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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Well, full disclosure from Belle, eventually.She looked incredibly sly at the start when she was trying to worm her away out of Aden's accusations, no wonder he didn't believe her.I kinda liked their last scene with her obviously false confidence and then getting emotional when he said he couldn't be around her.Aden says it feels like he's been dating a stranger...Some people might say that's all he's ever been doing but they would be cruel, unkind people.

Annie seems to be campaigning for sainthood, really liked her in that episode, the way she kept trying to help Irene and Belle.Not sure about her reaction when Geoff asked her to come to the farm, it seemed as though she didn't want to go but she enjoyed herself when she was there.Maybe she was worried about either Belle or Geoff's suddenly obsessive attitude.She was probably responsible for Lou turning up at the farm as well.His offer to Irene seemed a bit weird:His solution to their problems is to run away from them?

Liked the scenes between Martha and Geoff, he needs to interact with more people now he and Nicole are apart.His bemused "Does this mean I need to cancel the thirty herd of cattle?" was just classic Geoff.

By the way, for anyone who's still having a hard time with the Summer Bay police hierarchy:McGrath was replaced by Lara then when she went on maternity leave Charlie took over as acting station chief. Poor old Ken Harper got passed over both times.He's a senior constable, which is what Charlie was and may still be since she's been calling that since she took charge.We were told Charlie had been fast-tracked for promotion when she first appeared which may be why she got the nod ahead of him.

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That episode seemed to be more Adelle intensive than some of the more recent ones. Funny though I actually didn’t mind them (probably because they weren’t all lovey dovey). I’m glad Belle finally decided to come clean about everything and tell him when the problem began. It’s interesting how Aden made a conscious decision to take a step back regarding any help she sought because of his dad, although I’m not sure if he’ll stick to that. Lou’s timing couldn’t have been worse though as I think Belle could do with Irene's support which would sort of leave her on her own if she decides to go away with him. And it would also be interesting to see Geoff and Annie’s reaction too.

I’m glad Martha put Geoff straight regarding his role and her plans for the farm. I have to say though she handled it very well, because I can see how he could have come across as annoying (even though his heart was in the right place). Dealt with a great tact and diplomacy.

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Wonder if she clocked Belle contemplating stealing from the Diner?(She's back working there?When did that happen?And given that there was no job for Ruby a few weeks ago, how did they swing it?)

So Belle is working back at the Diner! I guess as Xavier is looking after Brendan he had to quit, though how is he going to repay the money he owes Ruby and Irene?

Well, full disclosure from Belle, eventually.She looked incredibly sly at the start when she was trying to worm her away out of Aden's accusations, no wonder he didn't believe her.I kinda liked their last scene with her obviously false confidence and then getting emotional when he said he couldn't be around her.Aden says it feels like he's been dating a stranger...Some people might say that's all he's ever been doing but they would be cruel, unkind people.

Annie seems to be campaigning for sainthood, really liked her in that episode, the way she kept trying to help Irene and Belle.Not sure about her reaction when Geoff asked her to come to the farm, it seemed as though she didn't want to go but she enjoyed herself when she was there.Maybe she was worried about either Belle or Geoff's suddenly obsessive attitude.She was probably responsible for Lou turning up at the farm as well.His offer to Irene seemed a bit weird:His solution to their problems is to run away from them?

Liked the scenes between Martha and Geoff, he needs to interact with more people now he and Nicole are apart.His bemused "Does this mean I need to cancel the thirty herd of cattle?" was just classic Geoff.

By the way, for anyone who's still having a hard time with the Summer Bay police hierarchy:McGrath was replaced by Lara then when she went on maternity leave Charlie took over as acting station chief. Poor old Ken Harper got passed over both times.He's a senior constable, which is what Charlie was and may still be since she's been calling that since she took charge.We were told Charlie had been fast-tracked for promotion when she first appeared which may be why she got the nod ahead of him.

