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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Well, I was left wanting to throttle both Roman and Geoff in that episode, even though they both apologised eventually.I thought Hugo showed incredibly restraint when Roman went off on one at the hospital, especially given that his way of helping Martha proved more useful than Roman's bull in a china shop tactic.As for Geoff, it's actually reached the stage where I think Nicole deserves better, he seems to bark at her every time she so much as talks to another guy.I actually felt sorry for Tony when Rachel froze him out at the hospital.Maybe it wasn't the first question that should have come to mind but it didn't seem unreasonable(but then maybe I'm just insensitive)and even when he apologised she still seemed to be looking daggers at him.I guess she's just run out of patience.

And was it just me or did Xavier suddenly hanging around with Geoff and Annie, who he's said about two words to, seem just a little bit random?

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Firstly when Rachel told Tony about Martha taking the boat and getting seriously injured and his reaction was “How’s the boat?” I couldn’t help but laugh, more out of shock than anything else. It was almost as if it was a minute momentary breakdown.

Roman was out of line again (I thought for Martha’s sake he’d agreed to try and get on with Hugo and I actually thought they were making progress when he convinced Alf to reconsider his decision about him at the bait shop). However, I still didn’t feel very sympathetic towards him, namely because I just don’t like the guy. Every time he’s in a scene the alarm bell’s going off the back of my head. I do have to say though at least for Roman’s sake I just hope he gets with Leah so he can damm well stop bloody obsessing over Martha. At times his over protectiveness of her brings out the worst in him. He needs to get over her. Period.

As someone that’s really disliked Geoff in the past, I haven’t minded him as of late and I felt it was reaching the stage where I could like him but I’m not sure after today. He reminded me of the old Geoff, quick to judge, seeing things in black and white etc. I had serious reservations about him and Nicole since Freya left but now I’m asking myself the question, why are they even together? Yes they have their moments but all they seem to end up doing is arguing. I felt really sorry for Nicole because I feel she has had to make more concessions in their relationship than Geoff but she can’t seem to do anything right. I thought that was a really sweet gesture arranging for a trip to go back to the place where it all began but Geoff was so consumed with his own jealousy (and sin by the way) that as she said he was prepared to think the worst of her.

You know Red Ranger your recent comments have started to make me wonder if you dislike Xavier more than Aden now.

And with that guy at the end I hope it’s not another mad, crazy, stalker storyline. Elliot’s in jail and I don’t think Angelo’s been released so who could it be?

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You know Red Ranger your recent comments have started to make me wonder if you dislike Xavier more than Aden now.

At the moment, given that Aden's basically behaving himself and Xavier basically isn't...possibly.But like or dislike aside, why was he in that scene?We've never seen him speak to Geoff before and although they've hung out a bit when Ruby's been there he hasn't seemed that close to Annie either.So why is Geoff discussing his love life in front of him?

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Agree there Red Ranger for once Roman got it wrong with Martha! :o Hugo (even though I still don't trust him) hit the right note by telling her about Jack helping him when he had more or less been through the same thing. How much of it was true we don't know, but then she can always ask Gina. I think he was right when he said it was fate telling her she should be here.

I don't think Tony meant to be unfeeling when he asked about the boat, it just that it means a lot to him and Martha. How come though nobody made the connection between the missing boat and the fact that Martha couldn't be found, especially since they knew she would have been told about Angelo!? :huh:

Once again Nicole proved how much she has grown up by not throwing a strop when Roman said she would have to wait for his answer because he was going to see Martha (she was even concerned). I knew she threw a wobbly when Geoff said he had seen her with the guy on the boat (but that was understandable), but she did accept his apology. Lovely idea she had too.

I reckon the guy on the island could be connected with Hugo and whatever he is up to. The island is/was meant to be uninhabited after all.

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Really not sure about this Geoff and Nicole storyline.Going back to the island where you nearly died for a romantic break seems a bit odd to start with, even if it is where you got together, but they seemed to be enjoying themselves.Shame Nicole ran off because Geoff was actually being less of a berk than he has been lately.Then the guy turned up.I was willing to suspend my disbelief at two groups of people being on the normally deserted island at the same time at first but that last scene went over the edge into melodrama.I'm hoping there's something deeper than just another crazy because at the moment it just doesn't make sense.If he doesn't want to be found, why did he go over to where two teenagers were camping instead of just staying hidden until they left?

At least Jai noticed he's been targetted by bullies once again, with Trey seemingly having taken over from Matthew as the resident troublemaker.I can understand him feeling betrayed by Kirsty but she had to say what she saw.She'd better look out herself, seems that Trey's taken an interest in her...

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Yesterday I said not a mad crazy stalker storyline but today not another bullying storyline. I was hoping that Jai would have used some of his “Kung Fu” on Trey. There might not be much point to Xavier but he’s a million times better than Trey is. I still wasn’t sure about Kirsty though. Yes she had to call what she saw but she just seemed too quick to judge although why didn’t Annie and Ruby speak up regarding Trey’s treatment of Jai previously.

Regarding Xavier I think I’m more curious than actually interested in what will happen when Brendan comes down with Gina. He was actually relatively quiet and was generally avoiding Ruby, Annie and Jai for most of the day. So he’s clearly bothered.

Although initially I thought it was really nice of Nicole to arrange a trip to the Island, I’m not sure there’s much point to it as stated by Red Ranger. It seems like a continuation of what happened before. I did laugh though when that guy asked Geoff how many people he thought he killed and he made out that he wasn’t afraid when clearly he and Nicole were.

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I think that Geoff and Nicole are a very volatile couple because they just always seem to be fighting over something. Going back to the island is only going to prolong the inevitable. If they detest each other then they should trust each other, but with Nicole flirting and Geoff' jealous streak, are they really going to stay together for long? If they survive this island storyline, they will know what they want which is either call it quits or stay together.

Lately, I just think that the storylines seem to be quite blah and there doesn't seem to be one main storyline. The only storline which interests me slightly at the moment is the whether Leah and Roman will get together!

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Yeah potato gets like that sometime, especially if its mashed :lol:

Poor Geoff and Nicole, they will never want to go back to that island ever again :( thats twice they've been there and twice something bad has happened, the mystery man was quite creepy, i hope they manage to escape his clutches :unsure: have to say he was much nicer in OOTB :P

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