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Wow I can’t remember the last time I saw Kirsty get that angry. When she gets annoyed she’s usually quiet controlled and that outburst certainly didn’t do her any favours. I’m not sure I liked the angle Miles was getting at with Bartlett because his hands are tied. If he favours Kirsty then he’s not doing what’s best for the “child”. If he takes Trey’s side then his not being a “friend” to Kirsty.

I thought Aden should have probably notified the police a lot sooner than he did. He knew that Joey had already been attached before and he saw Robbo following her so he definitely knew something was amiss. In saying that I’m still glad he went to the police station and told Charlie and I think what he said helped. I actually wasn’t sure about the hit and run till Robbo kidnapped Joey, tied her up and tried to drown her. I had no idea he would be prepared to go that far. He must have known that he would have been a prime suspect in any murder investigation. I agree regarding Charlie though. I’m not sure I liked her attitude towards her brother (don’t get me wrong because as a brother he pretty much sucks) but I think she should have just shown she was a better person than him without getting too personal. She could have at least held her tongue till another time. I wasn’t sure what to make of that kiss in the end. I just wasn’t really feeling it (if that makes any sense).

I’m glad Xavier was making Hugo look like an idiot, simply because I don’t like his attitude towards his younger brother (well both of them). He was the one that suggested they look after Brendan in the first place but again as already mentioned I also got the impression that he wanted to help Martha on the farm as he said so he could escape the responsibility of looking after him. Cracked a smile after Brendan got upset about his dinner and he pushed Hugo away.

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I thought Aden should have probably notified the police a lot sooner than he did. He knew that Joey had already been attached before and he saw Robbo following her so he definitely knew something was amiss.

I thought that aswell when I watched it. Why wait all day when you see your friend get followed by the guy who raped her? At least they found her in time though I guess.

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I can't believe Hugo and his family foisting Brendan on Martha just as she's getting over cancer and bereavement, talk about insensitive, why couldn't Hugo or Xavier gone back to live in with their mother? she's on her own with a broken ankle!

So Joey has finally got her way with Charley...ho hum, be interesting to see where this one goes, wonder what the reaction at the station will be.

I thought Aden should have probably notified the police a lot sooner than he did. He knew that Joey had already been attached before and he saw Robbo following her so he definitely knew something was amiss.

I thought that aswell when I watched it. Why wait all day when you see your friend get followed by the guy who raped her? At least they found her in time though I guess.

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So, we finally get an explanation for where Belle's getting all those pills from.The bottle Liam gave her must have been used up ages ago.Mind you, given that she shopped her last dealer to the police, you'd think people would be giving her a wide berth.So glad that Nicole finally told Aden and it somehow seems more acceptable than when Belle goes back on her word, probably because she was doing it for his benefit rather than her own.Wonder if she clocked Belle contemplating stealing from the Diner?(She's back working there?When did that happen?And given that there was no job for Ruby a few weeks ago, how did they swing it?)Wonder too if Aden was suspicious about Belle's sudden "high on life or possibly something else" behaviour.I was expecting Aden to be angry at the end but instead he just seemed completely numb.And then when he took out the necklace...Was not expecting that at all.

Good for Ken, having the sense to point out just how clouded Charlie's judgement has become.She's seriously sending out mixed messages to Joey, kissing her and dragging her back to the house(she hasn't even got the "I'm just doing my job" excuse anymore with Robbo behind bars)then spending all her time avoiding her, despite the vulnerable state she must be in at the moment.I'm glad she was honest with her in the end.

Nice to see them all at the farm but I wish we'd seen more of Geoff, he turned up, chatted with Martha for a few minutes then just disappeared.Glad that Nicole was fine about Roman and Leah.Loved Rachel and Leah's girls talk scenes again, when she was teasing her in the barn.

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Well I guess Leah wanting to keep her liaison with Roman a secret didn’t last for very long. I actually didn’t spot her carrying two glasses of water till she mentioned it. It was funny seeing her reaction when Charlie turned up with Joey but she was so preoccupied with her there’s no way she would have noticed anything anyway. I liked the scene where Martha caught them coping off and Tony’s casual “Told you so”. I’m glad Nicole was so good about it. I knew she would be. All that remains is VJ.

I actually thought those blokes that Belle had been buying the drugs of were the same guys that Freya owed money to several weeks ago (I know the police arrested them but that was because they beat up Xavier). She needs help and yes Nicole coming clean to Aden about it was actually a good thing because now at least that will be mean Irene will be aware of the problem and they can actually do something about it. There’s no way she be able to talk her way out of this one.

I felt a bit sorry for Nic when she saw Geoff at the Den. You could tell that she still hung up over him.

I felt sorry for Joey as well. To be honest she hasn’t known Charlie for very long and already she’s in love with her. That’s not good because I feel the infatuation has come about as the result of gratitude, attention and a rapid dependency (as I mentioned before). Already we could see how she said she couldn’t take it when Charlie wanted to delay discussing their current situation. It’s funny how she thought that possibly Charlie loved her too but it’s obvious she doesn’t know what to do at the moment and I’m wondering if it is in fact a physical thing as far as she’s concerned. Although she can get extremely defensive of her as we saw with Robbo at the police station. A break with her Dad will probably do her some good.

BTW – What exactly is the deal with Harper? I thought he quit his post hence the reason why Lara took over. Then when she went on maternity leave Charlie became the head of Yabee Creek station (not very believable as I feel she’s far too young). But I got the impression that he was in charge in that episode.

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Exactly how much time was meant to have passed between Aden seeing Robbo and him going to the police station?Despite saying he'd been out on the boat "all day"(what, he didn't have mobile reception?), Robbo didn't seem to have got very far.

On a lighter note:It first occurred to me yesterday and today made it pretty clear...It seems Charlie and Ruby are actually sharing that bed.

I had the same thought there Red, there hadn't been any trouble with reception when Belle kept ringing him!

I said a few days back that Robbo had sussed there was something between Joey and Charlie, he's not as thick as he seems. Charlie's reaction to his remark hardly did anything to dispel any doubts the rest of the station may have had, especially the other lady cop. She was already surprised when she heard Joey was staying with Charlie, frankly Charlie's excuse that she had nowhere to go was a bit thin. The kiss was certainly a surprise and it was Charlie that made the move on Joey. She may have said she has always liked men but none of her relationships have worked out have they? I think it is wise she is going to visit Ross for a few days, it will give her a chance to sort her feelings out.

I think Joey is staying in Charlie's room that is why Charlie and Ruby are sharing a room.

So funny at the farm when Martha came across Leah and Roman 'having a moment'. :wub: She probably feels a little relieved now he has moved on. This of course was just after Leah was trying to deny anything was going on to Rachel! :lol:

Glad Nic took it so well, more proof she has grown up. Sad that little scene in the Den between her and Geoff. I don't think she had any choice but to tell Aden the truth after she had seen the necklace in the pawn shop, she knew how much it meant to him! The drug pushers were right that after Belle protested it meant the world to her not as much as her next fix!

I just had a feeling when Belle was told the necklace had been sold that it had to be Aden, I think the way he acted towards her was so right, probably because he was shocked and hurt, proof of how much he has changed, the look on her face when he produced the necklace was priceless. That means he had to pay for it again!

Just bad luck that Kirsty walked into the Surf Club and Trey was there, although her outburst was wrong you could understand it. I don't sure Miles should have tried and talked Martin out of investigating it, he has to for both their sakes. It doesn't matter that he believes Kirsty is innocent now the board is involved he has to carry it through.

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