I liked the scenes between Belle and Aden, though could have done without the extreme close ups of Belle. Glad he decided to come back and listen and didn't judge. As she explained it started off with her 'feeling' she needed more painkillers, then moving onto sleeping pills, then the uppers. Can hardly blame him not wanting to go through with it again considering what he went through with his dad. Hopefully she will really see Rachel and get proper help, she will need it, it's not something she could do by herself. BTW did you notice he was receiving calls from Belle on the boat, so he can get a signal at sea.

Annie did enjoy herself once she was at the farm, it was Geoff that was having the problem adjusting to the fact that Martha wasn't having cattle, her little chat to him was nice. I did laugh when he asked about cancelling the cattle. :D

Yes, Annie probably was responsible for Lou turning up at the farm, Irene didn't seem to take much persuading did she? Seeing as Irene hasn't been aware of Belle's problem so far (and before Lou came on the scene for that matter) she hasn't a reason to say no.

Was the cop we saw with Charlie Harper or McGrath?

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Was the cop we saw with Charlie Harper or McGrath?

That was Ken Harper.McGrath left the show last year.

While I described Belle's confession as "full disclosure", thinking about it she actually left out quite a few details, like Liam giving her the pills(although Nicole could have told him that), how she managed to find herself a couple of dealers and, perhaps most significantly, what she actually did with the necklace.I actually agree with her not telling Irene and spoiling things for her...since it turns out Irene actually quite likes the idea of running away for a few weeks.(I suspect this was to cover Lynne being in panto.)Nicole should probably tell Aden what Belle's up to but the problem is there isn't really anyone they could go to for help, except Rachel and Belle's already refused her help once.With Irene gone and Aden giving her a wide berth, it seems there's no-one keeping an eye on Belle except Nicole and to a certain extent Annie.

Geoff seemed to have taken a double dose of obnoxious pills on a couple of occasions in that episode, notably the opening scene where he's basically saying "Don't care about Belle and Aden, don't care about Irene and Lou."(Did Aden really discuss his relationship troubles with Annie as she sort of suggests?)His having a go at Trey seemed to impress Nicole though.Are they trying to give him a rebellious streak?Actually really liked Nicole in that episode, with her keeping an eye on Belle without backing down and taking her snappy behaviour and then being sympathetic towards Kirsty.

Didn't you just know Nicole was going to put her foot in it with VJ when Leah was telling Roman not to say anything to him about them being together?She probably should have told him anyway despite his reaction, things certainly wouldn't be any worse.

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Let me get this right Charley is a senior constable but the police wages are so poor that she can't afford to rent a house or apartment so she lodges with Leah...in fact her wages are so bad that she can't afford her own room even and has to share with her sister...worse still they can only afford one bed between them :lol: It does beg belief!

By the way, for anyone who's still having a hard time with the Summer Bay police hierarchy:McGrath was replaced by Lara then when she went on maternity leave Charlie took over as acting station chief. Poor old Ken Harper got passed over both times.He's a senior constable, which is what Charlie was and may still be since she's been calling that since she took charge.We were told Charlie had been fast-tracked for promotion when she first appeared which may be why she got the nod ahead of him.
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Let me get this right Charley is a senior constable but the police wages are so poor that she can't afford to rent a house or apartment so she lodges with Leah...in fact her wages are so bad that she can't afford her own room even and has to share with her sister...worse still they can only afford one bed between them :lol: It does beg belief!

Surely the reason that sisters Charlie and Ruby are sharing a room to sleep in is that Charlie has given her room to Joey.

What happens if/when Charlie and Joey become an item? Will Charlie move back in her room with Joey? What will Ruby think of that?

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Yeah I also really liked Nicole it that episode.

Firstly I don’t think she told Aden just so she wouldn’t look bad when the truth came out regarding Belle, I actually do think she was genuinely concerned for her as you could tell when she went up to her in the Den and even after Belle was getting a bit stroppy with her she still wished her good luck. I liked her sarcastic remark to Trey about missing out on an opportunity to go out with him.

