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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Yes, yes and yes to Friday's episode. Leah's face when Roman got close and she remembered what had happened at her party. :D Very insightful of Tony to spot the attraction between Leah and Roman ahead of Rachel. His comment about having been in his own little world was rather sweet. She has to be attracted otherwise why would she be so nervous? Lovely suggestion of Roman to try again (and she didn't remember what had happened after) :wub: . Wonder how VJ will take the news though? He was OK about Roman being his friend, but his mum and Roman being together could be another matter. It has been a little longer now since Martha so hopefully it's for real this time.

Charlie and Joey - it could be Charlie doesn't trust her own feelings so that is why she has been avoiding Joey. Great to see Charlie let her hair down on the boat. She certainly had no problem in texting her mate to cancel the date that wasn't. The nearly moment at the end of their dance said such a lot.

Kirsty and Miles back together again (at last) :wub: When she said he was right and she had lost her job, self respect and him and he replied she hadn't lost him. Little Ollie was happy to see him as well. The only fly in the ointment will be Kane when he finds out. Kirsty is going to have to be careful with Trey and his dad, the best thing to do is go to Martin and tell him that she suspects that Trey has a crush on her and she doesn't think it would be appropriate for her to continue as his tutor. That way she won't have to get Trey into trouble in any way. He would probably deny it anyway and say she led him on and we don't know what he has told his dad.

Kain O'Keefe is playing a blinder as Brendan, I don't if they have TV acting awards in Aus, but if they do he definitely should be up for one.

Your comment Slade about OOTB actors/actresses popping up in H&A the same thing happens here doesn't it except it's ex EE people and The Bill!

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Awww again for Miles and Kirsty.I loved that whole scene of that start of them finally being straight with each other and admitting how they really feel.And Annie's breezy "Hi, guys" when she walked in on them.

It was nice of Joey to offer to cook for Ruby and her friends and good to see her hanging out with them.Frankly, she's probably closer in age to them than she is to Charlie.Liked Brendan's casual "Bye" when he saw her leaving.Wonder where she's going?I doubt her brother would take her back, unless she told him she wasn't gay.She did talk about going to a motel a few episodes ago.

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I have to say, I also think the actor playing Brendan is doing a brilliant job. I have worked with autistic children & I have to say, so far H&A are doing really well with this storyline. Wonder if Brendan will be kept in as a regular? That would be good.

Thanks for that, Deborah. I'd be interested too to see how the Brendan storeyline is played and the effect it will have on Xavier. A new caring side to his character being shown (although apparently he's always been like that with Brendan). Will he take time off from school? How will his relationship with Ruby develop; will she feel cut out? Is there a special school locally that Brendan can go to? Perhaps they might do something dramatic like Brendan getting into trouble in the sea and Xavier risking his life to save him.

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I wonder if Jai had the urge to smack Trey with the snooker cue when he made the “Wax on, wax off” remark.

Incidently I didn't get a proper look at Brendan until he had his cap off playing 21. I can't believe it's the same actor who played Blade in OOTB. Great acting BTW!

When I first saw Joey I thought she was about the same age as Aden, i.e. 18 but I wonder if she’s closer to 21. And obviously Charlie’s migraine was an excuse to avoid her because she’s in a situation that she’s never been before and not sure how to deal with it. When Charlie announced she was going on a date with Hugo (did I mention that she looked absolutely stunning as she always does when she goes out) although she tried to hide it you could see that Joey was upset. On the date though all she kept talking about was Joey. I found it quite funny when clearly Hugo was getting bored. Joey’s probably leaving Leah’s because she feels as though it would be too difficult being around her feeling the way she does.

I knew this would come back and bite Kirsty. I wonder if it hurt Trey’s male pride when he and his mates saw Kirsty and Miles kissing and as she said he felt he had to save face. He could have deliberately called one of his friends so his parents could overhear him bragging about having a relationship with Kirsty (even though it was a blatant lie) knowing full well they would go straight to Bartlett. Although I liked the way he called her outside to have a quiet word and the tone in his voice suggested genuine concern.

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I love Brendan!

And were my eyes playing tricks or did he have cards tucked behind his ears when he said bye to Joey? And I loved the way he was playing 21 and the drumroll when the last card was dealt.

Oh oh and I found Hugo a little bit sleazy when he was having dinner with Charlie. He obviously only wants to get into her knickers.

