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Geoff was well out of order yesterday. Sure he had a right to be upset - but to refuse to live in the same house as Belle - how childish and selfish. Annie was also annoying, but at least she was acting her age - Geoff should have known better. Also how arrogant to assume he cand Annie can just move into Martha's farm without even asking permission first!

He seems to have a split personality at the moment - all sweetness and light one minute (giving Nicole thoughtful presents etc) and then the next abusing Nicole and Belle because they don't live up to his "high" morale standards.

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I think Nicole was right to tell Geoff about Belle. Apart from the fact that she does want to get close to him again, I think she also wanted to tell him before Annie did. She told him in a gentler way than Annie would have. However her plan backfired when Geoff went off in a rant as usual.

I think that girl farm hand definitely fancies Geoff, maybe a new girlfriend for him? However I bet she has some Terrible Secret that he will disapprove of :rolleyes:

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Alf's episode count this week:Four and a bit.(Not sure if that was him at the end of Monday or not, he was in long shot, didn't speak and wasn't credited.)

I didn't really mind Geoff's reaction that much.I was upset that he had a go at Nicole but he did apologise afterwards.(I agree Nicole only told him because she knew Annie would otherwise.)He possibly went a bit far in having a go at Belle but like he said he's got Annie to think of and he's obviously angry that he's been leaving her in the care of a drug addict.This may be one of those occasions when he calms down after someone has a few words with him, he didn't seem to immediately change his mind when Alf said what he did although he was more understanding of Nicole.I'm glad Annie spoke to Jai about it, wish we'd had more than one scene of them together.Nice to see Aden and Geoff squaring up to each other again too, I almost thought they'd forgotten how.Belle obviously isn't coping, as Aden and Rachel seemed to realise:She refused medical attention once again, she was obviously looking for an excuse not to tell Geoff and she seemed to be a bit economical when Annie confronted her(she may only have been taking pills but she wasn't getting them from doctors as she implied).

Like Claudia, she's got a good attitude about her.Although I hope Geoff was only being polite when he said she looked like that in primary school.Also liked Tony's utterly bemused reaction when Rachel said she was going to postpone the wedding but now she wasn't.

Also hoping they don't try and portray Trey as a troubled bad boy with a poor home life because seriously his dad doesn't seem that bad, certainly not an alcoholic, child beater or religious nut. The "bad parent" he reminds me of most is the father of Tara, the girl that accused Kim and Lucas of assaulting her, because again he's someone who'd be doing the right thing if he was right but seems to have trouble realising when his child's telling the truth or not.The scene where Charlie came to see them was interesting, he was initially outraged that his son was being questioned but when he was presented with evidence he accepted it.

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All in all, a very good week of episodes. A number of different and interesting scenarios being developed : Belle's addiction being no longer hidden and added pressure on Aden, final preparations for forthcoming wedding on Martha's new farm, Xavier covering up for Brendan and feelings running high for Roman's recovery , Charlie deciding about any relationship with Joey, truth/lies about Trey and Kirstie with Miles interfering, Nicole and Geoff trying to come to terms with their new feelings and the new girl farmhand, etc. The way each of these evolved during the week and the different characters' reaction to the developing events made really good viewing, as witnessed by the many comments here.

But what had me on the edge on my seat was Ruby sympathising with Charlie about what she had gone through recently. Was it about Joey? No, Roman!

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Geoff was well out of order yesterday. Sure he had a right to be upset - but to refuse to live in the same house as Belle - how childish and selfish. Annie was also annoying, but at least she was acting her age - Geoff should have known better. Also how arrogant to assume he cand Annie can just move into Martha's farm without even asking permission first!

In fairness, I can understand why he'd want them to move out. Would you want your kid sister living in the same house as a drug addict? Obviously anyone with a bit of compassion can see that it isn't a simple situation and that Belle isn't your typical junkie, but unfortunately Geoff is the sort of person who see things in black and white. At least his reaction was in character. Agree with you about the farm though - if I was Martha I'd be regretting ever buying the place now that Geoff seems to have taken over!