My favourite part was her conversation with Kirsty. I really enjoyed that and they actually both came across as friends (almost). Even when she made the remark about Trey being a loser and she apologised to her for putting her foot in it. At least they both agreed he was an arrogant jerk. The last scene I can remember with those two was at the Caravan Park after when she went round to get her iPod after Kirsty brought her home early from the school trip. Nicole wanted payback for Kirsty giving her a serve in the Den that time.

I’m glad her and Geoff are still being civilised to each other. And I’m actually quite liking this side to him. It makes the character so much more interesting. Who knows? If he does turn badboy he might even give Aden a run for his money. Although you could argue that Trey did have it coming as he’s always trying to bait them every opportunity he gets and it’s so obvious that Nicole still likes him.

I just knew Irene would agree to go on the trip with Lou. I guess it makes things interesting with Belle as there is the possibility she could go further into decline and without a legal guardian for Geoff this will be the opportunity for mischief.

Yes Nicole did kind of put her foot in it but I thought it was interesting that VJ didn’t want Leah going out with George because he wanted his mum to himself but he didn’t want her going out with Roman because he wanted Roman to himself.

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Was the cop we saw with Charlie Harper or McGrath?

That was Ken Harper.McGrath left the show last year.

Didn't you just know Nicole was going to put her foot in it with VJ when Leah was telling Roman not to say anything to him about them being together?She probably should have told him anyway despite his reaction, things certainly wouldn't be any worse.

Thanks for that Red.

It wasn't Nicole's fault she put her foot in it, Roman had told her when he saw her at the surf club that Leah was going to tell VJ before the meal so obviously she thought he had been told. I had a feeling he would be like that, he didn't mind Roman being his friend but he didn't want Leah actually going out with him. In a way I can understand how he feels that Roman won't have any time for him, but Leah should be firm and explain that she needs a 'friend' too. If she isn't careful this will happen with any guy she wants to go out with. Liked the exchange with Roman and Nicole when she asked if she had to call Leah mum and he replied she would be grounded for life.

Let me get this right Charley is a senior constable but the police wages are so poor that she can't afford to rent a house or apartment so she lodges with Leah...in fact her wages are so bad that she can't afford her own room even and has to share with her sister...worse still they can only afford one bed between them :lol: It does beg belief!

Surely the reason that sisters Charlie and Ruby are sharing a room to sleep in is that Charlie has given her room to Joey.

What happens if/when Charlie and Joey become an item? Will Charlie move back in her room with Joey? What will Ruby think of that?

More to the point what would Leah have to say, it is her house, and she has VJ to think about. It's one thing Charley and Ruby sharing a room (and bed) they are sisters. Ruby would be more worried about Charlie getting hurt (again).

Glad that Belle held it together long enough to allow Irene to go off with Lou, Annie has spotted something is amiss, but obviously hasn't a clue as to what the real problem is. She is being really stupid not getting help though, things are bound to come to a head and then she is going to have to. Nicole only told Aden because Belle didn't keep her side of the bargain, to give up the drugs as she said she would. Certainly saw a different side to Geoff when he tackled Trey, funny how Trey took it as well, he can knock young kids like Jai about but when it comes to someone his own size it's a different matter.

So what was Donna doing lurking about at the pier, is she going to be causing trouble for Annie, Geoff and Belle?

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Glad that Leah realised she should have told VJ sooner.Interesting too that Nicole actually felt guilty about it when it wasn't her fault, she certainly seems to have grown as a person.Loved her scene with Aden, they're so sweet together and I like that she's always there for him.And he got to share a scene with Joey for the first time in too long.I liked the developing friendship between her and Leah.Good to see some interaction between Kirsty and Belle as well.But seriously you've got Aden, Kirsty and Annie all on Belle's case...One of them really should have phoned Rachel.I know Kirsty was going to do it and Belle lied to her(yeah, that's a good sign...)but all the same.Odd too that none of Annie's friends seemed particularly interested in what she was up to aside from Jai.

Glad that Martha talked Hugo into letting Xavier have the night off, shame it all went belly up.Xavier did at least rediscover a smidgeon of responsibility since he at least stopped to pause before running away from another accident site.

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