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Xavier doesn't like his friends to see him with Brendan because he can't act cool...Sorry to break it to you, Xavier, but you've never been cool.

:lol: - Very funny!

I agree that Xavier and Brendan's relationship brings a new and much needed dimension to Xavier's character and will hopefully make hime more likeable now he seems set to stay. The actor who plays Brendan is not autistic - he's been in quite a few other Australian TV shows. He seems to be doing a good job of playing the character so far, so I hope this continues. You need to be a really strong actor to pull off a role like that - it must be exhausting.

I thought it was kind of pointlesss bringing Gina back only to have her leave again so soon - couldn't she just have broken her ankle back home and sent Brendan to stay with Hugo and Xavier while she recovers?

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Thoroughly enjoyed today’s episode. Bar Trey note the absence of teens again.

I can’t believe I’m going to say this but I actually really liked Rachel today. Some really good stuff with Leah. Loved the part where she told her about her moment with Roman in the Den which triggered her recollection of kissing him on her 30th. And I found myself laughing at Rachel’s amusement to Leah’s embarrassment of the whole thing. The lunch back at Leah’s was good too. I liked the way Tony took one look at them and assumed they were together just by the interaction (i.e. when Roman pinched her backside) and at first Rachel corrected him then when they came back she had a suspicious, hang-on-wait-a-minute type expression. It’s now reaching the point where every time those two are in a scene alone together I seem to have a grin like a Cheshire cat. I was really glad that she decided to come clean and tell Roman and he still was acting like a gent by not telling her about her throwing up all over his shirt. I’m glad they are both attracted to each other. And just because Roman went out with Martha and Charlie why wouldn’t he like Leah. She’s not bad looking either. And although there are times where she acted jealous and possessive (re Miles/Kirsty) I feel she’s a kind hearted person that’s gone out of her way to help people.

Joey and Charlz. I did feel Charlie was taking this far too seriously and you could argue that it is having an effect on her life outside work. As Ruby said yesterday she hardly got to see her and I haven’t seen her with Martha lately. She did seem reluctant at first to have lunch with Joey (only agreeing because Leah wanted them out of the house and she could hardly turn down Joey’s offer in front of her). In saying that I really enjoyed their scenes too. Firstly when she was teaching her to steer the boat and Charlie agreed to live a little (despite not having a license). Then when she opened up to her about her father’s condition and Joey’s admission how much of a difference Charlie had to her life at the moment (I swear she’s becoming a dependant on her). And then when she was dancing on the top of the boat to the music and Charlie decided to let her hair down and join in the fun. For someone that was trying to avoid spending time with her firstly she didn’t go off to meet her friend as she said (even though that was an excuse) and then she let her hold her hand and they too seemed to have a moment before she made a hasty getaway. This would indicate that Charlie is now unsure about her feelings. It will be interesting to see how she will react to seeing her back at Leah’s. Is she going to want her to stay there anymore?

I’m glad Kirsty accepted that Miles was right but I really hate it when ever she does the self-pitying act. Trey did have a point though. At times I don’t really think she dresses very appropriately for her line of work. Especially when she’s at a school full of young impressionable teenage boys (or girls even) who’s hormones are going into overdrive. Earlier on this week was better when she looked more professional. And Trey’s dad, Detective Wilson from OOTB. What is it with Home and Away and all those OOTB actors appearing?

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Xavier doesn't like his friends to see him with Brendan because he can't act cool...Sorry to break it to you, Xavier, but you've never been cool.

:lol: - Very funny!

The actor who plays Brendan is not autistic - he's been in quite a few other Australian TV shows. He seems to be doing a good job of playing the character so far, so I hope this continues. You need to be a really strong actor to pull off a role like that - it must be exhausting.

He certainly is doing a fantastic job, when playing someone who has a mental disability the actor/actress has to be so careful not to overdo it or it would completely ruin it and have people who live with people who have a disability complaining that it too over the top.

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Awww.Miles' unerring ability to turn up at just the right moment aside(we can just about assume he went to talk to Kirsty about what he saw on the beach but still...), that was a long time coming.A much-needed climbdown from Kirsty and her true feelings spilling out.And then when Ollie ran over to join them...Let's hope it's smooth sailing for them from now on.Yeah, right.I do wonder what Trey's father would say to Martin though."She was tutoring my son and then she stopped"?

Leah and Roman...hmm.I thought they might get together when he first appeared but it's not that long since he was in love with Martha so I'm worried it might be another rebound/attempt to get over her. They were quite cute together though.I liked when Tony thought he saw something between them and Rachel suddenly went "Hang on..."I like that Tony was able to talk about Jack in a happy way as well. And I loved all Leah and Rachel's interaction, they seemed like real friends, teasing each other and enjoying each other's company.(The bit where Roman walks in at the wrong moment and Leah screams in panic and drops everything really had me laughing.)Not sure why Leah would think she isn't in the same league as Martha and Charlie, has she looked at herself?

Charlie seems more relaxed with Joey than I've ever seen her.And I think we can safely say she's "sexually confused".Her story about having to meet a friend seemed like a lie, it looked as though she was only pretending to text someone.Colleen's comment about it being impossible for two women to be romantic was amusing:Given that she's demonstrated homophobic tendencies in the past (when Gypsy was "experimenting"), I wonder how she'll react when/if she learns the truth.I agree though, Slade, I am a bit worried that Joey's got attached to Charlie as her personal saviour because she's been there for her during a traumatic experience.(In fact, I'm having disturbing memories of Belle/Angelo, although I don't expect it to end as badly as that.)Guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.

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I could be getting way ahead of the plot here, but it is well known that dogs have a very good effect on children who have autism, so maybe Brendon meets Scruffy via Annie.

I know an autistic boy who freaks out when he sees a dog, even if it is over the road. But I really like your plot idea because I instantly took to Brendan and love the Martha/Brendan interaction!

As for todays episode, I really loved the subtle first step with Joey & Charlie. It must be subtle because my Dad, who generally doesn't like storylines like this (though he isn't homophobic!) kind of thought it was cute. I hope we get more scenes like thst. But I felt real rage when the voice over women said that line about the scene being for the male viewers. Talk about degrading the storyline!

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Nice to see a romantic episode after the 'anti romantic' episode [when Nicole/Geoff and Irene/Lou broke up, and Belle lied to Aden.] I think Leah and Roman are so much happier with each other than they were with their last partners i.e. Miles and Charlie.

I agree with Slade about Kirsty's innapropriate clothes. Speaking from experience, you would never, never, never wear some of the things she wears in any school/ college I've worked in. The only thing which might excuse her is that the weather is much hotter than the weather in Britain :unsure:

I think the actor who plays Brendan is absolutely brilliant too. I have seen him in Out of the Blue playing a completely different character, I was amazed it was the same bloke!

Doh! Forgot to add the other romantic things I liked today: Miles/Kirsty finally stopping fighting and Joey/Charlie looking meaningfully at each other on the boat. Aw...

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Welcome back Brian! Hope your lent went well & Happy Easter not just to you but to everyone! :D

I have to say, I also think the actor playing Brendan is doing a brilliant job. I have worked with autistic children & I have to say, so far H&A are doing really well with this storyline. Wonder if Brendan will be kept in as a regular? That would be good.

Loving Leah & Roman together too! :wub:

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By the way, I was flicking through the Australian Discussion thread for this last week and apparently Kain O'Keefe appeared in the show four years ago as Callan Sherman, the dodgy acquaintance of Ric's who drugged and tried to rape Matilda.He must be a fantastic actor because it was a completely different character.

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