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I don’t think Xavier is completely irresponsible. It must be difficult looking after Brendan at his age. It looks as though Hugo is running out of patience with him though and I’m starting to wonder if he regrets his decision to take him on even though for the most part Xavier seems to be doing all the work. Martha was very selfless. I think she knew how difficult it would be looking after Brendan but she did it so that Xavier could go to the Beech party. And yes Hugo, Xavier doing a mini streak around the kitchen was funny.

I always like any scene with Nicole and Aden but please no romance. I much prefer their brother sister platonic relationship. Besides they are both far too keen on their respective others (formerly in Nicole’s case). I didn’t think Aden would be able to stay away from Belle for too long but obviously what Nicole said got to him and it looks as though he decided to put her before any unresolved issues with his father.

I do actually prefer him in the scenes with Joey at the moment. I liked the fact that it was just the usually hello, how are you, what are you up to etc without too much drama.

I agree that Belle should have called Rachel. There is such a thing called patient confidentiality and it really wasn’t fair on Annie having to look after her like that although Kirsty did help as well.

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It really riled me when Hugo was having a go at Xavier about Brendan needing a routine, excuse me when did he start having the right to know how to look after Brendan! :angry: I think you meant Brendan doing the mini streak there Red, but it was funny. :lol:

Yes, someone needs to call Rachel whatever Belle says, it is not fair at all on Annie, especially as she doesn't have a clue as to what the real problem is. You're right about the lie as well Red. Lovely little talk between Nicole and Aden about Belle and it got through to him and he went to see her, perhaps he will persuade her to see Rachel. Though I think she is going to be busy tonight (see below).

I don't really see how much sooner Leah could have told VJ about her and Roman, she hasn't been going out with him for that long.

Felt sorry for Joey when Ruby came back without Charlie, she looked so disappointed.

Martha is going to feel so guilty about Brendan running off, but it isn't her fault, short of locking him in his bedroom what else could she have done? I bet Hugo has a go at Xavier for it as well.

I have to say Brendan has to be a pretty good shot to hit the car from a distance in the dark! I suppose tonight we will find out the outcome (even though I have read what happens).

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It really riled me when Hugo was having a go at Xavier about Brendan needing a routine, excuse me when did he start having the right to know how to look after Brendan! :angry: I think you meant Brendan doing the mini streak there Red, but it was funny. :lol:

Yes, someone needs to call Rachel whatever Belle says, it is not fair at all on Annie, especially as she doesn't have a clue as to what the real problem is. You're right about the lie as well Red. Lovely little talk between Nicole and Aden about Belle and it got through to him and he went to see her, perhaps he will persuade her to see Rachel. Though I think she is going to be busy tonight (see below).

I have to say Brendan has to be a pretty good shot to hit the car from a distance in the dark! I suppose tonight we will find out the outcome (even though I have read what happens).

Yes, I wondered as well if Slade was seeing things, like Xavier doing a streak! But I am really admiring Kane's portrayal of Brendan; must be pretty difficult keeping that character so authentic. I also wondered about the accuaracy of that slingshot in the dark, both through the car windscreen (is Brendan that strong?) and into someone's head. He must have been standing right in the path of that car when it was approaching him. Didn't they see him in the headlights?

As to who should have called Rachel to see Belle, she has already been so see Belle in that office and Belle refused her advice. Nobody can force anyone (however much they love or care for her) to go to see a doctor, not to accept treatment from a doctor. It's not Rachel's place to go to see Belle.

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Oh god, what's Brendan playing at?Actually scrub that, I know he's just trying to protect his brother. (And possibly himself, just a little bit?After all, Brendan was arguably in his care at the time.)I just don't get why(a)he thinks he'll get away with it and(b)he thinks it's a good idea.Teaching his brother to lie when he does something wrong isn't really setting a good example.If they had a proper Health Service in Australia, they'd probably get more help if they found out the truth...I thought Ruby was getting suspicious on the beach but she either didn't notice or didn't realise the significance of Brendan saying the stick was his, since she jumped to the conclusion it was Trey.

