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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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At least it's over now and it didn't hurt that Geoff was topless the whole time lol

It seems that the storylines aren't as good as they were in previous years but normally there is like one storyline thats amazing but apart from the whole Jack saga nothing much!

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Oh boy, that island storyline was completely lame.It just seemed as though someone picked up the most ridiculous aspects of the Olympic Cliffhanger and decided to do them again.I actually wish that guy had been some random crazy but instead it looks as though we're going to see him again.There's something to look forward to.(Are we meant to think he's involved with Hugo?Hugo's probably doing something but I doubt they'd introduce a new main character and get him mixed up in something that dodgy so I suspect it's a red herring.)At least he had something resembling a plan but it still seems as though he could have just pinched their boat while they were asleep instead of sitting around being a bit nasty to them, chasing them about with a knife and making sure they had a good look at him so they could identify him later.And once more, being on the island made Geoff and Nicole's clothes desintegrate.(Why didn't she get covered up instead of sitting there with a scary guy in next to nothing?Even weirder, why did he take his top off in between episodes?)I did like their stuff after the guy disappeared though, with Geoff obviously knowing they'd get rescued soon and not being bothered and Nicole getting more petulant by the minute.

I stuck up for her yesterday but oh dear god Kirsty's dim.Why does she takes the new Mr. Dodgy's word over Jai's?And then she treats Miles like the enemy when he's obviously worried about her.(And would Martin really be that blase about Kirsty using school premises for a non-school matter?) Loved Miles' casual "Bye, Ollie" after Kirsty has a go and Jai's reaction when he tells him he wants to finish his dessert.

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This Geoff and Nicole story on a Island with a nutter seems abit like Lost and bit far fetched even for soap

No more far fetched than when Eliot shot Geoff with a dart, tied Roman up and set up trip wire to detonate upon contact.

Wow Geoff has got GUTS! I’ll give him that. No matter how much of an idiot he has been lately he really made up for it in that episode. He was very brave and could have easily gotten stabbed when that guy pulled out a knife. And it was good to see the Christian side in him still. He was more concerned with Nicole’s escape and even after the nutter ended up with a knife in his leg Geoff still wanted to go back and help him. It’s funny though Nicole seemed to blame Geoff for their situation (i.e. not taking her advice about making a run for the boat) and he said to her “Why are you getting angry with me?”. This is exactly are reversal of their situation literally a couple of days before that when Geoff was accusing her of flirting with the bloke who took them to the Island. Even after they were rescued she still appeared to harbour some form of resentment towards him. I think it’s always going to be like this, good one minute bad the next.

It was good to Hugo with Roman when he went to look for Nicole and he was civilised to him when he was talking with Alf at the Surf Club but the alarm bell was still going off. He’s definitely up to something.

I think Kirsty was being a bit of a b*tch to Miles. Especially when he came round to apologise and she turned it around and made him out to be the bad guy. He did have a valid point when he raised the issue of her tutoring Trey. She’s not qualified and I’m not entirely sure if she told Trey’s parents she wasn’t a school teacher. I think there’s some frustration/resentment there because she was probably hoping to get back with him and secure her stable home again and now she’s struggling to make ends meet hence the tutoring.

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Very cynical lot aren't we thinking the worst of Hugo when we have no proof he is up to anything dodgy. Having said that he did suddenly seem to take a lot of interest when he found Nicole and Geoff were trapped on that particular island, did he go with Roman to see if the other guy was still there? Now I may have been watching too much CSI, but is there any likelihood that Yabby Creek police will check out this mysterious cargo or even check the tinny for any blood traces or fingerprints? If past experiences are anything to go on probably not, the only time we really saw them doing a proper search for evidence was when Jack was killed. Now are we supposed to think it was Hugo he was on the phone to, Hugo can hardly lie low can he?

That little talk Geoff and Nicole had showed another difference in their outlook for the future. He wants to stay in the Bay and she wants to go travelling, although she said she just wanted to be where Geoff was she is still very young and has seen the world outside the Bay. Why did Geoff jump to the conclusion that Nicole wanted to make love just becuase she was getting a bit passionate, was he scared it would go too far and he wouldn't be able to stop himself?

Geoff does seem to like taking off his t-shirt doesn't he, though I think he used it this time to bind Nicole's foot. I did keep thinking that they must have been cold during the night, Nicole only had that little bikini on and Geoff of course was topless, trivial I know, but things like that niggle me.

His face when Roman and Hugo showed up and she turned to Roman and seemed to ignore him.

Don't forget Slade talking about far-fetched when Eliott shot Geoff with the dart his leg healed itself!

Trey definitely has ulterior motives regarding getting Kirsty to tutor him, I wonder if she has the experience to deal with it not being a teacher, which is what Miles is worried about that's why I can understand Miles' concern and Martin is being sensible letting her use the school premises which is a lot safer (for both of them) than her tutoring him at Irene's on their own.

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Wow, so much for the new regime at the coastal news, it seems to be as corrupt as the last one and ironically Belle now seems to fit in perfectly.Once again, it takes Aden to point out the moral quicksand she's in, albeit not particularly forcefully.Would she really be capable of editing the paper even if she wasn't on drugs?She keeps them in her desk at work.Let's hope no-one goes looking for a paper clip when she's out of the office.

I was getting a bit bored of the Robbo storyline to be honest but it picked up when Joey gave the statement and told the truth to Brett.Interesting that he seemed to be on her side until she told him she was gay.Charlie really needs to learn to stay quiet, her comments did more harm than good. Wonder where Joey will go now Brett's kicked her out.There's a spare room at Roman's but even though they had a scene together today it seems to be more Charlie's storyline than Aden's now.I really hope she doesn't invite her to stay because(a)it would be completely unprofessional and (b)I'm gonna be playing count the rooms again.

At least we had Tony and Rachel being sweet, I loved him dragging most of the Bay into his plan and Martha and Miles trying to keep them apart and that final scene at the hospital.And Miles seems to be back on witty form, even when feeling maudlin.His "Romance is dead" after everything went wrong was brilliant.

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I doubt it will last! He has been so horrible to her and no suddenly is being all nice! Something will happen and he'll go off again. I do like Kirsty but lately she has been really annoying but hopefully it wont last for long when she realises Trey just wants to get with her. I have to say that I really like Charlie at the moment and I haven't liked her befoe but when she was talking to Joey she was really sweet and they looked good together!

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