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Why was Alf standing between the groom and his best man during the ceremony?

Why wasn't Ruby with Xavier?

Well, when Leah was with Roman at the hospital she said something like "I'm glad Tony's chosen Alf and Hugo, even if it means Alf's my date for the evening."So he was obviously part of the groom's party.I know Martha referred to Hugo as best man but the way they were standing it did look as though Alf was best man and Hugo was groomsman.

And I guess they need Ruby for another three episodes this week.(Actually, why aren't they in school?I thought the party at the beach was meant to be for the end of holidays but they're still not back!)

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Why was Alf standing between the groom and his best man during the ceremony?

Why wasn't Ruby with Xavier?

Yer that was a bit silly considering we know Leah was maid of honour and Hugo was best man so technically they should have been standing in order but I think the reason they were all positioned that was simply because of height order :lol:

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Really lovely wedding and Rachel's dress was a much better one than the one we saw the other day. Also Martha and Leah both looked lovely as well, that blue suited them so much. I can understand that Brad, Tam and Lucas may not have been able to make it to the wedding, but a mention of them would have been nice. I know what you mean about the Geoff worrying about Annie being late and seeing the bridesmaids arrive. Agree with you Brian it is usually good weather for H&A weddings, except of course for Sally's wedding to Flynn. As to the best man/groomsman thing, when Martha was straightening up Hugo's tie she said she was chief bridesmaid and he was best man and it was her duty to make sure he looked smart.

Glad that Annie has forgiven Belle, I think it was probably the shock of finding out about Belle the way she did that made her react the way she did that of course could all change now. She did try and persuade Geoff to talk to her but when he saw her looking the way she was he just walked off disgusted. Nice of Alf to speak to Belle and say what he did. I believe Belle when she said she had forgotten she had the pills in her bag, it was a dressy bag so wouldn't use it often. True Annie disturbed her and she had to stuff them back in the bag, but as you said Red she could have got rid of them after at some point. The excuse she gave to Aden about just having them with her made her feel safe was a bit weak, washing the pill down with wine was not the wisest thing either. At least this time the ceremony didn't get interrupted. Though that is the reception probably stuffed as Rachel will have to go to the hospital with her.

Gina is definitely suspicious about why Xavier and Brendan are so uptight, will Xavier admit to her what happened? Brendan did look very smart. Was it the blue dresses that started him off, or seeing Leah because there were certainly no blue cars about.

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Interesting how Aden and Geoff have virtually switched viewpoints over the last couple of episodes: Geoff's beating himself up for not being more understanding towards Belle while Aden's decided it's all her own fault and doesn't want to be near her.A few more overdue apologies to the people she's been hurting.Nice to see Rachel back in "no prisoners" mood, refusing to pander to Belle's self-delusion: She's just nearly killed herself and she thinks she can handle it on her own?Glad Tony and Rachel got to go on their honeymoon so Belle didn't screw things up too much.

I've a feeling I was meant to be on Xavier's side and frankly I wasn't, at least until that last scene.If it's to be taken at face value and he actually goes through with it(having visions of Hugo or someone swooping in and stopping him), I'll actually be impressed by him for the first time.Hugo was written as the bad guy again even though most of what he said to Xavier was spot on and yet again Xavier responded to a few home truths with violence.(Or maybe he's still just looking for an excuse to hit Hugo.)Xavier screwed up, turning an accident into a cover-up.Frankly I'm disgusted that Hugo and Gina are even considering going along with it.What if someone gets wrongly accused again, are they just going to stay silent?Gina's suggestion to get legal perspective seemed a good one and I'm not sure why Hugo was so against it, doesn't he know about patient confidentiality?(And when was that photo of the family taken?From what's been said before, it's not that often you get all four of them in the same room.Or was it taken in a previous episode and I've just forgotten?)

Finally we see Aden involved in Roman's storyline.Like how he dropped everything when Nicole called and loved how she insisted Young talk in front of him and Leah, she definitely seems to have matured.Although was I the only one that found Young's casual "Sorry" after telling them Roman was blind faintly hilarious?Call me a cynic but I'm thinking of taking bets on whether it's permanent or not. (Although to be fair, they have said they don't know if it's permanent or temporary so if he does regain his sight it won't be too much of a cop-out.)

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I've a feeling I was meant to be on Xavier's side and frankly I wasn't, at least until that last scene.If it's to be taken at face value and he actually goes through with it(having visions of Hugo or someone swooping in and stopping him), I'll actually be impressed by him for the first time.Hugo was written as the bad guy again even though most of what he said to Xavier was spot on and yet again Xavier responded to a few home truths with violence.(Or maybe he's still just looking for an excuse to hit Hugo.)

