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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Xavier is really annoying the hell out of me.Once more he seems perfectly prepared to let innocent people suffer so he and Brendan stay out of trouble.What exactly does he think is going to happen?In all likelihood, he'll probably be in more trouble than Brendan, at least as far as Hugo's concerned.It probably helps that Trey was the one in the firing line;his insulting Brendan seems to be Xavier's justification for letting him be blamed.Trey's dad continues to come across as a normal if overly trusting parent, I'm not sure why he's getting the stick he is on other parts of this forum.

Kirsty really does have honesty issues.(She's 22 by the way.She's three school years older than Belle and Aden but her birthday's towards the end of the year.)I'm hoping this is going to be a plot point, that all the years on the run have conditioned her to lie automatically, rather than just "Oh, Kirsty's lying again."Don't really blame Miles for reacting the way he did, he was only trying to protect her.

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I wish Hugo would just shut up! He’s hardly lifted a finger to help out regarding Brendan. When Alf told him that he’d gotten himself into a bit of trouble he’s reaction was a fed up “What now?” as if to say for the umpteenth time. Initially he offered to look after him obviously because Gina had hurt herself. Now it does appear to be a case of that he’s bitten off more than he can chew and I personally feel that the only reason he’s carrying on doing this is because if he turns around and says he’s too much of a burden it will reflect badly on him more than anything.

I do agree Miranda about Charlie being too old to be sexually confused as someone stated before and although she appears to be a different person during work as senior constable, I do feel at times her behaviour in previous relationships has been almost like a teenager. Re Roman I felt he always had to watch what he said to her because she had a tendency to throw a temper tantrum and even when he dumped her, the depression which ensued seemed like a typical reaction from somebody out of high school. Also you do get cases of people who are gay that have gotten married, had kids and “come out” twenty years into the marriage. Anyway it was so obvious that she was thinking about Joey as opposed to Roman in that episode. I think her mind is so preoccupied about her that I don’t think she’s particularly bothered about him to be honest.

Re Kirsty I had to shake my head especially when she took the moral highground with Trey over his false allegations about their relationship. Very hypocritical if you ask me. Being on the run certainly enabled her to lie almost instinctively as part of her nature. But going back several months to a conversation Irene had with Miles, her argument was she actually began doing this since she was 15 i.e. when she first started going out with Kane because of what he did to Dani. I’m intrigued to know how she got him to fess up though because the last time she approached him it didn’t go too well. Kirsty has been in a situation like this before except that she wasn’t the one in a senior position. I do find it ironic how Bartlett was the one who started the the investigation when he was practically doing the same thing as Trey a while back.

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At first I thought Irene made a good point about Kirsty having developed the instinct to lie, but now I think they're taking it to extremes and I'm finding her stupidity incredibly annoying and unrealistic. She was more mature than this when she left three years ago, and considering everything she's been through that just doesn't make sense. She's had a hundred times more life experience than most women her age (married and separated by her early twenties, teenage mother, single mother, husband in prison, on the run from the law for years - not to mention all the stuff she went through before KK initially left the bay) and she was always portrayed as a bright girl, so are we really expected to believe that she would have handled the Trey situation so badly? It seems they're doing everything they can to mess up Miles and Kirsty's relationship, and even though I remain an ardent KK supporter I must admit it would be better if they'd just leave them alone for five minutes and put an end to them both acting like kids. <_<

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I agree that Charlie's dealing with Joey has been pretty immature and teenager-ish but I guess that's just the way she is. I think writer will characters who are somewhat conflicted so Charlie being almost a different person at work and in relationship is par for the course in the drama world. After all why shouldn't she be, she seems good at her good and has been successful at it while as she said her relationship have been pretty disasterous it does follow that she would feel alot more confident and secure at work.

As for her confusion about her sexuality at her age. Doesn't seem like it would be unusual to me plenty of people come out at an older age than Charlie.

Bartlett has had a personality transplant and is a massive hypocrit to boot. Kirsty is a compulsive liar but it no wonder considering her background.

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Three excellent and controversial storylines going on at the moment which I'm enjoying.

1. The young carer: about Xavier seemingly being the only person who can care for Brendan. Where are the learning disability personnel with care plans for Brendan? Doesn't he go to an adult day centre or something which would provide activities for him? Doesn't he go to respite care for weekends or whatever? This storyline is making a good point about family members being left to care for their disabled relations without any help. Must say again what an excellent actor 'Brendan' is, Kane someone. He deserves an award.

2. The character uncertain about her sexuality. While Charlie is surely rather old to be wondering if she is gay or not, it is still a strong attempt by HAA to show this type of storyline. I thought Joey was brilliant in not allowing Charlie to mess her about but instead saying more or less 'its all or nothing I'm afraid. If you don't want me, I'm leaving.' Good for her!

3. The school pupil pestering his teacher. This is a highly controversial subject and all too common. Kirsty should have told another member of staff officially, the second Trey started saying dodgy things to her, then what should have happened was a senior teacher would have given him a telling off and he would have learnt his lesson. But of course Kirsty is not a trained teacher and hasn't been officially told what to do in this situation and also she is only 20 so probably doesn't have the experience to know what to do.

I thought Kirsty was older than that. Belle & Aden are supposed to be about 19/20 & I thought Kirsty was supposed to be older than them? Who knows though I get so confused with how old everyone is supposed to be.