He seems to have a split personality at the moment - all sweetness and light one minute (giving Nicole thoughtful presents etc) and then the next abusing Nicole and Belle because they don't live up to his "high" morale standards.

To be honest I think he's always been a bit like that. Although Geoff can be an incredibly annoying character I like it that he's got so many sides to him. I think he's essentially a really good, honest person (hence the thoughtfulness and consideration for others) but because of his strict upbringing he tends to take that to extremes (ie. not realising that it's not always easy, or right, to be completely honest about everything). Hopefully he'll mature in time and start to mellow a little bit, but I hope that it will always remain an aspect of his character. What irritates me about soaps sometimes is the way they take flawed characters and basically turn them into saints, when in reality people just aren't like that.

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First off, was the lady pronouncer on something only she introduced H&A as Neighbours?! :huh:

I'm on Nicole's side, as you said Miranda she was able to tell Geoff in a much calmer way than Annie would have done. Also I liked the way she was so unjudgemental about Belle (unlike Geoff). She warned Belle that Annie knew and to say something before she went to Geoff, problem was she didn't have the chance. Jai also was the voice of reason when he said to Annie that she should ask Belle about it, only Annie was still so uptight she wasn't in the mood to listen.

As expected really Geoff was back to his old way of thinking, I can understand about him feeling upset because they didn't know the truth, but Belle was trying to protect them. I thought being with Nicole would have taught his a bit more tolerance, but obviously not. How will Belle manage now she is alone, Aden does have to work after all so can't be there all the time. Geoff was definitely out of order blabbing it to Alf, Tony and Martha and of course Annie told Jai. So much for it being kept a secret.

Wonder which why Colleen will jump, she will either ban her from the Den or surprise everyone by backing her up and helping her.

I knew Rachel suspected Belle of thinking of pinching the valium and she couldn't deny it. I don't suppose there was a lot more Rachel could do, she couldn't forceibly drag Belle off to the hospital.

On a lighter note, Rachel's face when she walked into the marquee and saw how lovely it was was a picture. Her doubts about whether to postpone were forgotten. Leah would feel so guilty if she had.

BTW why did she not use the bedroom at her and Tony's place, it would be odds on that Tony could have walked in where she was in the living room. I agreed with her, I didn't like that dress either.

Is Claudia going to be a rival for Nicole and her chance to get Geoff back? They do have a history having known each other when they were children and are comfortable with each others company. Had to laugh when she said Geoof used to eat glue as a boy! :D What intriques me Red is when people say 'you haven't changed a bit' or 'you look just the same' after not seeing you since childhood is I always think did I always look this old then? :)

On the subject of Claudia I do hope Martha wasn't being sexist and ageist when she said to her that she was expecting a man and someone older! When Martha first came to the Bay wasn't her trade an electrican, no mention is made of it at all now. Perhaps she will put it to use at the farm, I'm sure the electrics can't be in that good a state.

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Loved the wedding.Tony's nervousness was great, his stuttering when he thought Rachel wasn't going to show up, his "Really?" when told he could kiss the bride, his befuddled reaction to Rachel's speech. Liked the girls' talk scene with Rachel and Leah at the hospital and the way Leah was determined to be at the wedding;after being a bit neglected last year their friendship has really recovered.Shame that, as with the first wedding, there was no mention of why Brad, Lucas and Tam weren't there.

Seems every time Tony and Rachel try to get married either Aden or Belle goes postal.At least Belle waited till after the service.Interesting that Annie again seems more broad-minded than Geoff.I'm finding it hard to fault Geoff:He probably should have told someone other than Annie that he'd seen Belle taking drugs but who?Rachel was the obvious choice but I can see him not wanting to ruin her day.He's right, if a bit harsh, when he says she brought it on herself and she does finally seem to be realising how much she's hurt those around her but she's clearly not on top of things, despite what she might tell herself and others:Once again she found an excuse not to talk to Geoff and if she really was over it she wouldn't have had the pills with her, even if she wasn't intending to take them.Her initial excuses didn't ring true:Okay, she didn't want Annie to see the pills but she could easily have said she needed the bathroom and then flushed them.In fact, given that there appeared to be nothing in there apart from the pills, why bring the bag at all?Aden might have been the perfect boyfriend for half the episode but he reacted badly when he first found out about Belle's addiction and did so again when he found the pills so saying Geoff and Annie have no right to do the same seems a tad hypocritical.

