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I think that Nicole has to tell Aden about Belle for Belle's sake! I'm surprised that she hasn't said anything yet. I know they aren't exactly friends but she should protect Aden at least. I keep thinking about when Cassie told Beth that Maddie was making herself sick regardless because she wanted to help!!

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Didn't really like Moody Geoff so I'm glad he apologised to Nicole in the end, she didn't really deserve to be treated like that even though what she said about him was pretty bad.Their heart to heart actually made their break-up seem a lot more final than his curt behaviour in the previous episode. Wonder if he'll withdraw his resignation now.Nice to see Ruby and Annie supporting Nic, we don't see enough of them together.Although I have to say she was being a bit of a drama queen when she spoke to Roman.Has Annie had a growth spurt or have I just never seen her standing next to Nicole before?

Is Kirsty blind?How exactly did she fall for Trey's lame excuses for his bad behaviour?And why is she sticking up for him anyway when she hardly knows him?Sigh.

Ironic that Hugo took Xavier to Summer Bay so he wouldn't have to be responsible for Brendan and then invited Brendan to join them.Wish Gina had made more of an effort to make sure Xavier was okay with it when Hugo presented it as a fait accompli.The characterisation of Xavier has been interesting on this issue, he seems to resent the situation but can't actually bring himself to resent Brendan because he knows it isn't his fault.I have to say Gina fractured her ankle after what was really a fairly gentle push.She didn't even seem to land all that badly.

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I actually found Geoff’s change of attitude quite funny. Bible boy turned bad boy. And I was actually hoping to see this for a little while but although he apologised to her afterwards and promised not to act like that towards her again I did think he was a bit harsh with her. To be honest I knew Nicole wouldn’t be happy about the breakup but I had no idea she would take it that badly. The constant expression on her face would suggest the end of the world but she’ll be ok. I think they would probably get on better just as friends for now without the pressure of a relationship.

Again I was constantly smiling at the scenes with Roman and Leah and did like the way he offered give VJ tips on playing football. It did bother me slightly as he seemed more eager to help VJ to get in Leah’s good books than actually being a shoulder to cry on for Nicole. I especially liked the part when they both fell over and they stared into each other eyes for a split second. I really would like to see these two get together.

Regarding Xavier I can actually understand him trying to keep Brendan’s visit from Ruby or anyone else. I do think there is an element of shame involved but I think he’s also worried that people would think badly of Brendan or perhaps people at Summer Bay high would make fun of him. But I agree with what’s been said. He’s far better with Brendan that Hugo is. And what happened with Martha would suggest that he doesn't know his brother anywhere near as well as Xavier does.

Usually I find Trey annoying but I actually found his comments to Geoff and co quite funny (only because it would stir things up). When Kirsty was tutoring him he didn’t even look at the examples she was showing him. He was just staring at her. I wonder how long it’s going to take before she cops on.

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I thought the way Geoff talked to Nicole at school was very cruel (and unChristian), glad he had the decency to go round later and apologise. He was being a bit petty by resigning from the school captaincy- perhaps as you said RR he will withdraw his resignation now he has calmed down. BTW he must have bloody good hearing if he was able to hear every word Nicole said across a busy room and her having her back to him! :rolleyes:

Probably a bit of what you said Slade regarding Roman offering to help with VJ, he did seem to enjoy it though. It did bring home to Leah how not having a dad (or male role model) around can affect a young boy in the matter of footy and another boy type things. After all Leah is just a girly and can't play footy. Was rather sweet when they fell over and there was that glance between them.

Kirsty still doens't seemed to have twigged that Trey fancies her (mind she was slow on the uptake when it was Martin who fancied her). She did look rather school marmy with her hair up and dressed in a suit so it is not as if she is giving out the wrong messages by dressing in what could be said to be inappropiate dress. Trey really does think a lot of himself, when he shouted out her name when he was with his mates.

I have to say it is very brave of H&A to introduce an autistic character, and hopefully they will deal with it sensatively and haven't just brought him in for the novelty of it. I'm guessing the guy who plays Brendon is genuinely austic in which case well done him. Does anyone else think the scenes with him and the others were improvised? I think RR Brendon and Gina were just meant to be visiting for the day as Brendon was missing Xavier. I'm also guessing when I think Xavier and Brendon are nearer in age and that is why there is more of a bond. Although I'm not excusing Hugo for bailing on his family, not everyone could handle living with someone with Brendon's problems, I know I couldn't,I'm sorry if that sounds heartless to anyone who is living with someone with autism.

Probably part of Xavier is ashamed but also he could be worried that other people wouldn't understand as you said Slade, though I think he could sound out Ruby as to how she would feel about meeting someone like Brendon. It also in some way explains his behaviour when he first came to the Bay when he was running wild. It was probably the first time he had been able to be a teenager.

I was wondering why Gina doesn't get any outside help with Brendon, is it because there isn't an equivalent of NHS in Aus? She said herself he is getting bigger and stronger and obviously doesn't know his own strength.

Felt sorry for Lou when Irene finished with him not that you could blame her wanting to wait until the divorce is complete after meeting Donna.

