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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I don't like HUgo or Xavier and haven't since they first came into it! The only thing that was good was the Freya storyline. Hugo is so shifty and definetly upto something but he is always there trying to please everyone especially Martha! I'm glad he didn't show up for the date with Charlie cos she deserves someone much better!

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Yep the episode that most people watch at 6:00pm is actually the repeat so if you’re worried about having anything revealed before you’ve seen it then it’s best to post after that time.

Thanks for mentioning that Slade, I was going to say it myself.

So, to be clear about this. Are you saying that no one is allowed to post anything about an episode until the repeat has been shown at 6pm? I don't think that is fair- people can't always post after 6pm. Once an episode has been shown, it is okay to post about it. I always avoid this thread if I haven't seen an episode, so perhaps everyone could do that.

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Sometimes I don’t get my point across very well so I’ll try and rephrase what I said previously. I don’t think Miranda did anything wrong as the episode was already broadcast at 2:30pm so therefore it was not a spoiler (sorry H&ALover!). Furthermore there are other people that have highlighted points regarding episodes that have been shown on Fiver which are infact spoilers.

I still think Charlie is a bit attached to Joey. I know she’s been through a horrific ordeal but it just seemed as though she was more involved emotionally than usual although I accept this is a very extreme circumstance. So it is perfectly understandable.

I actually didn’t mind Aden going after Robbo again as he was hassling Joey and I think someone else might have done the same thing. I didn’t like the scene where Belle said she was proud of him. It seemed a bit patronizing.

Judging by Joey’s brother if she had gotten to him first perhaps he would have beat the crap out of Robbo. Although Robbo does come across as quite persuasive and convincing but fortunately Aden didn’t buy it for the second time.

I was so not with it in that episode. It didn’t even occur to me that Martha took Tony’s boat. I actually think she was about to let go until the news came through about the prosecution dropping the charges against Angelo (yet another person that appears to have been given a new lease of life very unrealistically). I would love to see him back just to see potential storylines and how things eventuate with Charlie, Martha, Jack and the rest of the locals but no person in their right mind would even consider it. Would they?

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My Internet connection’s been down for the past few days so I’ve got a lot to catch up on.

They made the rape victim a lesbian.Somehow makes what happened to her seem worse and it’s been sensitively handled so far.If they do it wrong, there’s a danger of it drifting into sensationalism in a “two controversial storylines for the price of one” kind of way so I hope that doesn’t happen.Kate’s been fantastic as Joey, coming across as sweet and vulnerable:I loved the way she stood up to Trey and then seemed shy with Nicole.(Hope that relationship gets built on and not just forgotten about, she could be just the kind of friend Nicole needs.)Not sure about Aden taking Charlie to see her, especially when Charlie’s being as heavy-handed as ever, although she did eventually have the sense to talk to her in an informal session.Have to see how it pans out.I was left wanting to do some damage to her brother at the end when he dragged her away from the station just as she was about to give a statement.Not sure why Belle kept trying to butt in when Aden was talking to Joey at the Diner, he was actually saying the right things and it was only her intervention that was making things volatile.And I don't have a problem with Aden having a go at Robbo because he was actually defending Joey rather than just going off on one.

It seems likely that Miles and Kirsty are going to end up back together and part of me wishes they’d forget about all the misunderstandings and just get on with it.Having said that, their bickering is actually really funny, reminding me of their banter when they first got together.So top marks to the actors for making the scenes enjoyable.It feels as though someone somewhere said “We’ve already split them up and had them argue all the time once, let’s do it differently this time.”

Xavier.Still finding it hard to find anything likeable about him.Not only does it seem likely he wouldn’t have owned up if Jai hadn’t spoken up, I don’t think he’d have done it even then if Ruby hadn’t tried to persuade him and Hugo hadn’t overheard them.He seemed quite happy to let Jai take the blame.I’m also a bit concerned that Jai, Annie and Ruby all seemed prepared to go along with it until Miles and Alf guilt tripped them.When Hugo threatened to send Xavier back to his mother, was I the only one thinking “Yes! Please!”?(By the way, when Miles asked Jai to wait outside and then got pressganged into helping with the inventory…how long did he wait for?!)

Geoff really needs to pull his head in.Trey’s a troublemaker but constantly acting like a jealous berk is only making himself look bad.Odd that Nicole seemed to demonstrate a naivety that seemed characteristic of Geoff himself.Roman seems to be taking Geoff’s side a bit too much.Helping Nicole see other people’s point of view is one thing but it would be nice if he actually supported his daughter once in a while.

Martha with short hair looks really weird.Was Jodi wearing a wig?Because it just didn’t look right somehow.Glad that Angelo isn't being banged up indefinitely, I can actually believe a self-defence plea. I wonder if we're now going to get some answers to all the questions left about that plotline or it's just going to be forgotten about.

Without meaning to start an argument...on the rare occasion I do watch the show at 2.15pm, I do wait until 6.30 before posting my thoughts on it.But I suppose there isn't actually anything wrong with posting before then, unlike the people who post about the Five Life broadcasts in this thread.(You know who you are...)