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When I first saw Joey I thought she was about the same age as Aden, i.e. 18 but I wonder if she’s closer to 21. And obviously Charlie’s migraine was an excuse to avoid her because she’s in a situation that she’s never been before and not sure how to deal with it. When Charlie announced she was going on a date with Hugo (did I mention that she looked absolutely stunning as she always does when she goes out) although she tried to hide it you could see that Joey was upset. On the date though all she kept talking about was Joey. I found it quite funny when clearly Hugo was getting bored. Joey’s probably leaving Leah’s because she feels as though it would be too difficult being around her feeling the way she does.

I knew this would come back and bite Kirsty. I wonder if it hurt Trey’s male pride when he and his mates saw Kirsty and Miles kissing and as she said he felt he had to save face. He could have deliberately called one of his friends so his parents could overhear him bragging about having a relationship with Kirsty (even though it was a blatant lie) knowing full well they would go straight to Bartlett. Although I liked the way he called her outside to have a quiet word and the tone in his voice suggested genuine concern.

I have the feeling that Joey is about the same age as Aden. Definitely Charlie's 'migraine' was a way to avoid Joey, I wonder who she was trying to convince when she was telling Joey she didn't have any feelings for her in that way? She certainly does scrub up well doesn't she, she still didn't look that keen to go however. I noticed that about her wittering on about Joey, not interested eh?

Lovely scenes between Xavier, Brendan and co when they were playing cards, he obviously can handle small groups, but as Xavier said he although Ruby, Jai and Annie are O.K. with Brendan Trey would be a different matter altogether. But what are they going to do with him during the school break, they can't keep him indoors all the time. it wouldn't be fair.

Talking of Brendan, he clearly is more aware of what is going on around him than everyone thinks, he noticed Joey trying to slip out quitely.

So good that Miles and Kirsty are back together, she is going to need him now that Trey has made those accusations. You could tell form the look on his face when he and his mates saw her and Miles there was going to be trouble. Did he and his family just move to the bay or was there another reason maybe? Very decent of Martin to come and see her and let her know. As for the phone call, perhaps it wasn't even an actual call, he just wanted his parents to hear him say he and Kirsty were having a relationship. Trouble with things like that it can be so hard to prove or disprove. BTW Trey has only been in the bay what a couple of weeks, a month at most so how come he has already got a little gang which it seems is a must-have for all bullies.

Good luck to Roman and Leah with trying to keep their budding romance secret, I can't see Charlie having a problem with it not now. Liked Ruby's comment about her (Leah) having a silly grin on her face. :wink:

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Well, the words "Charlie" and "professionalism" have definitely parted company.So she'll fit right in with the Summer Bay Police...First she's so distracted by her personal problems she lets two young women who are supposedly under her protection get attacked.Then she seems to be more concerned with giving Joey's brother a piece of her mind than actually trying to help her.And finally she decides to plant one on the victim in a rape/attempted murder case.(I'm assuming Joey's meant to be about 19, same as Aden.She looks very young to me.Mind you, 21-year-olds look very young to me these days...)At least we can be reasonably sure that's Robbo out of the way, given he's just broken an AVO and attempted to murder a woman in front of several police officers.Exactly how much time was meant to have passed between Aden seeing Robbo and him going to the police station?Despite saying he'd been out on the boat "all day"(what, he didn't have mobile reception?), Robbo didn't seem to have got very far.

Next on the list of "looking for new ways to screw up":Hugo.It's hard to feel complete sympathy for either him or Xavier here.Hugo seems quick to palm Brendan off on other people and doesn't have a lot of patience with him, ironically given that he was the one who insisted he come to stay in the first place.(He can't look after Brendan because he's helping Martha on the farm?Why can't he take Brendan with him?When he says it's "just one day", he's apparently not noticing it's at least two consecutive days.)But Xavier would probably have an easier ride if he actually helped Hugo learn how to take care of him instead of standing around looking sulky and then doing it himself anyway.And while Brendan's obviously a big responsibility, the fact that he gets on with all his friends means having him around doesn't really put him out that much.(Jai giving Brendan his drink was a nice touch.)

And finally Kirsty.Seriously, did she really think Trey was going to tell the truth just because she was standing there shouting at him?Alf's suggestion of getting legal advice would probably be a good idea. Ironically I don't think Trey meant to get her into trouble.He just seems to find it inconceivable that any female wouldn't be attracted to him(as per his behaviour with Nicole), was bigging himself up to his mates and can't back down without losing face.(It was interesting that while his father was having a go at Kirsty, he just stayed silent instead of supporting the accusations.)

On a lighter note:It first occurred to me yesterday and today made it pretty clear...It seems Charlie and Ruby are actually sharing that bed.Also, did the Diner kitchen look double the size it used to be to anyone?At one point you couldn't move in there.Best bit of the episode:Miles basically telling Colleen to shut up.

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