Someone really needs to scrap the whole stupid "three episodes a week" rule since here it means we don't see Aden's reaction to Roman's accident.Nor do we get any explanation for what state Belle was in when he left her or who was looking after while he was at the hospital.I'm really hoping we see some sort of reaction from him in later episodes and they don't just "save" him for Belle's storyline. Liked VJ's concern for Roman and some nice material for Nicole.And we got to see Ruby giving Geoff advice again.Their friendship's largely been forgotten about recently.(Would have been nice to have an explanation for where Jai went to, by the way.)

Joey came across as borderline stalker with Charlie again.Making declarations of love to someone she's only known a few weeks does come across as more dependent than affectionate.Loved the scene between her and Brett, proving that whatever Charlie says he's nowhere near as bad as Robbo.He's a basically decent bloke who cares about his sister but has some outdated views on certain subjects. Joey's "Why not?You can" to Charlie was the perfect putdown.

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I think you meant Brendan doing the mini streak there Red, but it was funny. :lol:

Yes, I wondered as well if Slade was seeing things, like Xavier doing a streak!

Yes that was me. Sorry I meant to say Brendan and by the looks of things

Oh god, what's Brendan playing at?Actually scrub that, I know he's just trying to protect his brother.

I’m not the only person doing it.

Ruby seemed quite pally with Nicole. It was only a few weeks ago when Freya was here she mentioned that even Nicole liked her despite not liking anyone. I knew they weren’t enemies but just assumed they were acquaintances at best. I quite liked that scene nonetheless.

I’m glad that Martha and Charlie turned up to the hospital. I like to think Charlie was there for Roman and not Leah despite the stuff that went on with them a while back. It was nice of Tony too to take Nicole to the hospital. Just as he got of the phone to Alf and looked at her in the Surf Club it seemed as thought she could almost sense something was up. I liked that Leah was consoling Nicole and also as (already stated) VJ wanted to go to the hospital too to see how Roman was. “Drug induced coma”. Pretty serious eh?

I’m glad Joey made up with Brett and it was good that she forgave him. It was just a shame that it took his mate trying to kill her for him to finally believe her. His offer seemed sound but it kind off feels like she’s trying to put all her eggs in one basket re Charlie (sort of). I actually felt that she was unfairly trying to pressurise her into making decision when she practically gave her an ultimatum – either you love me or you don’t. I know Charlie has a tendency to fall for people pretty quickly but why isn’t it possible for her to simply really like her, rather than love her? Interesting that someone who admitted to jumping into bed with men pretty quickly has decided not to act on her feelings towards Joey. It’s probably a combination of her insecurity, friends, family and work.

Xavier annoyed the hell out of me. I understand him trying to protect his brother but what would be the worst that would happen to Brendan if the truth came out. Surely he could plead mitigating circumstances. Ruby put two and two together and came up with five but it will only be a matter of time before she examines her boyfriend’s behaviour with his brother and figures out who really fired the sling-shot. Although if she did come clean about it I could see him talking her round for Brendan's sake.

Oh and regarding the three episodes a week rule, wasn't Alf in five episodes a while back during the stuff with Bridget or am I totally mistaken?

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Oh god, what's Brendan playing at?Actually scrub that, I know he's just trying to protect his brother.

I’m not the only person doing it.

Oh and regarding the three episodes a week rule, wasn't Alf in five episodes a while back during the stuff with Bridget or am I totally mistaken?

Oh.Yeah.That's kind of embarassing.

You're right about Alf, in fact I'm almost beginning to think they've suspended the rule just for him because he seems to be in it an awful lot.I'm going to have to start counting.

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Xavier annoyed the hell out of me. I understand him trying to protect his brother but what would be the worst that would happen to Brendan if the truth came out. Surely he could plead mitigating circumstances. Ruby put two and two together and came up with five but it will only be a matter of time before she examines her boyfriend’s behaviour with his brother and figures out who really fired the sling-shot. Although if she did come clean about it I could see him talking her round for Brendan's sake.