I think you're unfair to Xavier. All he is ever doen is look after Brendan with an infinite amount of compassion and help. and he has to put up withconstant criticism from Hugo. Why hasn't Hugo, as the older brother and "head" of the family, taken responsibility for what happens to Brendan and not blame Xavier every time something goes wrong? True, Xavier was in the wrong with covering up for Brendan, but, if Hugo had been more considerate, Xavier might have told him. i would have gone for Hugo as well, after those "home truths".

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I've a feeling I was meant to be on Xavier's side and frankly I wasn't, at least until that last scene.If it's to be taken at face value and he actually goes through with it(having visions of Hugo or someone swooping in and stopping him), I'll actually be impressed by him for the first time.Hugo was written as the bad guy again even though most of what he said to Xavier was spot on and yet again Xavier responded to a few home truths with violence.(Or maybe he's still just looking for an excuse to hit Hugo.)

I think you're unfair to Xavier. All he is ever doen is look after Brendan with an infinite amount of compassion and help. and he has to put up withconstant criticism from Hugo. Why hasn't Hugo, as the older brother and "head" of the family, taken responsibility for what happens to Brendan and not blame Xavier every time something goes wrong? True, Xavier was in the wrong with covering up for Brendan, but, if Hugo had been more considerate, Xavier might have told him. i would have gone for Hugo as well, after those "home truths".

Well, I think that pretty much everyone on this forum is a bit hard on Hugo.Maybe he is a bit harsh towards Xavier at times but every time he tries and makes the effort with Brendan he has to put up with criticism from Xavier.Seriously, Xavier protests that Hugo makes him do everything but every time Hugo does try to get involved Xavier tells him he's doing it wrong and pushes him out of the way.What else is he going to do?I'd probably believe that Xavier was looking after Brendan if it wasn't for the fact that he's done it before.He ran off and lied about it when he caused Kirsty and Martin to have that crash and he went for Hugo in the exact same way when he confronted him about his drug dealing.

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A bit of catching up to do. Firstly I know Martha went round to persuade Belle to sort things out with Annie and Geoff but I liked that she didn’t appear to pass judgment on her. Similarly I liked the calmness that Alf showed when he had a quiet word with her. I’m glad I was wrong about Annie too. I actually think it was bigger of her to apologise to Belle like that and tell her that she loved her. It’s a shame the same couldn’t be said for Geoff. After Aden found the pills in her bag and left her to her own devices, Geoff’s reaction was almost as if he felt she got what she deserved as some sort of comeuppance rather than actually trying to help her. His reaction at the hospital after she collapsed seemed more like guilt than anything.

I liked Aden’s interaction with Leah and VJ at the wedding and obviously the way he left the hospital when he found out Belle was ok was because as he said he went through something similar with Larry and just didn’t want to go there.

Anyway I’m glad Belle’s going to get help now and there was a positive in that quite a few people were at the hospital for her.

Hugo was right. I thought Martha looked really pretty as a bridesmaid. In fact I almost forgot how pretty she is.

Xavier has been really getting on my nerves and he should have come clean about Brendan a lot sooner than he did and I think again he only spoke up because he was backed into a corner. But as I said before I wish Hugo would just shut his mouth. He’s acting like a tosser, pure and simple. He’s barely lifted a finger to help Brendan and whenever Xavier wanted a break he would always make some sort of excuse to get out of looking after him. The part when he accused Xavier of trying to look out for himself made me see red. I personally don’t think he had anything to gain by covering for him. Hugo just resents him because he’s a complete failure regarding Brendan. I’m glad Xavier went for him. And according to the conversation with Gina, Hugo was no saint either. At least it appears as though Xavier’s going to fess up now.

I hope this blindness of Roman’s is not permanent. But I am interested to see the reactions of the various people from Summer Bay, particularly Martha and Charlie.

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Shame that, as with the first wedding, there was no mention of why Brad, Lucas and Tam weren't there.

Not to mention Tony's five step children and three step grandkids! I know things like this must be a nightmare for the writers so I can understand why they chose to completely ignore the fact that none of Tony or Rachel's family came back for the wedding, but it still felt like there was a great big elephant in the room that everyone failed to notice. Other than that, lovely wedding. :)

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My view on Hugo and Xavier is that Xavier is trying his his hardest to protect Brendan, maybe not in the best way but probably in the only way possible seeing as Hugo wasnt around when Xavier was helping to raise Brendan. I think he deserves some credit for that because Hugo doesnt seem to realise that.

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Hugo just resents him because he’s a complete failure regarding Brendan.

Spot on, Slade.

I loved the wedding too, it must be lovely to be able to get married outside like that. I got married just before the law changed in England :angry: so we had to have it inside, but it was a nice place.

I'm annoyed with Aden. He put Belle through so much and she stuck by him, but now he can't do the same for her.

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