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Sometimes I don’t get my point across very well so I’ll try and rephrase what I said previously. I don’t think Miranda did anything wrong as the episode was already broadcast at 2:30pm so therefore it was not a spoiler (sorry H&ALover!). Furthermore there are other people that have highlighted points regarding episodes that have been shown on Fiver which are infact spoilers.

Judging by Joey’s brother if she had gotten to him first perhaps he would have beat the crap out of Robbo. Although Robbo does come across as quite persuasive and convincing but fortunately Aden didn’t buy it for the second time.

I was so not with it in that episode. It didn’t even occur to me that Martha took Tony’s boat. I actually think she was about to let go until the news came through about the prosecution dropping the charges against Angelo (yet another person that appears to have been given a new lease of life very unrealistically). I would love to see him back just to see potential storylines and how things eventuate with Charlie, Martha, Jack and the rest of the locals but no person in their right mind would even consider it. Would they?

Sorry to have caused such aggro but surely mentioning something that happened in the 2.30 episode on five is the same as mentioning something that happened in the fiver episode the night before.

Joey's brother Brett seemed a real redneck (if they are called that in Oz), I'm guessing Robbo visited him after Joey went to the cops. I thought the way Charlie dealt with Joey was very sensitively done. She natuarally knew Joey was gay, but needed her to say it. Though now hwe brother has intervened niothing will happen yet.

My Internet connection’s been down for the past few days so I’ve got a lot to catch up on.

It seems likely that Miles and Kirsty are going to end up back together and part of me wishes they’d forget about all the misunderstandings and just get on with it.Having said that, their bickering is actually really funny, reminding me of their banter when they first got together.So top marks to the actors for making the scenes enjoyable.It feels as though someone somewhere said “We’ve already split them up and had them argue all the time once, let’s do it differently this time.

Geoff really needs to pull his head in.Trey’s a troublemaker but constantly acting like a jealous berk is only making himself look bad.Odd that Nicole seemed to demonstrate a naivety that seemed characteristic of Geoff himself.Roman seems to be taking Geoff’s side a bit too much.Helping Nicole see other people’s point of view is one thing but it would be nice if he actually supported his daughter once in a while.

Martha with short hair looks really weird.Was Jodi wearing a wig?Because it just didn’t look right somehow.Glad that Angelo isn't being banged up indefinitely, I can actually believe a self-defence plea. I wonder if we're now going to get some answers to all the questions left about that plotline or it's just going to be forgotten about.

Without meaning to start an argument...on the rare occasion I do watch the show at 2.15pm, I do wait until 6.30 before posting my thoughts on it.But I suppose there isn't actually anything wrong with posting before then, unlike the people who post about the Five Life broadcasts in this thread.(You know who you are...)

I like Miles and Kirsty bickering, it's so funny. I can see it ending in a big row and then Miles kissing Kirsty to shut her up or the other way round. :)

Nice scenes between Irene and Lou on the wharf having fish and chips. Personally I didn't go for her in that red dress, it didn't seem her somehow. Tricky when he offered her a drink, she will need to tell him she is a recovering alchoholic if they keep seeing each other. I don't know if it's just me but I don't remember Irene is a recovering alchollic until someone offers her a drink.

Yes, Nicole was a bit naive as regards Trey but she was just being herself a litle bit flirty, like she is with all the guys, but Trey read the signals wrong and thought she was being more serous about him than she was. Don't worry about Trey though he son transfers his affections to someone else!

I think she is wearing a wig, possibly because her own hair is long and needs to be covered up until her screen hair grows to the same length.

Can understand Martha and Tony's reaction to the news that Angelo won't be charged with murder/manslaughter. Looking at legally though he didn't intend to kill anyone and it was just such terrible bad luck that Jack was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I guessing the boat is just a sail boat and not motorised otherwise Martha would have needed a key to start it. I did notice it had the name ForEver on it when she was sailing it, but just earlier she was writing the name on a serviette in the diner. Which should have come first and when did the name get written on the boat? :huh: I don't remember the name being mentioned when it was launched. I suppose Alf, Rachel and Tony will connect the fact that Martha is missing with the boat.

So wonderful of Tony to buy all the things Rachel had been talking about.

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Well, I do not intend to spoil people's enjoyment but I usually have limited time to post on internet forums, so I make comments when I make them, whether its after the 2.15 episode or the 6pm one. I avoid the UK episode discussion thread if I haven't seen the current episode, which I think is good advice for everyone to do. Its like threads which talk about sporting events- avoid them if you don't want to know the result. But anyway, I'm fed up with this now, so I shall resume normal service.

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The amount of trauma and injuries people in the bay go through is enormous! Hugo is still shady and Tony worrying more about the boat than Martha and just his whole attitude lately makes me not really like him anymore. Rachel is amazing though!!! Hugo' explanation about breaking his back etc. wasn't very moving and I'm still suspicious an dalso Tony' apology was lack lustre to say the least!

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