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In no particular order of what happened on Friday.

I don't think I am giving much away by saying the T.V. mags say for tomorrows episode that Irene is shocked that Lou is married!! Excuse but didn't he say on Friday he was married but separated, not only that Colleen said the same thing a while back. Even if he wasn't (separated) he would harldy keep seeing Irene in such public places would he! Good for Irene finally telling him about her being an alcoholic.

Charlie does seem to take liberties like that. Leah could hardly refuse when Joey is standing right in front of her. She was right to be worried because of VJ. At least Joey offered to leave on her accord. She did seem to hit it off with VJ and sussed out he was pretending to be sick because he was jealous of George. Leah admitted to Ruby althougth he was a nice guy there was no spark, but we all know who she should be with. :wink:

Belle, yes that was dumb, asking two separate doctors for pills on the same day, she didn't seem bothered when Dr. Young said he would have to check her medical records though, perhaps they were different pills. Nearly got caught by Rachel when she was going to nick the Vallium, who didn't seem to buy the story that she found them on the floor.

Perhaps Paula wants the affair to come out, Gerry could have been spinning her the old story about he will leave his wife but can't at the moment because... (fill in your own excuse).

Talking of Paula, has she the right to open Belle's locked drawer (or anyone else's) for that matter. She certanly made sure noone was around when she did it, and why did Belle leave all those empty bottles there anyway?

I was wondering about Aden still having to work with Robbo after what has happened, but it seemd like he hasn't been on the boat anyway.

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I just wish that Belle would admit that she has a problem so that she can get help! Rachel and Paula know that she is an addict which is why she got fired especially after that terrible story about going undercover for a story. I love that Rachel knew and cares about people and tries to help even if it is thrown back in her face sometimes but she is pregnant and needs to relax.

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Oh my god:Irene, Belle, Geoff and Annie in the same scene.I actually can't remember that happening before.And Annie actually got something to do other than peering over Jai or Ruby's shoulder.Nice to see Scruffy again, just hope there's an explanation coming as to how he ended up with Martha when he left town with Michael.

Belle is losing it big time, even Aden's noticed it.Wonder what's going to happen now she's lost her job. Presumably Paula's going to have to give the higher ups some explanation for the summary dismissal. Might be hard to keep the lid on that.Liked Rachel refusing to give an inch after her unconvincing cover story.

Liked Irene standing up to Donna and refusing to be intimidated as well.Hope she comes round and gives Lou a chance because he obviously cares about her.

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I don't really understand why Paula is giving Belle such a hard time - surely she has to be worried about the affair coming out and should be trying to keep Belle onside? Maybe her plan is to get rid of Belle and eliminate the problem - although I would think that would spectacularly backfire too. Anyway seems they are even now that she has found out about the pills.

To be honest I suspected (now that she has gotten rid of her) that Paula had it in for Belle since day one - it was just something about the way she was with her the other day I think when she turned up late that made me feel she took an immediate disliking to her. And even if Belle hadn’t been on drugs I still think she would have found some excuse to get rid of her or at least make life difficult. I loved the line from Irene “You get you bony backside back here girlie” and then when she told her and Geoff to get over it. I actually thought Rachel came across quite well looking out for her like that but as expected Belle was in denial. I would love Belle to spill the dirt regarding Paula’s affair with Jerry but I don’t think she will want to risk this coming out. So that’s three people who know for sure about her addiction (Paula, Rachel and Nicole) and if Irene hadn’t been pre-occupied with Lou I think she would have coped on by now too. I wonder what the chances are of Belle overdosing and being taken to hospital for the umpteenth time, although she would have to take a hell of a lot of tablets for that to happen.

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I,m suprised Irene and Aden havent taken any notice of Belles mood swings one minuet she is all bubbly next shes crying her eyes out I know a Doctor cant divulge a patients history but I would have thought Rachel would have had a word with Irene about her worries with Belle.

Glad Martha has found some thing to keep her busy by buying the old Campbell farm it will take her mind from loosing Jack.