Once again, Aden visits Roman in hospital off-screen.There's no excuse this time because they were both in the episode:They obviously didn't want to hire Tessa but they could always have said Nicole was getting coffee.Just some acknowledgement of that they're close would be nice.Xavier frankly came across as a bit of a bully towards Brendan.I get that he's young and he's panicking but he's doing the wrong thing for not necessarily the right reasons.At least Gina's suspicious, she does seem a somewhat inattentive parent at times.

Really odd bit:Geoff is worrying Annie won't be back on time, Claudia looks out of shot and says he doesn't need to worry.Then she says "That's good, isn't it?" and Geoff agrees, sounding slightly uncertain.It sounds as if they're meant to be looking at Annie arriving(with Belle?)but the reverse shot shows they're looking at the bridal car arriving.(Suggesting he does need to worry because Rachel's there.)Did someone get the shots confused in editing?

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A beautiful wedding setting today, in lovely weather of course. And the grand ceremony marred by Belle, in typical soap fashion. Bit strange though to hear Rachel talk about their forthcoming baby; thought the day was supposed to be just about the happy couple!

Curious about 2 things. Can anyone enlighen me?

Why was Alf standing between the groom and his best man during the ceremony?

Why wasn't Ruby with Xavier?

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Really odd bit:Geoff is worrying Annie won't be back on time, Claudia looks out of shot and says he doesn't need to worry.Then she says "That's good, isn't it?" and Geoff agrees, sounding slightly uncertain.It sounds as if they're meant to be looking at Annie arriving(with Belle?)but the reverse shot shows they're looking at the bridal car arriving.(Suggesting he does need to worry because Rachel's there.)Did someone get the shots confused in editing?

That reallly confused me too. I still have no idea what he meant by that.

I loved the wedding. It was perfect. They did a great job with the set, it was so tasteful and beautiful. Rachel looked gorgeous. I loved Tony touching her bump before the ceremoney, and seeing him all speechless when he first saw her was really sweet! I actually really liked Rachel's extra part of her vows. Normally it's Tony with the big gestures so this made a nice change. I loved them walking each other down the aisle and the little dance they had. As a huge Tachel fan i was really impressed they did such a great job with this wedding!! :wub::D

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Really odd bit:Geoff is worrying Annie won't be back on time, Claudia looks out of shot and says he doesn't need to worry.Then she says "That's good, isn't it?" and Geoff agrees, sounding slightly uncertain.It sounds as if they're meant to be looking at Annie arriving(with Belle?)but the reverse shot shows they're looking at the bridal car arriving.(Suggesting he does need to worry because Rachel's there.)Did someone get the shots confused in editing?

That reallly confused me too. I still have no idea what he meant by that.

I am so pleased you mentioned that because I to got completely confused but thought I was the only one. It seemed weird that Geoff was worried about Annie missing the wedding and then when Rachel turns up Claudia says see everything's fine.....well not really because the bride's here and Annie's not which means she might miss the wedding! Maybe the shot was meant to be of Annie arriving, that explains it!

I thought the wedding was so beautiful, there were so many beautiful little touches like Tony's nerves, him rubbing the bump, them walking hand in hand down the aisle together, Rachel planning surprise vows (as like Kirsty said it's usually Tony doing the big gestures) and the happy wedding dance :wub:

And there were still other good storylines going on which didn't detract from the attention on Tony & Rachel. I still understand where Geoff is coming from, especially when you consider his background, he doesn't want Annie to be around that sort of environment and he obviously hasn't considered why Belle turned to drugs.

I absolutely adore Brendan, am actually starting to like Xavier :blink: and really hate Hugo now. I think Belle and Aden should be kept away from anything Tachel related seeing as one of them always manages to ruin it :lol:

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