Oh and regarding the three episodes a week rule, wasn't Alf in five episodes a while back during the stuff with Bridget or am I totally mistaken?

yes, Xavier is playing a dodgy game, trying to cover up for his brother. Only natural, I suppose, support your family, especially a brother like Brendan. What will Ruby's reaction be when she finds out, as she will? I feel real sorry for her, having to share her boyfriend with his brother during the school holidays. Not much of a holiday for her, if Xavier goes away for a few days.

What is the 3 episodes a week rule? Is it official or a guide?

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Three excellent and controversial storylines going on at the moment which I'm enjoying.

1. The young carer: about Xavier seemingly being the only person who can care for Brendan. Where are the learning disability personnel with care plans for Brendan? Doesn't he go to an adult day centre or something which would provide activities for him? Doesn't he go to respite care for weekends or whatever? This storyline is making a good point about family members being left to care for their disabled relations without any help. Must say again what an excellent actor 'Brendan' is, Kane someone. He deserves an award.

2. The character uncertain about her sexuality. While Charlie is surely rather old to be wondering if she is gay or not, it is still a strong attempt by HAA to show this type of storyline. I thought Joey was brilliant in not allowing Charlie to mess her about but instead saying more or less 'its all or nothing I'm afraid. If you don't want me, I'm leaving.' Good for her!

3. The school pupil pestering his teacher. This is a highly controversial subject and all too common. Kirsty should have told another member of staff officially, the second Trey started saying dodgy things to her, then what should have happened was a senior teacher would have given him a telling off and he would have learnt his lesson. But of course Kirsty is not a trained teacher and hasn't been officially told what to do in this situation and also she is only 20 so probably doesn't have the experience to know what to do.

So although I feared HAA was going into a boring phase with Freya [yawn], it has come back with a bang :lol:

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Three excellent and controversial storylines going on at the moment which I'm enjoying.

1. The young carer: about Xavier seemingly being the only person who can care for Brendan. Where are the learning disability personnel with care plans for Brendan? Doesn't he go to an adult day centre or something which would provide activities for him? Doesn't he go to respite care for weekends or whatever? This storyline is making a good point about family members being left to care for their disabled relations without any help. Must say again what an excellent actor 'Brendan' is, Kane someone. He deserves an award.

2. The character uncertain about her sexuality. While Charlie is surely rather old to be wondering if she is gay or not, it is still a strong attempt by HAA to show this type of storyline. I thought Joey was brilliant in not allowing Charlie to mess her about but instead saying more or less 'its all or nothing I'm afraid. If you don't want me, I'm leaving.' Good for her!

3. The school pupil pestering his teacher. This is a highly controversial subject and all too common. Kirsty should have told another member of staff officially, the second Trey started saying dodgy things to her, then what should have happened was a senior teacher would have given him a telling off and he would have learnt his lesson. But of course Kirsty is not a trained teacher and hasn't been officially told what to do in this situation and also she is only 20 so probably doesn't have the experience to know what to do.

So although I feared HAA was going into a boring phase with Freya [yawn], it has come back with a bang :lol:

I thought Kirsty was older than that. Belle & Aden are supposed to be about 19/20 & I thought Kirsty was supposed to be older than them? Who knows though I get so confused with how old everyone is supposed to be.

The actor who is playing Brendan is absolutely brilliant. It must be really difficult to keep that kind of acting up, pretending to be austic. Really not liking Hugo at the moment, he really should not be relying on Xavier so heavily for looking after Brendan. Xavier is only young & of course he wants to go off & have fun with his friends. However I do get the feeling that Hugo may be scared of looking after Brendan & that is part of the problem.

How daft is Kirsty? Silly, silly girl, going to see Trey when she was told to go nowhere near him & then lying about it to both the police & Miles. Does she never learn!

Charlie is one very confused person! Think her character is only 26 so maybe she wouldn't have realised she could be bi-sexual?, Although I would have thought you would realise earlier. Its good H&A are portraying this though. Glad Joey said about Charlie could pretend to be what she isn't when Charlie said that to she shouldn't. Wonder what it will be like for her going back to live with her brother again who is obviously homophobic?

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