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As I said on my earlier post, Lou never said he was divorced just separated so where Irene got that idea from I don't know. What a load of bitches they were at the yacht club and well done Irene for giving as good as she got. So sneering when they thought she was just a waitress, they probably haven't done a days work in their lives. As for Donna she is either a lot younger than Lou or had a lot of cosmetic work done. I did notice Irene had a touch of selective amnesia later, she had a go at Lou for leaving her alone at the club conveniently forgetting she told him to go with Hugo. Talking of whom what does he really want the boatshed for? :unsure:

Paula was completely within her rights as Belle's boss to fire her on the spot even though the way she found the drugs was underhand. Should have known Rachel would find out about the two doctors prescribing on the same day. She is trying so hard to help Belle but she can't force her to get help. Aden is aware something is wrong but it is still strange how Irene hasn't noticed a thing. Why hasn't he said anything to her.

Martha has taken on a lot with the old Cambell farm, hope it all works out. I know it must have been upsetting for Annie but I hope she comes round, Martha is going to need all the help she can get and as Geoff and Annie know the farm they would be the best people to have around. I'd forgotten what had happened to Scruffy, did Michael take him?

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Does it seem a bit weird that it's the Campbell farm that Martha's chosen to buy with Jack's money? After all it's the place where she spent time with Michael and where she tried on Sam's wedding dress. It seems a strange way to remember Jack.

And who has been looking after Scruffy, and how has Martha suddenly got him back?

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Im happy that people are starting to notice that Belle has a problem! I still cant get over how Irene still hasnt copped anything by this stage. And how dare Belle threaten Rachel with that doctor confidentiality stuff after Rachel clearly diverted from talking to Aden about it.

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Woah.I was expecting Nicole to be the one to finish things but then Geoff did come pretty close to doing it a couple of weeks back.Actually, on the basis of that episode, it's perfectly understandable, he was actually making an effort for once and Nicole just didn't understand where he was coming from, then started belittling him behind her back.(Aden's obviously a bad influence on her, I noticed he was back to calling him Bible Boy for the first time in ages.)Ironically, she did actually seem to understand that he was being thoughtful at the end but it was too late by then.I do wonder if this is it for them, though, Geoff did seem to come to the decision remarkably quickly.

Is Aden just incredibly gullible or is he just keeping quiet about his suspicions?I suspect the former, either that or he's in a state of denial, because again he basically ignored an accusation against Belle. (By the way, does Belle really seem like an expensive jewellery kind of girl?Has anyone even seen her wear jewellery?I suspect she only reacted the way she did to the present because she was feeling guilty.Either that or it's the thought that counts.)Given Nicole's reaction to Belle's paranoid rant and moody behaviour, it seems she definitely suspects something's going on.She really needs to talk to Aden about it.

Loved Annie's little scene with Irene when she brought her the cake, we don't see enough interaction between Irene and her brood these days.I'm glad Irene talked to Lou in the end although I thought she was a bit harsh on him, especially given how understanding he was about the skeletons in her closet. (Although I get that it's a messy situation and she wants to keep out of it.)And, as I feared, no explanation for where Scruffy's come from.

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Sad it may be but I actually do hope it is the end for them because it just isn’t working and I was getting pretty fed up with the we’re ok one minute, at loggerheads the next sort of thing. As already mentioned essentially the problem is they are just too different. And as I said previously although Geoff was indeed a good influence on her and possibly through the early part of their relationship prevented her from relapsing back to her former self I still felt she had to suppress part of her natural behaviour to a certain extent. Funnily enough I thought his gesture was just as good as Aden’s as the plant had sentimental value and when I saw Nicole’s facial expression i.e. she was not best pleased I actually thought she’d had enough. I felt quite sorry for him when he overheard them speaking about him like that. That must have hurt. My only concern now is if they will remain friends. If they have broken up for good I would imagine there would be an air of uneasiness about them but I hope they will be civilised to each other.

I agree. Nicole has to tell Aden about Belle’s drug addiction problem. She already suspects that she’s still taking the pills. And I still find it hard to fathom that no body else has copped on yet. She looked an absolute mess today. You have to ask yourself why is she having these sudden mood swings. Although considering the people she’s surrounded by I should hardly be surprised. Geoff and Annie are too innocent/naïve to recognise any symptoms. Aden as mentioned is in denial and Irene’s mind is elsewhere regarding Lou.

I also agree that Irene had skeletons in her closet but the difference according to her was that she told him. She was upfront about it. There were things that Lou didn’t mention to her previously that are starting to emerge regarding his wife and she probably feels she is in un-chartered territory.

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