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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Ok, Belle being editor of a newspaper when she's been a journalist - with no solid qualifications might I add - for a few weeks? Seriously? And her thinking she could actually do it with the respect of her colleagues? I'm not exactly sure how journalism works in Australia, but in the UK you need to do an NCTJ course which involves shorthand at 100 words per minute and take media law and that's just to be qualified as a junior reporter!

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Well I don’t think Jerry had anything to worry about justifying himself to Belle regarding his affair with his colleague as she has been in a similar situation herself. I could hardly say I was surprised when he was overruled and the job was offered to someone else. Had she taken over it would have been disastrous.

I don’t think I’ve seen too many scenes with Miles and Martha so that was interesting. I liked the remark regarding Kirsty and his dress sense. And I assume that Martha was joking.

Although I liked the scenes with Charlie and Joey I prefer her with Aden to be honest. As Joey said it appears as though her brother doesn’t love her. I could understand her revelation being a shock but the fact that he chucked her out would suggest that he’s more worried about his male pride and trying to save face than his own sister.

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We all know the only reason Gerry 'gave' Belle the job was because he wanted to keep her quiet and not because he thought she could do it. She's only been there five minutes and I couldn't have seen the rest of the team being happy about it. So as you said Slade hardly surprising the actual owner of the paper gave it to Paula who I suppose will also have to keep Belle sweet? BTW Red Ranger you are not wrong about her pills.

Is Charlie getting too involved with Joey, all that digging up his past history to no avail as it turned out. At least Joey has at last made a statement and told her brother which is probably the hardest part seeing how homophobic he is. Charlie would need to ask Leah if it was O.K. for Joey to move in as it is not her house and as you said Red Ranger it wouldn't be very professional.

She could get her a place at the caravan park I suppose.

I too thought the Tony and Rachel scene was lovely :wub: IMO that one red rose was much more romantic than the 150 he had planned. Also for him to do it in front all Rachel's colleagues was pretty brave of him.

I know the bank took back Geoff and Annie's farm, but I thought they would have sold it long before now, it looks like Martha is interested in it.

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Oh boy, Charlie actually did ask Joey to move into their three-bedroomed house.As Leah said, that really is taking your work home with you.On the plus side, it was nice to see Joey interacting with Leah and VJ, she is a good addition to the show.But she's getting way too involved with this case.By the way, when Aden said Robbo had been arrested, was he talking about when Charlie brought him in and then released him or has he been arrested again?(Also, given what's apparently happening in Australia at the moment, Charlie's comment that she didn't think anyone would be that homphobic anymore was worryingly appropriate.)

Belle keeps empty pill bottles in her desk?She really did want to be caught, didn't she?And her recent behaviour backfired on her in more ways than one, as her deal with Gerry only succeeded in getting Paula offside.

Nice to see Irene getting some decent material, I loved her scenes with Lou.Although the guy spying on them suggests it's going to go downhill pretty shortly.The way it was shot it looked like it was Hugo but it probably wasn't.(Anyone else notice the almost complete absence of male regulars in that episode?Aden's in one scene, Roman's there but doesn't speak and that's it!)

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Charlie actually quite annoyed me the way she just invited Joey to stay there, springing it on Leah without even checking if it was ok first and putting her in a position where if she didn’t say yes she would have come out looking like the bad guy. That is the second time she’s done this. VJ’s very lucky to be in a house with three very attractive females that appeared to be devoting their time to looking after him.

Also, given what's apparently happening in Australia at the moment, Charlie's comment that she didn't think anyone would be that homphobic anymore was worryingly appropriate.

What is happening in Australia at the moment? Are you referring to current affairs or are you specifically a particular episode.

Belle leaving her pills in the draw like that was beyond stupid. I would like to use the counter argument that she’s not thinking clearly but Jerry said the other day that her work was really improving so she must be thinking clearly.

To be honest I’m not sure why someone was even taking photos of them. I don’t believe Lou’s married and even if he was it’s not as if they’ve been meeting up in secret locations/clandestine but I’m sure we’ll find out what that’s about pretty soon.

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Also, given what's apparently happening in Australia at the moment, Charlie's comment that she didn't think anyone would be that homphobic anymore was worryingly appropriate.

What is happening in Australia at the moment? Are you referring to current affairs or are you specifically a particular episode.

Yeah, I'm curious about this too - what is happening over there? Showing my ignorance probably!

I don't really understand why Paula is giving Belle such a hard time - surely she has to be worried about the affair coming out and should be trying to keep Belle onside? Maybe her plan is to get rid of Belle and eliminate the problem - although I would think that would spectacularly backfire too. Anyway seems they are even now that she has found out about the pills.

Continuing on the Belle theme - surely the 2 engaged doctors are going to talk to each other and realise they have both prescribed her sleeping pills? It was quite smart of Belle to ask one of them to do it - but both of them - not so bright!

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Yes exactly. It's not just the fact they're engaged, it's the simple fact that Rachel is her doctor and is going to notice she's being prescribed meds.

I did think her idea of writing a wedding feature on Rachel and Tony would have made an amazing story, it's the stuff tabloids dream of! Kidnap, murder, adultry etc :lol:

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Also, given what's apparently happening in Australia at the moment, Charlie's comment that she didn't think anyone would be that homphobic anymore was worryingly appropriate.

What is happening in Australia at the moment? Are you referring to current affairs or are you specifically a particular episode.

Yeah, I'm curious about this too - what is happening over there? Showing my ignorance probably!

I don't really understand why Paula is giving Belle such a hard time - surely she has to be worried about the affair coming out and should be trying to keep Belle onside? Maybe her plan is to get rid of Belle and eliminate the problem - although I would think that would spectacularly backfire too. Anyway seems they are even now that she has found out about the pills.

Continuing on the Belle theme - surely the 2 engaged doctors are going to talk to each other and realise they have both prescribed her sleeping pills? It was quite smart of Belle to ask one of them to do it - but both of them - not so bright!

I guess Paula doesn't really have anything to loose, she's not the one who's married. I do agree Belle asking both doctors for prescriptions was pretty stupid. On that note wouldn't the second one have looked at her record and reralised she'd already been prescribed some that same day?

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For anyone who hasn't heard, there's been certain, ahem, resistance to the storyline in Australia.I like to think it wouldn't happen in this country.Then I remember the furore when Coronation Street first brought in a gay character and realise it probably would.It's just Home and Away's buried away on Channel 5 and no-one knows what's happening in it.

I'm a bid confused about Paula's angle, not only her attitude towards Belle but also towards Gerry.She seemed fairly tender towards him when we saw them together at the hospital but she clearly, and understandably, seems to resent his attempt to promote Belle over her.It's possible she was only with him so it would further her career and she doesn't really care if anyone finds out.

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