A thought suddenly occured to me the other day - when did The Coastal News office get so big? When Belle was first working there it was in a row of shops, didn't seem to be many people working there and Gavin (the then editor) had his desk in with the rest of them. Now it seems to be upstairs, lot more people working there and Gerry has his own office! :unsure:

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Glad Jai was all right with Brendan, I was a bit worried about his reaction at first.(I've a feeling the actor isn't autistic but I'm not sure.)Xavier doesn't like his friends to see him with Brendan because he can't act cool...Sorry to break it to you, Xavier, but you've never been cool.Hugo really needs to listen to Martha, it isn't fair of him to dump Brendan on Xavier all the time when he doesn't seem to be making any adjustments to his own life.

Well, Kirsty's hopefully got the message now, after once again bellowing at Miles for trying to help her. Nice that he was willing to stick up for her.Not really sure what the rules are about non-academic staff and pupils, given that Trey's clearly over sixteen.

Like how Joey seems more relaxed now.Charlie was perhaps a bit defensive when Ruby talked about the way they were with each other(although she may have had a point about being allowed to have friends)and she was clearly over the top when telling Hugo to take a hike.

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Well if Kirsty didn’t know that Trey liked her before she definitely does now. What he’s doing is borderline stalking and he’s almost becoming quite obsessed. I don’t think she’s particularly led him on but Miles tried to warn her and she decided not to heed his advice.

Charlie as Joey said was just plain rude to Hugo. I suppose that’s payback for when he shut the door in her face that time. I don’t know what to make of her and Joey. As already mentioned what Charlie’s doing is going way beyond the call of duty. And for someone that supposed to be protecting her as part of her job, she’s far too involved on a personal level. Ruby already thinks that she’s taking a liking to her. Joey’s comment about her bluntness with Hugo I believe was made to test the water i.e. to find out if she actually had her eye on anyone rather than reassurance that she isn’t trying it on with her. Charlie seemed to back off though after Ruby voiced her concerns but she was still overprotective after the encounter with Robbo that I feel left her feeling nervous.

Continuing on from yesterday’s episode, Xavier showed just how good he is with Brendan and Hugo doesn’t have a clue. The expression on his face just before they were about to have dinner almost seemed he’d been defeated by his younger brother. I found him quite irritating throughout that episode. The way he was suggesting the Xavier wasn’t pulling his weight (even though he’d originally left him with Gina to do all the hardwork with Brendan before they came to Summer Bay) was hypocritical. And I liked the way Martha stuck up for him and could see things from his perspective. I knew Ruby and Jai would be ok about meeting him. I’m just curious to see what happens when Xavier and Brendan encounter someone like Trey.

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Well if Kirsty didn’t know that Trey liked her before she definitely does now. What he’s doing is borderline stalking and he’s almost becoming quite obsessed. I don’t think she’s particularly led him on but Miles tried to warn her and she decided not to heed his advice.

Continuing on from yesterday’s episode, Xavier showed just how good he is with Brendan and Hugo doesn’t have a clue. The expression on his face just before they were about to have dinner almost seemed he’d been defeated by his younger brother. I found him quite irritating throughout that episode. The way he was suggesting the Xavier wasn’t pulling his weight (even though he’d originally left him with Gina to do all the hardwork with Brendan before they came to Summer Bay) was hypocritical. And I liked the way Martha stuck up for him and could see things from his perspective. I knew Ruby and Jai would be ok about meeting him. I’m just curious to see what happens when Xavier and Brendan encounter someone like Trey.

She does seem to have actually have someone come out with what they are feeling about her to cotton on. She definitely hasn't led him on to think that she is more than just a tutor. Maybe and it's a big maybe she will apologise to Miles and tell him he was right. Trey does try it on with anyone female though.

Hugo was so unfair in expecting Xavier to care for Brendon during his school holidays and he would juggle his shifts when Xavier was at school (big of him that) then Xavier could look after after school. Hugo needs to know what Brendon likes and what he doesn't so he can do a lot more. What was wrong with Martha cleaning up the mess Brendon made? Glad that when Xavier said he wanted to go out for a while Martha gave Hugo that look that said let him go.

Jai and Ruby were very understanding about Brendon and he liked Ruby. I could also see Geoff and Annie getting on with him as well. He appears O.K. meeting people as long as it is one or two at a time. It's going to be a problem when school breaks up to keep Brendon out of sight of the other kids, especially Trey who would definitely tease him.

I could be getting way ahead of the plot here, but it is well known that dogs have a very good effect on children who have autism, so maybe Brendon meets Scruffy via Annie. Later Martha moves out to the farm with Hugo, Xavier, Brendon, Gina & Scruffy. :D

Ruby certainly is very perceptive about how Joey is feeling about Charlie and although Charlie denied it she soon changed her plans about a picnic. Also Robbo seemed to think there was something awry as well. Although that is the reason Charlie gave for being rude to Hugo I have a feeling there was more to it. :wink:

This has actually got nothing to do with H&A itself but does anyone else find the sponsor ads pathetic, he is a prat and she is just annoying.

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