The actor who is playing Brendan is absolutely brilliant. It must be really difficult to keep that kind of acting up, pretending to be austic. Really not liking Hugo at the moment, he really should not be relying on Xavier so heavily for looking after Brendan. Xavier is only young & of course he wants to go off & have fun with his friends. However I do get the feeling that Hugo may be scared of looking after Brendan & that is part of the problem.

How daft is Kirsty? Silly, silly girl, going to see Trey when she was told to go nowhere near him & then lying about it to both the police & Miles. Does she never learn!

Charlie is one very confused person! Think her character is only 26 so maybe she wouldn't have realised she could be bi-sexual?, Although I would have thought you would realise earlier. Its good H&A are portraying this though. Glad Joey said about Charlie could pretend to be what she isn't when Charlie said that to she shouldn't. Wonder what it will be like for her going back to live with her brother again who is obviously homophobic?

I supose the problem with Brendan is as he is autisic he finds it hard to mix with other people so a day centre may not be a good idea. Having said that if Gina has been overprotective with him and not allowed outside people to be involved she hasn't helped the situation.

I hope Kirsty didn't do anything stupid when she went to see Trey (I suppose those of us who don't watch Fiver will find out tonight). Now she has lied (again) to Miles does this mean the end for them? Does Trey have a mum on the scene, they are always referring to his parents, but we only ever see his dad? BTW how near was the scene of the accident to the beach as that is where Trey found the slingshot.

As has been said it is not unusual for someone of Charlie's age not to question their sexuality, though a small clue may be her disasterous relationships with men. Joey has had time to accept who she is, it is a new thing for Charlie. It was a good idea for Joey to move out though, it would have been tough on them both, plus trying to hid it from Leah and Ruby. It put the wind up Charlie when she thought Ruby had guessed why she was so down.

I wish Hugo would just shut up! He’s hardly lifted a finger to help out regarding Brendan. When Alf told him that he’d gotten himself into a bit of trouble he’s reaction was a fed up “What now?” as if to say for the umpteenth time. Initially he offered to look after him obviously because Gina had hurt herself. Now it does appear to be a case of that he’s bitten off more than he can chew and I personally feel that the only reason he’s carrying on doing this is because if he turns around and says he’s too much of a burden it will reflect badly on him more than anything.

I wanted to punch Hugo last night! :angry: Xavier was right, he doesn't listen to how Brendan should be looked after. Glad Xavier got that one in about Hugo asking Martha to look after Brendan. Brendan must have been pretty quiet to slip out pass Xavier and Ruby, ditto as to what I said about when he went out when Martha was looking after him - do they have to lock him in to stop him getting out. Of course the only reason Xavier wants to take Brendan to see Gina is to take him out of the way for a while until (he hopes) it all dies down and Brendan may forget about it. It will eventually come out as all these things do. I'm guessing Brendan can't really be held responsible due to his disability, but it may involve him being put in a home because the PTB will say he is too much for his carers to look after. Kane ? must have done a lot of research into autisim and how it affects different people to be able to play Brendan's character so well, it it sometimes painful to watch.

I see Rachel appeared to be the only doctor on duty at the hospital as per usual.

I agree with the confusion about each character is supposed to be (apart from leah who we know is 30). For instance how old is VJ supposed to be? I think it would really help if they mentioned a DOB on the characters biogs.

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Xavier is really annoying the hell out of me.Once more he seems perfectly prepared to let innocent people suffer so he and Brendan stay out of trouble.What exactly does he think is going to happen?In all likelihood, he'll probably be in more trouble than Brendan, at least as far as Hugo's concerned.It probably helps that Trey was the one in the firing line;his insulting Brendan seems to be Xavier's justification for letting him be blamed.Trey's dad continues to come across as a normal if overly trusting parent, I'm not sure why he's getting the stick he is on other parts of this forum.

I think that Xavier is being incredibly supportive towards Brendan. True, he is probably making matters worse in the long run, but isn't that what any teenage boy would do? He loves his brother and doesn't want to see him get even worse over this incident. Brendan obviously needs more support than Hugo or Xavier can give him. But in the meantime, he is coping the best that he can and it is amazing that Xavier puts his blossoming relationship with Ruby on hold. Pity he does not confide in her.

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It depends on how well the autistic person has been brought up as to if they can cope with day centres. I know many who like being around other people. I worked with one last year who was very amenable, I was amazed at his social skills. And it certainly gives their carers/ parents a break if they do go to day centres etc.

I am so cross with Hugo saying 'you only think of yourself' to Xavier :angry: I think he means himself! Xavier is a teenager, its not up to him to take care of his disabled brother with hardly any help :angry:

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On the subject of ages, Leah should be way older than 30.That makes her only a few months older than me.I seem to remember her turning 22 round about September 2000.Somewhere along the line someone seems to have got confused and decided she was the same age as Sally when in fact she used to be a year older.

Anyway...Can't actually find much to say about that episode.Miles going round to see Trey's dad was a good idea in principle but he handled it way wrong, trying to pressure Trey into making a confession and putting the guy's back up.Nice to see some more interaction between Belle and Annie, I like how she's been caring for her.(Where exactly is Geoff?Is he really so obsessed with the farm he's leaving his little sister to look after a sick housemate with only Aden when he isn't working to help her out?)Is it me or has Belle changed her hair colour while locked up in her room going through withdrawal?It looked a lot lighter than usual.And I see they found another excuse to show Aden in next to nothing...

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