagine that almost certainly there would be repercussions.

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Yep the episode that most people watch at 6:00pm is actually the repeat so if you’re worried about having anything revealed before you’ve seen it then it’s best to post after that time.

Thanks for mentioning that Slade, I was going to say it myself.

Definitely something sus about Hugo, he appears such a nice guy but there is a dark side. Couldn't be smuggling or something like that could it? Glad that he persuaded Martha to go the boat launch (has she been named BTW), hopefully Tony feels he can move on now. As Rachel said to him at the gym it was his baby, not sure if she realised that when she said to him about there being a lot of things to do before the baby comes that he has been there before.

Very mature reaction of Nicole when she twigged Joey was coming on to her and didn't recoil in horror or laugh. As I have said before it shows how much she has matured. How did Joey know she was 'that Nicole'? Funny how both Nicole and Aden referred to it as hypothetical. Robbo was lurking about when Joey got in the police car so trouble ahead.

Seems something strange about Joey's brother, is he a recluse or ill in some way, it looked odd the way he (I guess it was him) peeped through the blinds when she was speaking to Aden. Can't imagine what Belle will do when she finds out, lets hope she doen't go too over the top.

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